Plant & Craft Fair

What a fantastic morning at the Plant & Craft Fair, celebrating 20 years of the Belle Vue Arts Festival!  Great vibe, great atmosphere, great chance to catch up with each other!  Great Teamwork with Bowbrook Primary School and thank you to The Street Allotment Project for helping out.  The children impressed in Entrepreneur Corner manning their businesses and their was some very talented work entered in the Children’s Exhibits.  We enjoyed meeting our new Reception children and families.  Thanks to all our Heroes for volunteering and taking part big and small, it’s a community effort and we love seeing you all getting involved! #Coleham Community #Coleham Cares #getinvolved #BVAF

Check out the fun in our Showcase Video below:



Yr 5 Viking Day

Year 5 lived like Vikings today at Coleham School.  They looked the part in some very creative costumes, played the Viking game Kubb, made jewellery and baked bread over the fire.  A real hands on learning experience for the children.

Watch the Viking raid of Coleham here!




Yr 5 Exotic Zoo

As part of their science topic on living things and habitats Year 5 headed off to the Exotic Zoo to get up close and personal with a variety of animals. They were able to handle a snake, Madagascan hedgehog and tarantula.  They also met Mildred the Millipede- and learnt about various jobs at the zoo.





Yr 6 stay away from home

Year 6 had a fabulous time at Pioneer Centre for their 2 night residential.  What an adventure and the perfect time to have some fun and re-connect after SATS week.  The children have participated in caving, climbing, high ropes, camp fire, aerial trek, raft building to name a few activities.  Brilliant ever lasting memories for this fantastic group of children!  We couldn’t be more proud of their achievements.

Diversity Afternoon

The whole school took part in a Diversity afternoon where they celebrated their differences and learned that, We Are All Wonders! Taking inspiration from the book Wonder.

Plant & Craft Fair

Join us for our Plant & Craft Fair on Saturday!

We’re looking forward to catching up with everybody.  Mrs Nash is leading a superhero parade at 11 o clock for all the children who want to come along in fancy dress.

Friday is a Non-Uniform Day in support of the fair, donations of cakes, plants, toys, books, and tombola prizes are appreciated. These can be dropped outside the main entrance at drop off.  Thank you!


Leopard’s History Seminar

As part of our Career Related Learning we want the children to develop key Employability skills necessary for future careers and so presenting and public speaking is a school focus.

Leopard’s Class demonstrated 4 employability skills in their recent history work, communication, teamwork, planning & organising and self-management.

Leopard’s children produced a fantastic history seminar on Vikings which they researched and presented to each other. Great work!

Year 5 Techathon Trip

10 children from Year 5 visited Shrewsbury High School for an afternoon of problem solving.  They learnt 4 different ciphers and had to crack literacy codes to compete against other primary schools.  Parents were invited at the end of the day to hear all about their work.  Well done to all the children for putting in their best effort.


Year 3 Choral Day

Year 3 had a brilliant time at Shrewsbury High School for a Choral day with other schools.  The staff and children learnt 4 songs and sections were overlapped to create harmonies and rhythms.  This was a great experience to be part of a large choir and the day ended with a showcase concert to parents.  The Coleham children were an absolute credit to our school.  Thank you SHS for this musical opportunity!


Headteacher Message

It was wonderful to see all the children so involved and enthusiastic about our Coleham Coronation day today!  They have made some wonderful crowns and you could feel the positivity everywhere you looked.  Our Coronation Coleham’s Got Talent show was FANTASTIC, (despite the weather drenching us on our conga!) and the performance at the end to parents was really special.  It’s moments like that which really show what Coleham is all about.

Other highlights included a visit from our Town Crier, and an extra special visit (and late entry) to the talent show from The Spice Girls!  Posh, Baby, Scary, Sporty and Geri were all there, which was a real treat.  Nearly 30 years on from their first show, they can still perform!

Well done to all our super Year 2s who took on their KS1 SATs tests this week, and good luck to our fantastic Year 6s who will be taking on their own SATs tests next week.  It’s really important to us that the children feel relaxed and ready to do their best, and that they feel proud of their achievements, whatever the outcome.  To help them be prepared, we are treating them to a pastry breakfast at 9:00 am every day next week.

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend, and we will see you back in school on Tuesday 9th May.

Tom Larkham



Spice Girls Live

Coleham’s Got Talent Coronation show saw one last surprise act! Simon Cowell and his majesty King Charles welcomed The Spice Girls On stage!  Posh, Baby, Scary, Sporty and Geri were all there, which was a real treat.  Nearly 30 years on from their first show, they can still perform!

Read all about it here:

News article

Watch them perform below:

Coronation Song

Thank you to all the parents who came to watch the whole school perform the Coronation Song led by our Music Teacher Mrs Porrett. It was a fantastic finale to our Coleham Coronation celebration!  It’s moments like these that make Coleham such a special place.


Coronation Celebration

Wow, what a royal occasion! We celebrated in true Coleham style and carried on despite the weather! We made royal crowns in our House Competition and met the Town Crier who joined us for lunch. We had such fun at our whole school ‘Coleham Conga’ in the rain and ended up with some soggy crowns before settling down for our Coleham’s Got Talent Coronation Show 2023. We had some fabulous class acts gymnastics, football skills, comedy and even rapping in Spanish! We were even joined by Simon Cowell and a surprise staff act The Spice Girls!  Last but not least was our grand finale singing The Coronation Song to all our parents led by the wonderful Mrs Porrett.

Watch the highlights below:

Read all about it here:

Shropshire Star News Article

Our Museum

Year 1 visited our very own school Museum housed in our historic Coach House. The ex Coachman’s living quarters from long ago has been restored into a museum with Victorian artefacts and Coleham documents.  Year 1 learnt all about the history of our Coach House, school site and the Limes Estate as part of their topic on The Victorians.

Coleham Coronation

We will be marking the Coronation of King Charles III in school on Friday 5th May 2023.

This will be a NON-UNIFORM Day and children are invited to dress in red, white and blue clothes or smart party clothes of their choice.

We will be having fun making crowns for a school House Competition.  At lunchtime, we will have an ‘outdoor dining room’ on the playground festooned with bunting and music.  This will be a special picnic lunch menu with special guests invited.  Please see the menu below.

In the afternoon we will be organising a ‘Coleham Conga’ and a royal edition of Britain’s Got Talent!  Each class will be asked to submit an act.

Mrs Porrett is working on a coronation song with the children and you are all invited to School Field at 3:00pm to watch the children perform this.  You may then collect your children at the normal times, from the normal picking up locations.

As usual, we will film all the best bits in a medley celebration video for you all.

Poetry Pandas

We love Reading at Coleham! This week we are introducing Poetry Pandas, a new initiative for Year 1 families.

Children will bring home ‘Poetry Panda’ bags each week so they can share a love of poems and rhymes at home with their parents.

Our Poetry Pandas can support your children with phonics, speaking and listening skills, confidence in reading aloud or simply the joy of sharing a book with their loved ones.

Drop & Swap Summer Uniform

Mrs Long’s after school Eco Club have filmed our next Drop & Swap initiative to recycle Summer Uniform!


Coleham Coronation Event

Dear Parents/Carers,

We will be marking the Coronation of King Charles III in school on Friday 5th May 2023.

This will be a NON-UNIFORM Day and children are invited to dress in red, white and blue clothes or smart party clothes of their choice.

We will be having fun making crowns for a school House Competition.  At lunchtime, we will have an ‘outdoor dining room’ on the playground festooned with bunting and music.  This will be a special picnic lunch menu with special guests invited.  Please see the menu below.

In the afternoon we will be organising a ‘Coleham Conga’ and a royal edition of Britain’s Got Talent!  Each class will be asked to submit an act.

Mrs Porrett is working on a coronation song with the children and you are all invited to School Field to watch the children perform this.  We will open the field gate at 2:50pm for parents and singing will start at 3:00pm. (this is entirely weather dependent).  You may then collect your children at the normal times, from the normal picking up locations.

As usual, we will film all the best bits in a medley celebration video for you all.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones






COMING SOON, look out next week for a letter about our new Parent App Arbour.

Here you will be able to view your child’s attendance, update your personal details and emergency contacts and once established make payments for lunches, clubs and trips.

The first stage to introduce this will ask you to set up the app on your phone.

Summer Diary Dates

Have a look at the dates below so you put them in your diary and book time off work for special events:

Tuesday 16th May- Yr 1 Ukulele Concert

Thursday 18th May- Yr 5 Viking Day in school

Saturday 20th May- Plant & Craft Fair

Tuesday 13th June-EYFS Parent Assembly

Monday 26th June @ 1:30pm- EYFS/KS1 Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June @1:30pm- Yr 3/4 Sports Day

Thursday 29th June @1:30pm – Yr 5/6 Sports Day

Wednesday 5th July -Yr 3 Recorder Mini Showcase to Parents

Tuesday 4th July – Musical Showcase Concert (for pupils who have music lessons in school))

Friday 14th July -Yr 6 Leavers Assembly to Parents

Orienteering Fixture

Our Year 6 children had a fantastic time at an Orienteering Sports Competition in Carding Mill Valley, Church Stretton.  It was lovely weather for the event and two of our teams achieved first and second place. Well done everyone!


Yr 3 Artists

Year 3 are studying Artist Georgie O’Keefe and have been practising her techniques by sketching the flowers in The Dingle,Quarry Park.

Calling all Gardeners

Our Plant & Craft Fair is coming up soon on Saturday 20th May.


We are in need of any ‘green fingered’ people who might be able to help grow and donate plants for this event.

Can you please ask any relatives or neighbours who might grow or donate some plants ready for our fair.

We really don’t mind what type house plants, veggie plants, herbs etc!

Smoothie Bike

We all enjoyed the smoothie bike event at lunchtime delivered by our Caterer’s in house nutritionist.  The children used pedal power to make a delicious smoothie. Thank you to Academy for arranging this event. #healthyeating

Message from Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers,

Headteacher Ms Jones.jpg

It was lovely to welcome the children back to school this week after the Easter break.  Everyone is well refreshed and ready to start the summer term with energy and enthusiasm.

There is lots to look forward to and some dates for your diaries – please have a look at the Summer Diary dates and also keep an eye on our website Calendar in the Parent’s Area to make sure that you don’t miss out on important events like Sports Day and various trips and Community events.  We are looking forward to seeing many children at the West Mid-show ground on Saturday morning for the half marathon event.

With sport in mind, we have welcomed Mr Halford to our Coleham team this week.  Mr Halford will be teaching the children PE and he will also be leading a number of after school clubs.

In assembly on Monday, I spoke to the children about the importance of being ambitious in everything we do and having big dreams.  It is never too early to inspire our children and with this in mind, we have been working hard on a project to further develop our careers education at Coleham, building in even more opportunities for the children to learn about different careers and jobs.  There is further information on our website and we will let you know more about this project in the near future.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones



Science Prize Winners

Congratulations to our Prize Winners who entered our British Science Week Poster competition all about Science Connections. The winners submitted some fantastic posters!




Meet our Sports Coach

Hello Parents/Carers,

I have finished my first week at Coleham!  I am really excited to be working at Coleham as I know what fantastic sports opportunities are on offer to the children.  I love all sports and play Rubgy and Basketball in my spare time.  My hope is that all children enjoy their PE lessons and they take this love with them to find a sport or form of excerise to enjoy as an adult.  Please say hello when you see me about and I look forward to seeing you at the Daily Dash at 8.30am.👋


Venn Fest

For the last day of term Miss Lewis organised a whole day of sports for the whole school. What better way to celebrate Sport, Mr Venn’s last day and all our hard work during Spring Term.  Well done to Year 6 who ran all the stations Dance, Hockey, Netball, Athletics and Rugby!

Mr Venn led a whole school line dancing lesson from the Kitchen roof! Then we finished the day with a special goodbye video to Mr Venn and Isla.  They will be missed by us all.



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