Yr 6 Residential Trip

May 15, 2023 – May 17, 2023 all-day
Pioneer Centre
Action Centres UK Ltd
Pioneer Centre, Cleobury Mortimer
Kidderminster DY14 8JG


We re very excited to announce that we have organised a residential trip for our Year 6 pupils and staff for May 2023 at The Pioneer Centre, Cleobury Mortimer.  Children will leave school on the morning of Monday 15th May and return around 3.00pm – 3.15pm on Wednesday 17th May.

Packing & Preparation – kit list provided separately

  • If possible, choose a soft hold-all rather than a rigid case as this makes storage in the dorms easier and gives the children more space. Please DO NOT WORRY if this is not possible
  • Please allow your children to be as involved in the packing of their bag as possible; this will help them to be more aware of what they have and where it is – it will also help them when packing for the return home
  • Please help your child to practise putting on a duvet cover as this will be their first task when they arrive at the centre
  • Include a NAMED plastic bag for the children to put wet clothes in as some groups will be doing a wet activity on the last morning
  • Your child will need an easily accessible reading book in their bag
  • Please provide a refillable plastic or metal water bottle
  • If necessary, give your child travel sickness tablets for the journey and provide us with the return journey tablets

Packed lunch for Monday

Your child will need to bring their own packed lunch with them to school on Monday morning (Monday 15th May) as the first meal provided by The Pioneer Centre will be tea on Monday evening.

If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, we can provide a packed lunch, plese order via the following link by 9th May please.


Medical Information and Medication

Please let us know as soon as possible if your child has any medical conditions that we may not already be aware of/ prescribed medication that is normally managed outside of school by clicking on the link below and completing the Medical Update form.


Any medication to be taken on the trip should be put in a container with your child’s name written clearly on the front along with clear instructions and dosage and handed to the school office or class teacher in advance of the day of departure.

Monday morning departure

  • We will ask the children to do the ‘big’ hugs and goodbyes at home before leaving for school
  • Please allow your child to bring their own bag into the classroom
  • Only come into class if you have to provide us with your child’s medication or if you have to tell us some new information
  • Please be aware that if you wish to wave off your child, the coach will not be leaving until 10.15 am at the earliest

Wednesday afternoon return

  • The coach will return at approximately 3:30 pm and we will phone ahead if delayed for any reason. Please watch the noticeboard outside school for any changes
  • PLEASE WAIT INSIDE THE SCHOOL GATES UNTIL ALL BAGS HAVE BEEN UNLOADED – you will be able to greet your children before collecting bags
  • Be aware that your child’s wellies/wet clothes bag may have become separated from their main bag – please ensure that you collect ALL your child’s belongings

Please remember that the follow items are not permitted

  • Mobile phones
  • Electronic games/devices e.g. PSP
  • Extra snacks/sweets
  • Cameras – school will be taking plenty of pictures/videos


Hopefully, this information will help avoid any last-minute worries, questions or queries.  Your cooperation in these matters will be greatly appreciated and will contribute to the smooth running of the week.



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