Eco Work

Some of our Eco Councillors helped to spread the word about ‘seed collection’ for the Belle Vue Tree Planting Group.

They were fantastic at approaching adults and explaining what they were doing.

If you would like to get involved, please collect some ‘tree seed’ during the holiday, bag and label it and bring it back to school. The Belle Vue Tree Planting Group will be using this to grow saplings.


New Menu

Please see the new School Menu for after half term

Theme Day for Diwali Celebration


































EYFS Nursery Rhyme Week

Dear Parents and Carers,

13th – 17th November 2023

World Nursery Rhyme Week is fast approaching, and we are delighted to confirm that children in Reception will be taking part. The initiative, launched in 2013, promotes the importance of nursery rhymes in early childhood development with a particular focus on how nursery rhymes boost early language and literacy skills.

We have a number of activities planned throughout the week to celebrate various Nursery Rhymes. Please see below:

  • Monday (Old Macdonald had a farm) – Visit from a Mobile Farm
  • Tuesday – (The Grand Old Duke of York) – Visit from The Grand Old Duke of York
  • Wednesday – (Pat a cake, Pat a cake) – Cake Making Workshop
  • Thursday – (Dingle Dangle Scarecrow) – Scarecrow Making Workshop
  • Friday – (The Wheels on the Bus) – Vintage Bus Ride around town
  • Friday – Dress up Day

In order to cover the cost of these events, we kindly ask that parents contribute the amount of £10.50 per child. Payment is to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to Nursery Rhyme Week (13th -17th November).

In addition to these events we will also be holding a Rhyme Time in the school hall led by Mrs Porrett, for children and their parents/carers. These will take place on the following dates:

  • Badgers Class – Tuesday 14th November at 2:30pm
  • Foxes Class – Wednesday 15th November at 2:30pm

We would love as many of you as possible to come along, but appreciate that some of you may be working. In these circumstances please do invite an alternative carer such as a grandparent, family member or whoever would normally collect your child on that day.

Finally, on Friday 17th November we would like to end the week by inviting children to come to school dressed as their favourite Nursery Rhyme Character. Please do not feel the need to purchase costumes and go to lots of expense. I’m sure lots of you already have a variety of dressing up clothes that can be adapted. You may even choose to make something simple. Please see below for some examples:

  • Little Bo Peep – Simple dress with a sheep toy
  • Jack and Jill – Everyday clothes with an empty bucket
  • Old Macdonald – Dungarees and Checked Shirt or animal costumes
  • Little Miss Muffet – Dress with a spider
  • It’s raining it’s pouring – Child in wellies
  • Hickory Dickory Dock – Mouse Ears


We can’t wait to celebrate a wonderful week of rhyming with your children. Please do speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any questions.


Yours sincerely,

Miss Harris

Assistant Head

EYFS Leader




Poppy Shop

The School Council will be selling Poppy Appeal merchandise for Remembrance Day in the first week back.

Thursday break time – School Hall

Friday break time -School Hall

Pupils are invited to bring £1 into school if they would like to purchase anything.

Mini Ukulele Concert

Ukulele Club held their half term concert on Monday. They sang and played a variety of songs and rounds ranging from the Country Music “Thumb Brush Strum” to “Frère Jacques”. Their Grand Finale was “Yellow Submarine” which had all the families joining in. Mrs Wade and Mrs Barker say “Well done everyone!”

We love Hickorys

Year 5 had a fantastic Careers visit to Hickorys Smokehouse Restaurant. Manager Tim and the team pulled out all the stops in this personal tour for us. The children learnt about working the floor and the different kitchen roles including ‘Pitmaster’. They made a southern Mocktail 🍹and heard all about the benefits to working for Hickorys 😀

Thank you Hickorys for supporting our Careers Week.

Yr 1 talk Careers

For Careers week Year 1 had two visitors come to talk to them Children’s book Author Katie May Green and Charlie the Vet. What a brilliant experience, the children really enjoyed learning about these jobs.

Hatching Chicks

Charlotte in Year 6 kindly brought eggs and incubating equipment into school so her class could watch chicks hatch and look after them for the week.  Very egg-citing!


Giraffes Choral Day

Giraffes 🦒 Class took part in a Choral Day at Shrewsbury High School with other local schools. They spent the day learning songs with a live band and performed a showcase to parents at the end of the day! It was really uplifting to watch.  Thank you SHS!

Mr Larkham Zoo Keeper

For Careers Week Year 2 had a special talk from Mr Larkham. Mr Larkham told us all about his first ever job as a Zoo Keeper at Chester Zoo.  That’s right Mr L studied zoology at University.  The children learnt what Zoo Keepers do and how to be a Zookeeper.  It was fascinating!  Funny stories and facts galore!


Italian Lunch

We enjoyed some Italian pavement cafe music with our lunch.

Careers Footballer vs Teacher

Giraffes Class were super inspired by their motivational talk from ex Shrewsbury Town Footballer Sam Aiston.  Headteacher Sam showcased how you need the same skills to be both a Footballer and a Teacher but impressed on the children how Resilence is the key to success! The children talked about Financial Management and even gave Sam some tips for his Podcast business! Thanks to Sam for such an entertaining talk. Lots of key messages for the children #resilience # positivity    # listening #ambition #teamwork #problemsolving

Careers in Construction

Construction company Bowmer & Kirkland visited Dolphins today for some STEM activities designed to inspire future careers.  Bowmer & Kirkland have recently completed the brand new school building for Bowbrook Primary School.  Kasia and Alastair told the children about their roles as Social Values Manager and Senior Design Manager.  Thank you Bowmer & Kirkland for visiting and kicking off Careers week!

Yr 6 visit MRS JONES

Yr 6 visited MRS JONES ART SHOP & GALLERY for an Autumn Exhibition featuring local artists. We love our neighbour Mrs Jones as she aims to make art accessible to all and keeps her small gallery fresh with changing exhibitions.


House Lunchathon Winners

Here are our Lunchathon House Competition winners!  Our competition asked children to design a meal or desert for our School Menu including fruits or vegetables.  The children will be taking over the Menu on the last week of term with their winning dishes!


Yr 5 Dining Hall Assistants

Year 5 have started their new school job in the dining hall and are really helping the lunchtime staff with service.  Well done Year 5 for being responsible and stepping up to your new role!


Harvest Festival

Reverend Fi from Holy Trinity Church delivered our Harvest Festival assembly on Monday. Thank you for all your generous donations. The School Council delivered these to Shrewsbury Food Bank.


Yr 6 Librarians

Year 6 pupils have practised the art of filling out Job Applications for the School Librarian role.  Those pupils wanting to take part in Librarian duties during the year will help stamp and cover new book stock, tidy the library and promote new reading initiatives.

Here are our first Year 6 Libarians at work preparing new books for the library  📚 😃

Early Years Conference

Well done to Miss Harris who was invited to be a key note speaker at the Shropshire Early Years Conference.

Miss Harris presented to local teachers and spoke about Language for problem solving and how the interactions we have with children are key to helping them to problem solve and make sense of the world, allowing children to think for themselves and be independent.

We are sure she did a brilliant job, as she inspires us everyday!

Greek Workshop

Shrewsbury Museum came to visit Year 5 to deliver a Greek workshop tying in with their history topic. Children explored Greek artefacts, dressed up for some mythical role play and had lots of fun.

Spanish Lunch

It was ‘fiesta time’ at lunch time with some Spanish music to accompany the menu.



Art Collaboration with BVAF

Have you seen the BT box on Greyfriars Road?  The Belle Vue Arts Festival painted it this weekend using traced images created by our Year 6 pupils.  This project has been a long time coming, the pupils created the original sketches back in Year 4.  They were tasked with creating nature images using the form of one continuous line ‘loopy lines’.

Well done to all involved for bringing art to our School Street! It looks fantastic👌

Thanks to Paintwell for donating supplies and the BVAF.

Look at the artistic journey below.


Josie’s Campaign

Josie in Turtles class designed these posters for our school railings during the summer holidays.  For a Brownies project she started a campaign to clean up our streets and was even on Shropshire Radio!  Well done Josie for using your voice and caring about our community.





BT Box

Eye Spy another creative project involving our pupils! 👁

Watch this space…

More information coming soon…

Sensory Trailer

Mrs Howson arranged for a Sensory Trailer to visit us for the day, which was a portable sensory room on wheels.  What a great idea! Children were able to have fun and experience the magic of a sensory room.  This will guide us in selecting new resources and ensuring that our calm nurture spaces are right for our children.

Playground Friends

Well done to Year 4 who applied for their job as Playground Friends.   Some children have started their new job and are being really helpful supporting younger children on the KS1 playground.

Safety Afternoons

All classes have completed Safety Afternoons covering a range of topics including road safety, water safety, medicines, railways, electricity, fire and more.

Here is EYFS practising some road safety outside school.


September Social

Thank you to our Coleham Community for joining us for a brilliant social! It was great to hang out together and see so many happy faces 😊 What a success, great performances by the children, no animals on the loose and the Skipping Challenge complete! We raised £1100 for school resources.  Thank you to our amazing staff, children and parents for volunteering, lending a hand and pulling off a great event!

Also, a big thank you to Asda’s Community Champion Anne Marie for helping in the school kitchen and donating rolls.  What a Star!

Pupil Entrepreneurs

Our children are incredible! What fantastic creativity and lovely products they brought to our fair, raising money for good causes.

Well done to Mae and Rosa the Scrunchie Sisters in Yr 6 who have had a production line at home, working into the evenings on their sewing machines!

The Comex Boys in Year 4 did a roaring trade, selling out of all their comics and raising £75 for school.  We hope you bought one as these guys could well be famous illustrators one day!

Bobby in Year 3 had a super badge stall raising £100 for Whizz-kids the children’s wheelchair charity who helped his cousin. 👨‍🦽 🥰

Henry in Yr 5 organised his own table tennis challenge 🏓

Also, thank you to our new Year 6’s who ran a number of stalls.




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