Yr 5 Assemblies

Year 5 showed off their work on the Space Race to their parents.  We heard their biographies of Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova, saw their ‘space inspired’ dance/gymnastics routines depicting stars and constellations in the galaxies and watched an impressive video which links together all of the children’s flashback narratives about the end of the world into one final story.  Well done Leopards!  Lions Class tested their parents with a multiplication challenge and an interactive Kahoot Quiz on Space!



Science Week

Science Week is back!

This year we are celebrating British Science Week, the week commencing 20th March. This year’s theme is ‘Connection’s’.

We will be launching Science Week to the children through a Science Assembly this Friday (17th) led by ‘Fun Science’ leader Sue Hayward.

Throughout Science Week we will be learning about connections through the topic of animals and living things. We will have caterpillars, butterflies, tadpoles, hatching chicks and even have lambs visit us from a local farm.

We are also very lucky to have visitors in school, including a doctor, ecologist and 3 local Secondary School teachers coming to share their passion for science through some highly engaging science lessons for pupils in KS2.

In Year 6 pupils will be exploring a range of science resources and equipment, kindly on loan by parent Mr Whitehead and his company Lascells Ltd.

We really are very excited about all the science due to take place.



Walk, scoot or cycle to school challenge

Eco Council Project

Get set… we’re taking part in Sustran’s Big Walk and Wheel 2023; the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge starts next week runs for two weeks from Monday 20th March – Friday 31st March. It’s free and we would love everyone to be involved.

What do you need to do?

Encourage your child(ren) to walk, scoot or cycle to school on as many days as possible during the event.  The Eco Council will be logging our numbers for each day of this national challenge.

We understand that it may be more difficult for some pupils to take part than others for example those at Breakfast Club or who live further away from school.

Why we are taking part

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is a great way to build physical activity and wellbeing in children’s daily routine and a active school-runs also help to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school gates.  Plus there are some great prizes to be won every day if we get enough children taking part!

For more information about the event go to www.bigwalkandwheel.org.uk . Enjoy the challenge!


Jungle Book- Behind the scenes

It was our Saturday School for our whole day rehearsal for Jungle Book!  Costumes were prepped, scenery painted, dances choreographed and the children performed a full run through.  It’s going to be a great show!

Yr 4 Residential

Year 4 enjoyed their 1 night residential at Condover Hall, made even more memorable by the snow!  They reached new heights, played Laser Tag, enjoyed an evening quiz but most of all worked as a team, stayed away from home and made lasting memories.

All trip photos can be shown on the video link below:

You tube video







Dear Parents/Carers,


Kind regards,

School Office

Information for Friday

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you for supporting us today in school and being sensible about the weather conditions.  We’re used to flooding but we haven’t seen snow for a while.  The children had a lovely time exploring the snow at lunchtime.

As you know, when emergencies or weather conditions arise, our Senior Leadership Team will continually monitor and assess the situation on an ongoing basis.  As soon, as any decision is made affecting families, you are then notified immediately via email and the school website so thank you for trusting us and looking out for our communications.

Thinking ahead for tomorrow, we have the following update:

  • Breakfast Club will be operating as normal.
  • Children are welcome to wear alternative footwear appropriate for the weather conditions.
  • It may well be icy on the playgrounds tomorrow morning.  With this in mind, children are recommended to enter straight into school via any of the doors at the front of the main building.  Year 1 and EYFS can enter via their classroom doors as normal.  Therefore no one will need to access the playgrounds at the back of school.   Mr Jones works hard to ensure that main paths to the front entrances are cleared and gritted.
  • It is our intention to run after school clubs tomorrow evening.  If this changes, we will communicate with you in good time.

As weather circumstances are unpredictable, please continue to check your emails regularly.

Kind regards,

Miss Harris

Deputy Headteacher

Yr 1 Victorian Workshop

In history, Year 1 had a visit from the Shrewsbury Museum who delivered a workshop on Victorian toys.  The children stepped back in time along the timeline, exploring different types of toys. They then set up their own museum and became experts and visitors on the Victorian toys.

Yr 4 Assembly

Year 4 show cased their work to their parents this week.  They sang a French song about the weather and showed their art sculptures plus lots more.  Well done Dolphins and Whales.


Today EYFS and KS1 had a storytelling visit from Sal Tonge who brought her chatterbox and guitar with her to entertain us all.

She then delivered workshops to EYFS, Yr 1 and Yr 2., lots of singing, stories and communication.



Yr 5 Museum Trip

Today Lions and Leopards visited the moon exhibition at Shrewsbury Museum which was a great way to compliment their Earth, Space and Space Race topics.  We are so lucky to have such a wonderful museum on our doorstep.

Go everywhere and read!

To switch things up for World Book Week, our Drop everything and read sessions have become GO EVERYWHERE AND READ!

Look at our children outside, in the Quarry and even reading in the museum!



World Book Day

We love WORLD BOOK DAY at COLEHAM.  Our Reading Leader Mrs Young started the morning by talking on the radio about all our activities in school.  If you want to listen click the link below:


We’ve all had lots of fun dressing up as characters or in our comfy reading clothes.

Every class has visited our Pop-up Book Shop to select a World Book Day book to take home and lots of classes are popping out of school to GO EVERYWHERE AND READ.

Take a look at our brilliant costumes!


Yr 6 out and about

Year 6 headed to The Quarry yesterday in preparation for their design and technology work. They sketched some bridges and took the opportunity to GO EVERYWHERE AND READ!


Yr 3 Creative Writing Workshop

Year 3 had a brilliant Creative Writing workshop delivered by Author James Nichol.  We heard how he incorporates real life objects into his stories such as two old biscuit tins in The Spell Tailors and inspiration from Japanese needlework Sashiko which was believed to ward off evil spirits.  The ‘odd objects’ workshop really inspired Year 3 and produced some fantastic writing!

Author Visit

YES, it’s our WORLD BOOK WEEK! We kicked it off with a fantastic visit from librarian and children’s author James Nichol.  James is author of The Apprentice Witch series and new novel The Spell Tailors.  The plot involves stitching magic and memories into clothing and we heard how James weaves everyday objects and memories from his childhood into his story.

Later in the afternoon, we had a book signing event in the library and of course we have bought copies to read in school!

Thank you to James for travelling to see us, we loved hosting you.


Some lovely feedback below from James too!






New Lunch Menu

The lunch menu for after half term

Our new Neighbours

Today our Coleham school council took a visit to our new butchers. The school council collected ideas from the classes and designed a welcome card which they all signed.  It delivered a lovely welcome to our community.  We wish Walsh Family Butchers all the very best in their new loaction.



Ukulele Club

Mrs Wade’s Ukulele Club held its very first concert this week. The children performed a variety of songs highlighting a range of playing styles including the Thumb Brush Strum, Starlight and perennial C Chord favourites- Kookaburra and Frère Jacques which they sang in a round. Well done everyone!

Year 3 Assembly

Year 3 showcased everything they have been learning in class to their parents.  They talked about plastic pollution and caring for their planet, some gymnastics and art.

Parents Evening Update


Dear Parents and Carers,

Many apologies for the technical failure last week – we can now confirm that the system works and you are able to book your slot.  There is also a slight change of date, owing to the propsed NEU industrial action on Wednesday 1st March.

Those of you who booked an appointment for Wednesday 1st will need to rebook your slot. Those who have booked an appointment for Thursday 2nd March will not be affected.

The two parents’ evenings will be:

  • Tuesday 28th February: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm
  • Thursday 2nd March: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm

To arrange your appointment, please follow the link below (which can also be found in the Parents’ Area section of our website).  Each consultation will last for 10 mins.  If you arrive a little early, you will have the opportunity to look through your children’s books while you wait for your meeting.  You are welcome to stay after the meeting to carry on looking through books if you wish.

Book an appointment here:

Click HERE to book your appointment

Where possible, we ask that you book one meeting per child.  For separated parents, we will be able to accommodate separate meetings if they are required.

Please do get in touch with the school office if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones


Severn Trent Visitor

Today we welcomed Chris from Severn Trent for a KS2 assembly about hydration and plastics pollution.  Thank you to Severn Trent.

Football team finish 4th

As part of our partnership at Belvidere Secondary School, we participated in a football competition against 6 other local schools.
The children won 3, and lost 3, and finished 4th overall.


Well done everyone!

Eat them to defeat them!

After half term, our School Kitchen will be joining in with national campaign Eat Them to Defeat Them 2023 for some Vegpower!

This campaign partners with ITV and Channel 4 to bring about changes in children’s attitudes towards vegetables.

The lunch menu will have lots of added vegetables on offer and some dishes created with lots more blended veg.  The children will be bringing home an activity pack and will receive stickers for trying new vegetables.  Perhaps you can join in at home?


Find out more on their website below:


World Book Day

Dear Parents/Carers,


After half term, we will be celebrating World Book Day and promoting a love of reading in school with activities over the week. It will start with a whole school assembly which will introduce and explain all about World Book Day and the week ahead.

Wednesday 1st March – KS2 children will be having a fantastic author visit from James Nichol, author of The Apprentice Witch series and The Spell Tailors.  Afterwards James will visit Year 3 classrooms to lead a creative writing workshop with Turtles and Starfish.


Book Signing

James will be staying in school for a book signing session in the afternoon.  Some children may like to purchase a signed book of The Spell Tailors.(Books cost £7.99, please make payment as soon as possible on ParentPay so we can place our order).  Please note that there is no pressure or expectation to buy one: we will also be purchasing copies for school, so children won’t miss out on reading them!

Thursday 2nd March Actual World Book Day.

Non-Uniform– Children may come to school dressed to represent their favourite book or character.  Please don’t feel the need to buy expensive fancy dress for this occasion: the children are so keen on being eco-conscious and re-using items you already have at home.  Equally, please don’t feel any pressure to make an elaborate costume.  Here are some simple ideas below:

-re-use Halloween costumes (cats, witches, skeletons, wizards feature in lots of stories)

-re-use other costumes (animals, superheroes & princesses feature in lots of stories)

–characters wearing old fashioned clothes (Famous Five, World War stories)

-characters wearing pyjamas (BFG, I’m Going on a bear Hunt, The Polar Express)

-inspiration from sports stars/real life hero books

-use our Drop & Swap Trolley in the foyer to recycle old costumes.  You can drop old costumes off or give costumes a new home.

We understand that some children feel uncomfortable wearing fancy dress. They may choose to wear their own comfy reading clothes instead – we want all children to enjoy the day.

Special Lunch Menu

 We will have a special themed lunch on offer this day.

Pop-Up Bookshop

We are collaborating with local independent book store, Pengwern Books, to open our own Pop-Up Book Shop in The Coach House so that all children can use their World Book Day token to select their own book to take home.  Classes will have a slot to visit throughout the day.

Friday 3rd March

EYFS and KS1 Children will have a visit from local storyteller Sal Tongue.  We will have our DEAR slot as normal at 2:45pm (Drop Everything And Read!) but we’ll be changing this up with a fun variation this week.

We are really looking forward to the things we have planned and we are sure the children will really enjoy themselves.

Kind regards,

Mrs Young

KS1 Leader & Reading Co-ordinator


Year 2 Class Assembly

This week Year 2 held their class assemblies and showcased what they’ve been learning to their families.  They sang a fractions song, performed a dance routine, read their writing about safety and including us in a interactive audience quiz on Charles Darwin plus lots more.  Well done Owls and Rabbits.

Rhythmsticks welcome Sax Players

Rhythmsticks Music Club welcomed parents and local Sax Quartet “Sax in the Styx” . Along with a ‘show and tell’ time, the quartet accompanied the children’s percussion playing in a variety of songs and their Chinese Dragon Dance. Well done Rhythmsticks-great singing and playing!

Year 2 Darwin Trip

Year 2 visited Bear Steps Art Gallery today as part of their Charles Darwin topic.  We learnt about his early life and family and his voyage on HMS Beagle.




Community Quiz Night

Our legendary Community Quiz Night was back! with more teams than ever before! A top night of knowledge and laughs.  A great job from everybody’s favourite quiz master Mr Larkham.  The highly sought after ‘Losers Spoon’ found a home.  Thanks for joining us!




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