Global Art Competition

Some pupils met Doodleboy Joe Whale at the Soden Gallery on Saturday to help him promote a global Art Competition!

The competition aims to celebrate creativity and pay homage to Charles Darwin.

It is free to enter and entries could be represented at the The Doodle Boy’s solo exhibition at the Soden Gallery.  You could also win the trip of a lifetime! To the Galapagos Islands!

Read more here:

Shropshire Star Article

Daily Express Article

Click on the link below:


The deadline for entries is 1st February 2024.

It would be great to see some Coleham entries #Coleham creativity.

Nursery Rhyme Week

Foxes and Badgers have had a brilliant time celebrating World Nursery Rhyme week!  Nursery Rhymes are so important to help develop speech and language and early reading so it was an event we really wanted to get involved with!  The children focused on a different Nursery Rhyme each day and have had a host of activities, workshops and special visitors to make it  a really exciting and enriching week!  Thank you to all the parents for joining our afternoon Rhyme Time with our Music Teacher Mrs Porrett, it was lovely to come together.  Fun Fact: The Grand Olde Duke of York isn’t just great at marching, he even filmed this fun video below for us!


Sports Leaders

Mr Halford has been taking Year 6 through their Sports Leader Training. For todays session they had to independently run an invasion game with Year 1 pupils.  We saw some lovely interactions, teamwork and some coaching skills shining through!  Well done to Year 6 who have all achieved the Gold Playmaker Award with a small group of pupils achieving ‘Outsanding’ certificates.

Christmas Events

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are all organised for this half term and would like to share this years Christmas Events with you.

Rainbow Hamper Raffle

We will be fundraising for school via our annual Hamper Raffle which the School Council are helping to organise.  There will be 10 colourful hampers to win, packed full of Christmas treats.  We would be really grateful if children could help donate an item to go inside a hamper. The ‘colour’ themes for each year group are below with some ideas.

Reception-Any thing Gold/Yellow (ideas include Crayola, M&Ms, Ferrero Rocher, white wine)

Year 1-Anything Pink (Rose wine, Marshmallows, Mr Kipling, Percy Pigs, scented candle)

Year 2- Anything Red (Wine, Maltesers, KitKats, Jammy Dodgers, Xmas socks, baubles)

Year 3- Anything Orange (Mini Chedders, Fudge, Crackers)

Year 4- Anything Green (Pringles, Matchmakers, Mint chocolates, Bubble bath)

Year 5- Anything Blue (Haribo, Roses, Milky Way, Jaffa Cakes)

Year 6-Purple (Heroes, Dairy Milk, Chocolate Fingers, Lavender toiletries)

You can be as inventive as you like and include any sweet or savoury snacks, drinks, toiletries, Christmas decorations, toys and books.

Children may take donations into class and give them to their School Councillor or Class Teacher.  We will be collecting these throughout November.  Thank you in advance.

Please watch this Raffle video, to tell you all about it!

Buying Tickets

We would love it if you and your family are able to purchase tickets.  We know that Christmas brings extra costs and so there is no pressure to buy tickets: you can help our cause by sharing our video with friends and relatives.  The raffle is open to anybody.  Tickets cost £1 each and can be purchased via the ‘Raffall’ website, please see the link below:

Raffall Link

The “Raffall” website is easy and secure. If you would like to buy tickets, you will need to sign in with your name and email address and then click “Enter” to purchase tickets.

‘Raffall’ will draw the winners on Friday 8th December at 7pm.

Christmas Performances

Week commencing 4th December

Our EYFS/KS1 Nativity and KS2 Nativity concerts are always a very special occasion for us all.  The singing in school sounds incredible and you will be in for a real treat!   The performance times for parents are as follows:

Performances at Holy Trinity Church

  • Monday(04/12/23) 1330-1430: Performance for EYFS parents
  • Tuesday(05/12/23) 1000-1100: Performance for Year 1 parents
  • Tuesday(05/12/23) 1330-1430: Performance for Year 2 parents
  • Thursday(07/12/23) 1000-1130: Performance for Year 3 parents
  • Thursday(07/12/23) 1330-1500: Performance for Year 4 parents
  • Friday(08/12/23) 1000-1130: Performance for Year 5 parents
  • Friday(08/12/23) 1330-1500: Performance for Year 6 parents


  • Please be kind and only attend your child’s nativity
  • Please aim to attend the performance set aside for your child’s year group.
  • For those wishing to see siblings, you may be able to see them all in one EYFS/KS1’s nativity (Monday and Tuesday) includes EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 in the same show.  KS2’s Nativity (Thursday and Friday) has Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 in the same show.
  • Those of you with a child in each Key Stage can, of course, see both shows
  • The KS2 children will be performing all around the church and in the aisles, so every seat in church will have a good view, including those at the very back of the church.

Christmas Parade

We’ll be taking a break from running our ‘Elfridges’ Shop this year. Instead we have organised an extra special treat for the children!  On Tuesday 12th December at 2:00pm the children will be watching a Christmas Parade in the school grounds.  We will be pulling out all the stops for this to create magical memories that will last a lifetime and Parents/Carers will be invited to watch from the pavement.  We have 2 small requests:

1. Please keep this a secret from your children, we won’t be talking about this in school so mums the word!

2.  This will be a magical experience but it is an expensive event for us to fund.  We would be really grateful if you are able to support us and donate £2.50 per child towards the costs.

Christmas Pantomime

This year the whole school are going to watch the Jack and the Beanstalk’ pantomime at the Theatre Severn.

The trip will take place on Wednesday 13th December. The children will travel to the theatre after morning registration to watch the 10.15am performance and return to school around 1.00pm in time for (a slightly delayed) lunch.

The cost of the trip, including theatre tickets (discounted for school pupils) and transport costs to/from the theatre, is £17.25 per child.  Please make payment on Arbor before 1st December.

The Panto is costing over £7,000 which is a huge amount of money, we have no allocated budget for this so we really hope you can pay for your child or contribute the amount you can afford to give. The trip is set up on Arbor to enable you to select the amount you are able to contribute.  We really hope that you can support us with payment for your child, however small, it all helps.

Christmas Lunch

Our Christmas Lunch will take place on Thursday 14th December.  This will be a Non-Uniform Day! Children are welcome to wear their own clothes/Christmas wear to school this day.

Christmas Staff Video

This will be our 4th year of producing a Staff Christmas Video as our gift to the children.  Production is underway and staff are squeezing filming and recording into stolen moments and lunchtimes.  We look forward to sharing this with you.

Breaking up for Christmas

Our last day in school will be Friday 15th December and we return to school on Wednesday 3rd January.

We are really looking forward to the festive period and making sure the children have lots of opportunities to celebrate and have fun.  There really is no Christmas like a Coleham Christmas!

Kindest Regards,

Miss Othen

Business Manager

Rainbow Hamper Raffle

The School Council are fundraising via our annual Christmas Hamper Raffle.  There will be 10 colourful hampers to win, packed full of Christmas treats.  We would be really grateful if children could help donate an item to go inside a hamper. The ‘colour’ themes for each year group are below with some ideas.

Reception-Any thing Gold/Yellow (ideas include Crayola, M&Ms, Ferrero Rocher, white wine)

Year 1-Anything Pink (Rose wine, Marshmallows, Mr Kipling, Percy Pigs, scented candle)

Year 2- Anything Red (Wine, Maltesers, KitKats, Jammy Dodgers, Xmas socks, baubles)

Year 3- Anything Orange (Mini Chedders, Fudge, Crackers)

Year 4- Anything Green (Pringles, Matchmakers, Mint chocolates, Bubble bath)

Year 5- Anything Blue (Haribo, Roses, Milky Way, Jaffa Cakes)

Year 6-Purple (Heroes, Dairy Milk, Chocolate Fingers, Lavender toiletries)

You can be as inventive as you like and include any sweet or savoury snacks, drinks, toiletries, Christmas decorations, toys and books.

Children may take donations into class and give them to their School Councillor or Class Teacher.  We will be collecting these throughout November.  Thank you in advance.


Dogs’ Trust Visitor

The Dogs’ Trust visited Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 today to talk about looking after dogs and how to stay safe when we see dogs out and about. It was a really useful session for the children.

Christmas Tree WANTED

We are on the hunt for an artificial Christmas Tree- any size!

If you can help us out with a tree you no longer need, we would be super grateful!

If you also happen to be having a clear out for Christmas we are always happy to accept games, crafts and books to use in school.  Please just pop them to the lovely ladies at Reception.

Thank you!

Food & Mood Event

Year 2 had a visit from our Caterers Nutritionist Iona who talked about healthy eating and the effect that food has on our well-being.  Thank you to Academy!


Farm on Wheels Christmas Visit to EYFS

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are so proud of how well the children have settled into Coleham School and the progress they have made in a such a short space of time.  The children are starting to rehearse for the KS1 Nativity performances.  We like to make Christmas at Coleham a really special time for the children and so we have arranged a special nativity visit.  Our friends from Farm on Wheels will be visiting on Monday 11th December and bringing with them the animals from the nativity story (a Donkey, lamb, calf and Turkey!) What better way to bring the nativity story to life!

In order to cover the cost of this event, we kindly ask that parents contribute the amount of £4.50 per child.  Payment is to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the day.

We are really looking forward to this extra special Christmas visitor.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Harris

Assistant Head

EYFS Leader

Coleham Voices

Coleham Voices were invited to perform at a Shropshire Council Conference today. This was the first of many events they have coming up and they did a beautiful job!


Jack and the Beanstalk!

We are looking forward to the whole school Pantomime Trip in December!  We very much hope that everybody can contribute in some way, as the cost is over £7,000 and there is no school budget for this.  Please make payment of £17.25 via Arbor this month.  You are also able to select the amount on Arbor that you can afford to pay.  We really hope that you can support us with payment for your child, however small.

Raffle Tickets

Our Rainbow Hamper raffle is now LIVE!

We have 21 days to sell tickets!

We would love it if you and your family are able to purchase tickets.  We know that Christmas brings extra costs and so there is no pressure to buy tickets: you can help our cause by sharing our video with friends and relatives.  The raffle is open to anybody.  Tickets cost £1 each and can be purchased via the ‘Raffall’ website, please see the link below:

Raffle Link

The “Raffall” website is easy and secure. If you would like to buy tickets, you will need to sign in with your name and email address and then click “Enter” to purchase tickets.

‘Raffall’ will draw the winners on Friday 8th December at 7pm.

We hope to use the proceeds towards new phonics reading books.

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

It’s been another great week at school this week, and we have enjoyed lots of fun activities: Year 6 netball; a group of children representing the school with their beautiful singing and a visit to Years 1, 3 and 5 from the Dogs’ Trust.  The stand out has be EYFS Nursery Rhyme Week with a focus on a different rhyme each day with some fantastic visitors and trips arranged to bring it to our life.  Our very own ‘Grand Old Duke of York’ has put together a film showcasing the highlights! 

I have also had the pleasure of reading through many of your children’s books and it has been wonderful to see so much excellent work happening throughout the school!

Christmas is approaching faster than we can imagine, and all the classes are busy getting their Nativity performances ready: I’ve already had a sneak preview of Mrs Porrett’s singing assembly practice!  All our Christmas Events are arranged with details here.  Both the EYFS/KS1 and KS2 Nativities promise to be a real treat.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham


Netball Fixture

Year 6 children took part in a Netball Competition at Shrewsbury Sports Village.  They won two games and lost one. Great teamwork everybody!

International Day

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Tuesday 16th January we will be hosting our International Day and celebrating different countries and cultures around the world and diversity within our school community.

What will the day involve?

NON UNIFORM – It will be a non-uniform day. Your child is invited to come dressed in the colours of any flag or cultural dress of their choice.  We do not expect you to buy a costume, you could wear a flag or get creative using face paints, decorate a plain t-shirt with felt tips or wear an international sports kit.

SINGING ASSEMBLY-During our singing assemblies on Tuesday (KS1) and Wednesday (KS2) Mrs Porrett will be singing International songs with the children.

CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES – In the afternoon classes will be choosing a country to learn about.  Your child might listen to music, speak the language, do some map work, learn some history or look at the day in the life of a child from that country.

LUNCHTIME-We will have a special theme menu lunch on this day.


KS2 SPANISH LESSONS – I will be turning into Flamenco Flora this week so instead of teaching French, I will be giving Years 3 to 6 a Spanish taster session in full Spanish costume!

PARENT GUESTS – We would love to host parent visitors in the classroom so you and your child can share your experiences from a different culture, country or travels.  You might like to bring some photos, traditional clothes or objects to talk about.  Please chat to your child’s teacher at the end of the day or contact Mrs Jasper in the school office to arrange a visit.

INTERNATIONAL FOOD MARKET- We invite children to bring food from another country into school to share at our after school event.  We will set up tasting tables with each year group’s contributions and we invite you and your children to pop into the school hall after school to sample some tasters.  Please enter from the OUTSIDE HALL DOORS at the back of school.

Some guidance for the food event:

So we can easily display the food for the event we have allocated each Year Group the following countries:


Yr 1-

Yr 2 –

Yr 3 –

Yr 4-

Yr 5-

Yr 6-

-If you would like to bring in a food, try to stick to the countries assigned to your year groups, of course if there is a cultural dish closer to your heart you are welcome to bring that in.

-Homemade and shop bought foods are welcome.  We would be grateful if you can cut up your offering into small pieces for tasters and wrap up on a paper plate.  Please label any special containers with your child’s name and class that you would like returned.

-At the event, please remember food is kindly donated by families so school are not able to confirm ingredients or allergens.  As it is an after school event, you MUST be responsible for your child and what they eat if attending.

-Teachers will display the food handed into them, on year group tables and be on hand to help you with tasters.

We look forward to your support and hope this will be a fun and enriching day for all involved.

Yours sincerely,

Chloë Jones

Foreign Languages Coordinator

Diwali Celebration

The children have been learning about Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights in RE this week and EYFS, Year 2 and Year 5 experienced a Diwali workshop.  We dressed in traditional clothes and learnt about the story of Rama and Sita through song and dance.


Ukulele Club Spaces

Now open to YEARS 2 3 4 5 6 

Ukulele Club will run in a 5 week block on MONDAY afternoons.
Times: 3.20-4.15pm in The Studio.
Dates: Monday 13th November – 11th December
Cost: £25
Festive Beats Hip hop Workshop: £4
Total Cost: £29

Ukuleles Provided

See booking Info in the letter below:

Ukulele Club Autumn Letter 23

Global Darwin Doodle Competition

The Shrewsbury Arts Trail and The Soden collection with the Darwin Centre in Wales are pleased to announce the launch of the Darwin Doodle Art Competition for kids worldwide.  In collaboration with renowned artist Joe Whale, The Doodle Boy, this competition aims to celebrate creativity and pay homage to the legendary naturalist Charles Darwin.

It is free to enter and our school could be represented in an exhibition at local artist Joe Whale’s, also known as The Doodle Boy, solo show.

Image with no alt text

Click on the link below:


Here you can:

– see more information about the competition

– see entries that have already been submitted

– submit your child’s entry

The deadline for entries is 1st December 2023.

weekend! it would be great to see some Coleham entries!


Remembrance Service

Well done to the School Council for selling Poppy Appeal merchandise during break times this week and raising money for The Royal British Legion to support members of The Armed Forces.

The School Council attended a Remembrance Service held at the War Graves, Longden Road Cemetery.  We met up with The Priory School to represent young people in Shropshire.  The children represented our school so well, remembering the soldiers that have given their lives in active duty all over the world and exploring the different nationality of soldiers laid to rest at the War Graves.  Great work School Council!

Headteacher Message

Dear parents and carers,

Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn Term!  We’ve had a good first week back and have gotten straight into things, hitting the ground running.  Hopefully you have all had a positive parents’ and carers’ evening appointment this week: it’s always nice to see everyone in and around the school on these evenings to chat about how your children are getting on.  If you were unable to attend, or were unable to make an appointment, please do get in touch.  Teachers will be contacting those who were not able to make appointments this week to make sure you don’t go without.

A huge well done must go to Mrs Porrett for all she does with  music here at Coleham: it is such an important part of our curriculum, and her efforts have been recognised by being one of the very few schools to receive the ‘Music Mark’ for 2023-24, showing Coleham’s dedication and commitment to high-quality music education.  Well done, Mrs P!

We’ve also had our School Council busy selling poppies to raise money for this year’s poppy appeal.  Thank you to those children who have put in their time to raise money for such an important cause.

Finally, we have been asked again by our neighbours about considerate parking outside the school.  Please make sure that Salter’s Lane is not blocked by improper parking, and especially not blocking residents’ driveways and/or access on Thursdays as it is their bin collection day.  Please make use of the parking scheme available at St Julian’s Friars.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


EYFS Nursery Rhyme Week

Next Week Badgers & Foxes will be participating in Nursery Rhyme Week.

There are some really exciting activities and visitors each day, a dress up day and Rhyme Sessions that parents/carers are invited too.  Please click the link above to read all about it.

We kindly ask that parents contribute the amount of £10 per child.

It’s going to be so much FUN!



Before we broke up for half term, we hosted our Lunchathon Menu using the children’s winning ideas for main courses and deserts.  It was lovely to see the children having an input to the menu design.

We announced the House Points in Assembly today.  Well done to everyone involved and to the children for supporting their House Lunch.

House Competition Results

Greyfriars-1st 100pts

Quarry- 2nd 75 pts

Quarry & Darwin- Joint 3rd Place 50 pts each

Music Mark Award

We are really proud to have been awarded the Music Mark Award for 2023-24!

It’s not easy to achieve this so we want to thank and congratulate Mrs Porrett for all her hard work for ensuring we have a fantastic music curriculum and lots of musical events for the children to participate in!

Staff Conference

What an uplifting end to the first half term! All of our staff attended The 3-18 Staff Conference and it was the best day! We left refreshed and alive with thoughts of how to make our school an even better place to be.  Lots of positivity 👌 and the inspirational speakers were just wow!

Thanks to Athlete Kriss Akabusi for sharing his story, how one positive role model can change a child’s life and to Mark Finnis Restorative Practise. He was outstanding and his thoughts on relationships matches our ethos and ideas for leadership at Coleham.  It’s great to invest in our staff which can only bring positive benefits to the children.  #Colehamcares


Daily Dash Challenge

Congratulations on completing the Ben Nevis challenge! Running a total of 574 miles is an incredible achievement, and it’s wonderful to see the dedication and effort from everyone who participated in the daily dash. We’ll look to starting a new challenge next term as a great way to keep the momentum going and continue promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. Well done to all the participants for their hard work and determination!


Ex pupil returns

We were delighted to have a visit from former pupil Daphne Jones. Daphne came to talk to Year 6 about her passion for cycling and competing for Team GB.  She told the children that whilst she wasn’t a natural at first she has put in lots of hard work, determination and ambition to pursue her goals of becoming a professional cyclist. Thank you Daphne!


Yr 6 Liverpool War Museum

As part of Year 6’s history topic on the second war and Blitz in Britain the children visited an underground war bunker in Liverpool.  The children toured hidden rooms and glimpsed documents and tools the Forces used to monitor enemy convoys and inform the British government of their findings, whilst keeping their intelligence secret from the enemy.  We visited the operations room which has remained exactly how as it was left when the doors were closed on 15 August 1945!


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