We’ll be starting the week with some CHRISTMAS JOY!

At 9:15am the Staff Christmas video will be launched in a whole school assembly!! We are so exited to see it and share with you all!

In the afternoon EYFS will be having a special visitor from The Farm on Wheels with a bunch of Nativity Animals coming to visit.  Payment for this visit is £4.50 via Arbor.

Headteacher Message

Wow – what a week!

It has been absolutely amazing to see all the Nativity performances this week.  It’s such a wonderful privilege to see all the children in this amazing school showcase their talents to you all over the course of the week, and to see their smiles as they perform.  The singing has been OUT OF THIS WORLD and has lifted everyone’s spirits ready for Christmas.  A huge, huge thank you goes out to all the staff who have contributed to getting the shows put together.  A special thanks to our wonderful Mrs Porrett who just oozes enthusiasm for all things musical.  Mrs Porrett even took our ‘Coleham Voices’ choir to a gig at Hickory’s this week – we are very lucky!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the parent survey over the past two weeks.  We will compile all the information and be in touch in the New Year about the outcomes.

Next week is the final week of term for 2023, and we have a lot of fun in store, including the whole-school trip to the pantomime, our Values Cups in each year group, and the all-important House Cup winners!

Have a super weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham


Deck the Halls!

It’s a Coleham Christmas tradition for staff to come together to ‘deck the halls’ ready for the 1st December! Every child has made their own decoration to help decorate school and the corridors are absolutely shimmering! It looks magical.




Not long to go now until we release this years Staff Christmas Video!!  This tradition started in Covid times as a way of reaching our community and we are now in our 4th year.

Staff have been recording vocals, dressing up and filming in secret silos at lunchtimes and after school.  We do this as our special gift to the children and below is the children’s reaction to last year!

Please take a watch.





Mrs Wade’s Ukulele Club is having a special Festival Beats workshop with Musician Andy Lowe next Monday 4th December.

There are 3 spaces left if any Year 2, 3 or 4 pupils wish to go along to this.

Crazy SFX and festive fun with ukes, bells and a mic! The Studio, 

Time: 3.20 – 4.15 pm. 

Cost: £4

To book your place contact: Mrs Wade (07910) 314269. 


Last Week in School

The last week in school will be full of fun and festivities.  Here’s what we have planned:


Our absolute favourite, staff have had lots of fun singing, dancing and dressing up and now its time to launch our Coleham Christmas Video!

EYFS will be having a special visitor from The Farm on Wheels with the Nativity Animals coming to visit.  Payment is £4.50 via Arbor.


Flu Clinic will be taking place for all pupils in school.

Our Christmas Parade will take place in the school grounds at 2:00pm.  We last did this in 2020 during Covid when it was the only way for us to come together in our bubbles.  We will be pulling out all the stops for this to create magical memories that will last a lifetime and Parents/Carers are invited to watch at the pavement railings.

We have 2 small requests:

1. Please keep this a secret from your children, we won’t be talking about this in school so mums the word!

2.  This will be a magical experience but it is an expensive event for us to fund.

We would be really grateful if you are able to support us and donate £2.50 per child via Arbor towards the costs.


The whole school will be going to Theatre Severn to watch Jack and The Beanstalk Pantomime. 


It’s our Christmas Lunch Day and Non- Uniform Day.  Children may wear Christmassy clothes, party clothes or any clothes they like!  Meals cost £2.40 via Arbor.


Last day in school.  After School Care Club runs as normal.

Miss Armstrong and the Year 5/6 Drama Club are performing Macbeth to their families. The performance starts at 1.45pm.

The Coleham Voices are singing at St Alkmunds Church at 6:00pm.

Saturday Carol Singing

The Belle Vue Festival Committee and local residents will be coming together on Saturday 2nd December for their annual carol singing.

Join them at Greyfriars Bridge outside The Allotment store if you would like to join in-all of our families are welcome.

Profits will be split between The Ark and Shropshire Supports Refugees.

Raffle Update

Thank you so much for supporting our RAINBOW HAMPER RAFFLE!

This is the last chance to buy tickets!!

Our Raffle is drawn at 7:00pm.  Who will our LUCKY winners be?


Thank you for your support


Books to Ukraine

One of our parents is collecting donations to be driven over to The Ukraine on 10th December.  English is now an essential second language in Ukraine but there is a lack of practical resources. They are looking for donations of reading books.  If you would like to help this cause please drop off any children’s books in Reception.

Thank you

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

Another busy week at school!  We’ve had visits out; parents in to Year 4; maths challenges; cricket and have decorated the school for Christmas to name a few things!  The staff and children have done a brilliant job creating wonderful decorations for the school and it feels all magical and lovely walking through the corridors.

Next week we have the EYFS/KS1 and KS2 Nativities (details and times are below).  Rev. Fi and her team at Holy Trinity Church have been so generous hosting us again this year and I would ask that everyone attending put something in the collection pot.  The Church are kindly paying the large bill for having the heating on for us all week, and we’d like to help them out with that as much as possible.

I’m really excited to see both shows as they are always a highlight of the year.

Please remember to complete the surveys below if you haven’t already.  The more comments we receive, the more we are able to know about what to improve and what we need to celebrate.

Stay warm, everyone, and have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


Soden Art Gallery

Year 5 visited The Soden Gallery on Wyle Cop to view The Doodle Boy art exhibition, work by Joe Whale a 13 year-old boy from Shrewsbury.   Our town has a fantastic art culture and we aim to immerse our pupils into this. For many of them it was their first visit to the Soden Gallery.  It was great inspiration for pupils to see that you can be an artist at age!

Christmas Lunch

Our Christmas Lunch takes place on Thursday 14th December.

As always , this will be a NON-UNIFORM DAY so children may wear Christmas clothes, party clothes or any clothes they wish to wear.

Next Week- Christmas Performances

Our EYFS/KS1 Nativity and KS2 Nativity concerts are always a very special occasion for us all.  The singing in school sounds incredible and you will be in for a real treat!  Bring your tissues as it’s always emotional when we all come together at this time of year.

Performances at Holy Trinity Church

  • Monday(04/12/23) 1330-1430: EYFS/1/2 Performance for EYFS parents
  • Tuesday(05/12/23) 1000-1100: EYFS/1/2 Performance for Year 1 parents
  • Tuesday(05/12/23) 1330-1430:  EYFS/1/2 Performance for Year 2 parents
  • Thursday(07/12/23) 1000-1130: Yr 3-6 Performance for Year 3 parents
  • Thursday(07/12/23) 1330-1500: Yr 3-6 Performance for Year 4 parents
  • Friday(08/12/23) 1000-1130: Yr 3-6 Performance for Year 5 parents
  • Friday(08/12/23) 1330-1500: Yr 3-6 Performance for Year 6 parents


  • Please aim to attend the performance set aside for your child’s year group.
  • For those wishing to see siblings, you may be able to see them all in one EYFS/KS1’s nativity (Monday and Tuesday) includes EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 in the same show.  KS2’s Nativity (Thursday and Friday) has Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 in the same show.
  • Those of you with a child in each Key Stage can, of course, see both shows
  • The KS2 children will be performing all around the church and in the aisles, so every seat in church will have a good view, including those at the very back of the church.

Arriving early

  • The doors to the church will open 10 minutes before each performance.
  • Please do not arrive early for a good seat. The doors will not be opened early and there is not a lot of room to wait outside the hall.  We need to escort all the children in beforehand through the same entrance and allowing parents in early often causes problems for the children when getting ready.
  • There will be teas and coffees on offer in the waiting room for those waiting to enter the church.


  • You are, of course, allowed to take photographs of your children performing.
  • Please do not, however, post these on social media as you may have other children in your photos.  We will also post photos on the website and DoJo.

Church donations

  • Holy Trinity are finding it extremely difficult to fund the church running costs this year.  We are incredibly grateful to them for allowing us to use the church again this year, despite the difficulties they are facing.  As well as heating and electricity costs, they also have a leaking roof, so we are asking that parents kindly make donations on the day they visit as a way to say thank you to the wonderful people at Holy Trinity Church.

Macbeth Performance

Miss Armstrong and the Year 5/6 Drama Club will be performing Macbeth to their parents/carers/families on the last day of term.

Location: School Hall

Date: Friday 15th December

Time: @1.45pm.

Families of the cast (only) are invited to this performance.

Kitchen Job Available

We have a permanent Job in the school kitchen available.  Please spread the word to anybody local that might be interested.

What’s involved?  Serving dinners with a smile and loading the dishwasher after service.

Please email Chef Manager Mel or phone the school on 01743 362668  if you are interested.

An enhanced DBS check is required as part of recruitment.

Our Christmas Events

Performances at Holy Trinity Church

  • Monday(04/12/23) 1330-1430: KS1 Performance for EYFS parents
  • Tuesday(05/12/23) 1000-1100: KS1 Performance for Year 1 parents
  • Tuesday(05/12/23) 1330-1430:  KS1 Performance for Year 2 parents
  • Thursday(07/12/23) 1000-1130: KS2 Performance for Year 3 parents
  • Thursday(07/12/23) 1330-1500: KS2 Performance for Year 4 parents
  • Friday(08/12/23) 1000-1130: KS2 Performance for Year 5 parents
  • Friday(08/12/23) 1330-1500: KS2 Performance for Year 6 parents

Monday 11th DecemberEYFS Nativity Animals Visit

Payment £4.50

Tuesday 12th December– 2:00pm Christmas Surprise Parade

Payment £2.50

Wednesday 13th DecemberPantomime Trip

Payment £17.25

Thursday 14th December – Christmas Lunch

Friday 15th December-Last Day in School

Coleham Voices Choir Trips


It is a day when we show that it’s okay to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination.


Maths Challenge

Well done to 10 Year 5 mathematicians who visited Shrewsbury High School for a Maths Challenge.  Teams of 5 worked together for code breaking which challenged the children to make deductions, use their maths skills and delve deeper into reasoning.  The children competed against other local schools and were pleased to have come 4th overall.

Sports Fixtures

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to explain how the PE sports fixtures work within our school and to keep you informed about our approach to inclusivity and participation.

At Coleham, we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school, fostering an environment where every child has the opportunity to take part in various sporting events. Unlike having traditional, fixed, school teams, we aim to give all children a chance to participate in different sports throughout the year.

We actively book our school onto a variety of events across the year: both competitive competitions and enjoyable festivals. When selecting participants for these events, we consider each child’s performance in PE classes and identify specific skills in which they excel. It may be that some children are selected more than others.  This is fair because some children show particular aptitude for sport and need to be able to shine.  That said, it would not be fair to exclude those that show less aptitude, but have enthusiasm and ambition.

Therefore, we run a hybrid system whereby everyone has the opportunity to take part, but those with particular aptitude may be selected more often.  It is important to note that regular attendance to sporting clubs inside or outside of school does not increase anybody’s chances of being selected.

Because it is clear that there are many enthusiastic children at Coleham who want to represent the school in sporting events, we facilitate that by tracking each fixture and the children involved.  This allows us to monitor all events and make sure that as many children as possible are selected and, if not selected, please be assured that their time will come. During their time in Year 6, every child is guaranteed at least one, if not more, fixtures.  We actively engage in events for younger years, where we select participants based on their particular talents for competitive events and their consistent efforts and enthusiasm for festivals.  Furthermore, to ensure that we cater for our large numbers of pupils we organise specialist coaching sessions that run in school time for year groups such as Cricket and Tennis.  With the 2024 Olympics approaching, we are planning our own festival and hosting exciting visitors that everyone can benefit from.

At Coleham, we believe that sport is for everyone, and our aim is to provide a balanced and fair opportunity for every child to engage in sports activities, and I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you for your cooperation and ongoing support.

Many thanks,

Miss C Lewis

Year 4 Teacher & PE Co-ordinator



Parent Governor Election

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are writing to inform you of a vacancy for the role of parent local governor on our Local Governing Body (LGB).

The role of the LGB

The school’s LGB is responsible for providing confident and strategic leadership, and creating robust accountability, oversight and assurance for the school’s educational and financial performance. The LGB is passionate about education and committed to continuous school improvement to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils.

The role of a parent local governor

As a parent local governor, you’ll work with the LGB to ensure it effectively carries out the duties referred to above. You’ll also play a vital role in ensuring that the LGB is connected with, and is aware of the views of, parents and the local community.

To be a parent local governor you should have:

  • A strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children.
  • Good inter-personal skills, curiosity, and a willingness to learn and develop new skills.
  • The specific skills required to ensure the governing board delivers effective governance.

Being a parent local governor can be demanding but very rewarding.  All local governors serve a three-year term of office and under usual circumstances, can expect to spend between 10 and 20 days a year on governance duties.  These include:

  • attending meetings of the LGB, usually outside of school hours and contributing to LGB business;
  • reading reports and papers and keeping up to date on the progress that the school is making; and
  • visiting the school from time to time during the school day.

You will have to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and sign the local governors’ Code of Conduct.  A copy of the Code of Conduct, Role Description and more information about the LGB can be found on LGB’s pages of the school’s website.

We have a supportive induction process which will enable a period of settling into the role.

How to apply

If you’re interested in applying for the role, please email the Governance Professional, Carole Warner by email by 10am Friday 15th December  (

You should also include a personal statement (approximate 250 words) to support your application.  We encourage candidates to be succinct when setting out the skills, experience and attributes that they can bring to the LGB to support their application. Nominations of other parents will be accepted, but please seek their prior consent.

Applications/nominations can only be accepted from parents or carers who have children registered at the school on the day that nominations close. If we receive more applications/nominations than there are vacancies, an election will be carried out. We will inform you after the nomination deadline if we have to do this.

If you have any queries about this process or would like to find out more about the role, please contact the Chair of the LGB Mr Dave Jones ( or the Headteacher, Mr Tom Larkham

Yours sincerely,

Mr Dave Jones                                                      Mr Tom Larkham

Chair of LGB                                                               Headteacher


NSPCC Visits

We were visited by NSPCC for their Speak out. Stay safe programme. Speak out. Stay safe aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, to a safe adult or Childline.

Coleham Voices Visits


We have been invited to sing at two events coming up.

Tuesday 5th December at Hickory’s Restaurant

We will rehearse after school on Tuesday 5th December and staff will walk to Hickory’s Restaurant in town for a 5.30pm performance.   Our singing slot will be approx. 25mins. You are most welcome to come along as a customer in the bar area and support us.  If your child is attending an ADULT MUST COLLECT YOUR CHILD FROM HICKORYS AT 6 O CLOCK. The children should wear school uniform but Christmas hat/accessories would be great!

Consent Form

Parent/Carer Name…………………………………………………………………………………………….

Child Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

My child will be attending the Hickory’s Event and an Adult will collect them at 6:00pm.


Friday 15th December at St. Alkmund’s Church Concert

We have been invited to take part in a Christmas concert at St. Alkmund’s Church in town SY1 1UL with Shrewsbury’s Phoenix Singers.

You will need to bring your child to St Alkmunds Church at 5pm for a quick rehearsal, the concert starts at 6pm and will last approx. 1 hour.

If you would like to attend the concert please purchase tickets from the website below:


The children need to be in smart school uniform. This is the last day of term, but a lovely way to celebrate the start of the holidays!

Consent Form

Parent/Carer Name…………………………………………………………………………………………….

Child Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

My child will be attending the St Alkmunds Concert and an Adult will collect them at 7:00pm.

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

I have had a lovely week hearing lots of Christmassy singing coming through wall in my office!  I’m really looking forward to our Nativities this year which are happening the week after next!

A huge congratulations to our Sports Leaders in Year 6 who have been working incredibly hard to achieve their Sports Leadership qualifications.  They have been working with Year 1 children and have demonstrated excellent leadership qualities.  Well done!

Next week is anti-bullying week and we are having an odd-sock day on Monday 27th.  There will be lots of PSHE activities throughout the school to help the children understand what bullying is, how to spot it and what we can all do to make sure people are kinder to each other.

Please also remember that our parent survey is open and we rally value your feedback – if you have any serious concerns about anything, please contact us directly.

And finally, we are still receiving reports from our neighbours in Slater’s Lane of inconsiderate parking blocking private driveways and parking on double yellow lines.  There is adequate parking available to everyone at St Julian’s Friar’s using the free Park & Stride option, so please do use that option if you are driving to school.  The Council has been contacted on behalf of the residents so there may be traffic warden patrols in the future.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


Christmas Raffle Reminder

The School Council announced our Rainbow Hamper Raffle to the children in assembly today.

We would be really grateful if children could help donate an item to go inside a hamper. The ‘colour’ themes for each year group are below with some ideas.

Reception-Any thing Gold/Yellow (ideas include Crayola, M&Ms, Ferrero Rocher, white wine)

Year 1-Anything Pink (Rose wine, Marshmallows, Mr Kipling, Percy Pigs, scented candle)

Year 2- Anything Red (Wine, Maltesers, KitKats, Jammy Dodgers, Xmas socks, baubles)

Year 3- Anything Orange (Mini Chedders, Fudge, Crackers)

Year 4- Anything Green (Pringles, Matchmakers, Mint chocolates, Bubble bath)

Year 5- Anything Blue (Haribo, Roses, Milky Way, Jaffa Cakes)

Year 6-Purple (Heroes, Dairy Milk, Chocolate Fingers, Lavender toiletries)

You can be as inventive as you like and include any sweet or savoury snacks, drinks, toiletries, Christmas decorations, toys and books.

Children may take donations into class and give them to their School Councillor or Class Teacher.  We will be collecting these throughout November.

Tickets cost £1.  You may purchase tickets here!


Parent Survey

Dear Parents/Carers,

The 3-18 Education Trust have created a Parent/Carer Survey for all schools in our trust and they would very much like the views of all parents and carers.  This is a multiple choice, anonymous survey.

It is important that we have a good response rate to collate as many views as possible.

We really hope that all our Parent/Carers can complete this survey-it should only take a couple of minutes of your time.

Please complete the survey below:


Here at Coleham we are always keen to know what we are doing well, and always keen to see where we can improve every aspect of provision.  We would like to give you an opportunity to share more detailed, quality feedback for our School.  There are 2 boxes on the form below: What do we do really well? and What could we improve?

Please complete the survey below:


The surveys close on Monday 4th December.

We will of course, share the results with you all in the New Year.

Kind Regards,

Tom Larkham


3-18 Education Trust
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