World Book Week

Dear Parents/Carers,


After half term, we will be celebrating World Book Day and promoting a love of reading in school with activities over the week! It will start with a whole school assembly which will introduce and explain all about World Book Day and the week ahead.

Monday 4th March

Illustrator Visit-Local Artist/Illustrator Giesella Robinson will be visiting to talk to Years 3 & 4 about life working as a freelance Illustrator.  She will be delivering a creative workshop to Year 3 and staying after school with a pop up shop to sell her merchandise.  (artwork, badges, postcards, stickers etc)  You may recognise Giesella’s work , she painted the DoDo on the BT box on the English Bridge.

After School Fair- At 3:30pm in the hall we will have some stalls for you to shop including Giesella Robinson Art, Usborne Books and a sweet shop created by Year 1 pupils as part of an enterprise event.  They will be selling bags of sweets themed to popular books for £1 each.  Please come along to support them.

Thursday 7th March Actual World Book Day.

Non-Uniform– Children may come to school dressed to represent their favourite book or character.  Please don’t feel the need to buy expensive fancy dress for this occasion: the children are so keen on being eco-conscious and re-using items you already have at home.  Equally, please don’t feel any pressure to make an elaborate costume.  Here are some simple ideas below:

-re-use Halloween costumes (cats, witches, skeletons, wizards feature in lots of stories)

-re-use other costumes (animals, superheroes & princesses feature in lots of stories)

–characters wearing old fashioned clothes (Famous Five, World War stories)

-characters wearing pyjamas (BFG, I’m Going on a bear Hunt, The Polar Express)

-inspiration from sports stars/real life hero books

We understand that some children feel uncomfortable wearing fancy dress. They may choose to wear their own comfy reading clothes instead – we want all children to enjoy the day.

Special Lunch Menu

 We will have a special themed lunch on Thursday


World Book Day Books

We are collaborating with local independent book store, Pengwern Books, so that every child can select a World Book Day book to take home.

Friday 3rd March

EYFS and KS1 Children will have a visit from local storyteller Sal Tongue.

Drop & Swap Trolley

-use our Drop & Swap Trolley in the foyer to recycle old costumes.  You can drop old costumes off or give costumes a new home.

We are really looking forward to the things we have planned and we are sure the children will really enjoy themselves.

Kind regards,

Mrs Young

KS1 Leader & Reading Co-ordinator

Sea Life Centre Trip

Year 3 visited the Sealife Centre in Birmingham, as part of their Geography work and took part in a Plastic Pollution workshop.  We have been compelled to write to the Sea Life Centre so they can consider the plastic items for sale in the gift shop.

Alice wins Photography Competition

Alice in Year 6 has won the Age 10 & under category in the Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery Wildlife Photography Competition.  She is thrilled with the news! See her winning photo below which will be displayed in the Museum. Well done Alice!

Community Quiz Night

As always a brilliant night was had by all at our Quiz Night! It was great to see some new faces join us with 15 teams battling it out. Dadbodz scooped the glory of the cup 🏆 and our favourite staff team were delighted to bag the ‘mugs’ 🤣 Thank you Mr Larkham for the excellent hosting, jokes and trivia, until next time…



House Competition

Mrs Stennett has launched a HOUSE COMPETITION for the children to complete at home!

Year 5 are making preparations for an Eco Fashion Show (taking place 13th March)and there will be a ‘Recycled rubbish’ Runway.

We would like the children to DESIGN AN OUTFIT MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIALS that we can then create for the show.

DRAW YOUR OUTFIT DESIGN ON A PIECE OF PAPER AND LABEL IT WITH THE MATERIALS USED.  Don’t forget to include your name and House and return to the Post Box outside the School Offices.

Dresses made from binbags, skirts made from bubble wrap, what will you think up?


What’s on Next Week?

Monday – EYFS parents Writing Meeting 2:30pm and 5:00pm @School Hall

Tuesday – Yr 2 Owl’s Class Assembly for Parents 9:15am

Wednesday – Yr 2 Rabbit’s Class Assembly for Parents 9:15am

ThursdayChinese New Year Workshop for Yrs 1, 4 & 6

The cost for the workshop is £3.70, please make payment on Arbor.

FridayEYFS Theatre Trip to Dear Zoo

The cost of the ‘Dear Zoo’ trip is £15.50, please make payment on Arbor.  Pick up from school will be 3:30pm.


Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,


Welcome to another newsletter!  It’s been a busy and slightly warmer week, and it’s nice to end on a bit of sunshine.

We had Ms Jones and the CEO, David O’Toole, visit us this week.  It’s always good to have the Trust leadership have an outsider’s view of all things Coleham, and they were very impressed with what they had seen.  They commented on how well the children behaved around school and the excellent learning they saw happening in the classrooms.  Well done everyone!

On another happy note, I’ve had quite a few children come to my office this week with excellent work, including some EYFS children with some fantastic writing about Handa and a cheeky giraffe, so I thought I’d put a picture of one of my giraffes in this week.

I’m looking forward to seeing some of you at the quiz tonight – make sure you bring your brains!

Whatever you are doing this weekend, make sure you have a good one!

Tom Larkham


Chinese New Year

On Thursday 1st February we will be celebrating Chinese New Year in School.

Years 1, 4 and 6 will all be participating in a Chinese New Year workshop involving 15 metre dragons and a range of Chinese instruments and will allow children to experience some of the traditions associated with Chinese New Year.

Special Lunch Menu

Duke of Edinburgh

Eaoife from The Priory School is volunteering with us for The Duke of Edinburgh Award.  Eaoife is helping Year 6’s at Cookery Club and next half term is supporting Spanish Club.  🙌 Great to see young people getting out there and helping others!

The Shropshire Bagpiper

Jump & Jive  EYFS/KS1 Music Club welcomed The Shropshire Bagpiper this week to celebrate Burns’ Night. The Club practiced two Scottish Jigs, performed Burns’ story of Tam o’ Shanter with lots of instruments and learnt just what a Sgian Dubh is! They then marched round school and performed to their parents at the front gates! Well done Jump & Jive and thank you to Mrs Wade for organising the visit.

Art Exhibition

Our latest Art Exhibition is a music and art collaboration from Year 5.  Lions and Leopards have been exploring Hans Zimmer’s ‘Earth’ as part of their topic about Space,  Hans Zimmer is a film composer and has written numerous soundtracks including The Lion King and The Pirates of the Caribbean.  He also composed the soundtrack to TV series Planet Earth and The Blue Planet.  ‘Earth’ draws upon a similar soundtrack to Planet Earth.  We watched and listened to a performance by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and Royal Scottish Junior Chorus.  Our pictures show what we imagined was being described in the music: space, stars, day, night, cities, animals, oceans, deserts, and even volcanos!

Cookery Club

Year 6 pupils have been enjoying after school Cookery Club.  They’ve made Cheese Scones and Fruit Crumble so far, at individual work stations, a bit like the Bake Off! Parents have reported back that they tasted delicious! We are passionate about teaching life skills and we hope the children use this bank of recipes again and again at home and in the future.

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Hopefully you have all been wrapped up warm on the playground this week!

It’s been another busy week, including the fantastic International Day on Tuesday.  A huge thank you to Madame Jones for putting it all together, and another huge thank you to all our parents visitors that came into school to tell the children about other countries and cultures.  It’s so valuable for our children to experience different cultures – and also wonderful to sample all that lovely food!  Thanks you to everyone who contributed – another example of our fantastic community!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham


International Food Market

We like to try new events and we were so pleased to see the turn out for our International Food Market with tasters from Spain, Greece, Germany, China, India, Italy and Poland.  It was lovely to see so many children excited about trying new foods with their families.  Thank you to everybody for coming along and donating items and especially those families who spent time preparing home-made dishes.  Sharing food with the people we love is one of life’s greatest joys and we would love to hear your feedback so we can do more food based events together.

International Day

International Day has been a fusion of different countries and cultures! The children have learnt about different countries, sang songs in other languages, Starfish learnt a Bollywood dance in PE, we invited in guest speakers, Madame Jones turned into Bavarian Brigitta to teach German lessons, all finished off by our International Food Market!  Thanks also to the Catering Team for a special lunch menu.  We have loved celebrating the diversity in our Coleham Community.

Check out what Year 5 got up too! Whales Class read ‘Die Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt’ or The Little Caterpillar Never-full.  They then made their own kleine Raupen with days of the week and everything the caterpillar ate in German to practise their new vocab.

Cultural Speakers

For International Day, we had 6 family guest speakers tell them all about their home countries.

Emiliia’s Dad spoke of living in Kyiv, Ukraine and their traditional dress and food such as sour soup ‘Borshch’ . The children learnt how to count to 10 and other Ukrainian greetings.

Romilly’s Dad lived in Poland as a child and told the children about ‘Name Day’ their equivalent Birthday celebration and bought them all a goody bag.

Lucho’s Mum visited Lions class to talk about life in Ecuador and how indigenous people live in the jungle.  It was fascinating!

We also had visitors in Yr 6 and Reception.

Thank you so much to all our parents for sharing their real life, personal experiences.



EYFS Parents Writing Meeting

Dear Parent/Carer,

EYFS Parents Writing Meeting: Monday 29th January 2024

On Monday 29th January we will be holding a session for parents on the development of Early Writing. The aims of the session are as follows:

• Provide parents with more information on how writing develops in Reception
• To share with parents what is expected in writing by the end of the Reception Year
• To share strategies for supporting writing at home
At Coleham school we feel partnership with parents is important, and we recognise the difference we can make to our children when we work together effectively. We would therefore truly value your participation by attending this event. In order to ensure that the event is as accessible to as many of you as possible, we will be running the event at two separate times. We therefore request that you complete and return the
slip no later than Friday 26th January so we can cater for the correct amount of people.

The event will take place in the School Hall, so please head straight to the main reception 5 minutes prior to your selected time.
Many thanks,
Miss Harris

Child’s Name ______________________________ Class ________________________
Monday 29th January – 2:30pm
Monday 29th January – 5:15pm

Photography Competition

Something for the weekend? A great competition for our pupils!

Shrewsbury Museum are looking for images from photographers of all ages and levels.

Send your entry to by Sunday 21 January including your name, age and school with a short explanation about why you took the photograph.


TUESDAY International Day

Our International day celebrations take place on Tuesday

What will the day involve?

NON UNIFORM –It will be a non-uniform day. Your child is invited to come dressed in non uniform in the colours of any flag or cultural dress of their choice.  We do not expect you to buy a costume, you could wear a flag or get creative using face paints, decorate a plain t-shirt with felt tips or wear an international sports kit.

SINGING ASSEMBLY-During our singing assemblies on Tuesday (KS1) and Wednesday (KS2) Mrs Porrett will be singing International songs with the children.

CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES – In the afternoon classes will be choosing a country to learn about.  Your child might listen to music, speak the language, do some map work, learn some history or look at the day in the life of a child from that country.

LUNCHTIME-We will have a theme menu on this day

KS2 GERMAN LESSONS – Madame Jones will be turning into Bavarian Brigitte this week so instead of teaching French, I will be giving Years 3 to 6 a German taster session!

PARENT GUESTSWe would love to host parent visitors in the classroom so you and your child can share your experiences from a different culture, country or travels.  You might like to bring some photos, traditional clothes or objects to talk about.  Please chat to your child’s teacher at the end of the day or contact Mrs Jasper in the school office to arrange a visit.


INTERNATIONAL FOOD MARKETWe invite children to bring food from another country into school to share at our after school event. (Children can bring this into class in the morning or parents can bring to the event-please note we will be unable to refrigerate goods) We will set up tasting tables with each year group’s contributions and we invite you and your children to pop into the school hall after school once you have collected your children to sample some tasters.  Please enter from the OUTSIDE HALL DOORS at the back of school.

Some guidance for the food event:

So we can easily display the food for the event we have allocated each Year Group the following countries:








-We have allocated countries to keep things simple for purchasing/displaying food, of course if there is a cultural dish closer to your heart then your child is very welcome to bring that in.

-Homemade and shop bought foods are welcome.  We would be grateful if you can cut up your offering into small pieces for tasters and wrap up on a paper plate.  Please label any special containers with your child’s name and class that you would like returned.

-At the event, please remember food is kindly donated by families so we are not able to confirm ingredients or allergens.  As it is an after school event, parents/carers are responsible for their children and what they are eating.  (If Year 6 children usually walk home alone then they are able to go to the hall without parents)

-Teachers will display the food, on year group tables and be on hand to help you with tasters.

We look forward to your support and hope this will be a fun and enriching day for all involved.

International Day

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Tuesday 16th January we will be hosting our International Day and celebrating different countries and cultures around the world and diversity within our school community.

What will the day involve?

NON UNIFORM – It will be a non-uniform day. Your child is invited to come dressed in non uniform in the colours of any flag or cultural dress of their choice.  We do not expect you to buy a costume, you could wear a flag or get creative using face paints, decorate a plain t-shirt with felt tips or wear an international sports kit.

SINGING ASSEMBLY-During our singing assemblies on Tuesday (KS1) and Wednesday (KS2) Mrs Porrett will be singing International songs with the children.

CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES – In the afternoon classes will be choosing a country to learn about.  Your child might listen to music, speak the language, do some map work, learn some history or look at the day in the life of a child from that country.

LUNCHTIME-We will have a special theme menu on this day

KS2 GERMAN LESSONS – I will be turning into Bavarian Brigitte this week so instead of teaching French, I will be giving Years 3 to 6 a German taster session!

PARENT GUESTS – We would love to host parent visitors in the classroom so you and your child can share your experiences from a different culture, country or travels.  You might like to bring some photos, traditional clothes or objects to talk about.  Please chat to your child’s teacher at the end of the day or contact Mrs Jasper in the school office to arrange a visit.


INTERNATIONAL FOOD MARKET- We invite children to bring food from another country into school to share at our after school event. (Children can bring this into class in the morning or parents can bring to the event-please note we will be unable to refrigerate goods) We will set up tasting tables with each year group’s contributions and we invite you and your children to pop into the school hall after school once you have collected your children to sample some tasters.  Please enter from the OUTSIDE HALL DOORS at the back of school.

Some guidance for the food event:

So we can easily display the food for the event we have allocated each Year Group the following countries:








-We have allocated countries to keep things simple for purchasing/displaying food, of course if there is a cultural dish closer to your heart then your child is very welcome to bring that in.

-Homemade and shop bought foods are welcome.  We would be grateful if you can cut up your offering into small pieces for tasters and wrap up on a paper plate.  Please label any special containers with your child’s name and class that you would like returned.

-At the event, please remember food is kindly donated by families so we are not able to confirm ingredients or allergens.  As it is an after school event, parents/carers are responsible for their children and what they are eating.  (If Year 6 children usually walk home alone then they are able to go to the hall without parents)

-Teachers will display the food, on year group tables and be on hand to help you with tasters.

We look forward to your support and hope this will be a fun and enriching day for all involved.

Yours sincerely,

Chloë Jones

Foreign Languages Coordinator

Save the Date! Class Assemblies

Our Class Assemblies are scheduled for 2024.  Children will have the opportunity to show their families what they have been learning about in class.

Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 Class Assemblies all take place this half term.

Yr 1 Hedgehogs & Mrs Young – Tue 23rd Jan

Yr 1 Squirrels & Miss Cox -Wed 24th Jan

Yr 2 Owls & Mrs Field- Tues 30th Jan

Yr 2 Rabbits & Mrs Allan – Wed 31st Jan

Yr 3 Turtles & Mrs Munns – Tue 6th Feb

Yr 3 Starfish & Miss Heap- Wed 7th Feb

Assemblies all start at 9:15am in the School Hall.

Save the Date: International Day

International Day takes place on Tuesday 16th January.

This will be a Non-Uniform Day and the children will be able to wear cultural dress or sports clothes from any country or clothes the colour of any flag.  There is no need to go to any expense, drawing a flag onto an old t-shirt is an easy idea.

We would love to host parent visitors in the classroom so you and your child can share your experiences from a different culture, country or travels.  You might like to bring some photos, traditional clothes or objects to talk about.  Please chat to your child’s teacher at the end of the day or contact Mrs Jasper in the school office to arrange a visit.

We have lots of fun planned and a letter about this will come out next week.

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

Welcome back to school and a Happy New 2024 to everyone!  It feels like an age since we were singing Christmas songs, but now we are back to it and all struggling to remember to write the date correctly!

I wanted to say  THANK YOU on behalf of all the staff who received small thank you gifts and messages from parents before the holiday – it’s never expected but always very much appreciated.

With only 3 days in, it’s only been a short week, but it’s been wonderful to see so many smiling faces back in school.  Here’s to a a new year and an exciting term ahead!

Best wishes,

Tom Larkham


Wanted Clothes Donations!

We have an exciting new Coleham event coming soon!

Year 5 will be producing an Eco Fashion Show in the evening of Thursday 8th February and you will be hearing lots about this in the coming weeks.

Can you help? We are in desperate need of pre-loved clothes, shoes & accessories (adults & childrens) plus any ‘rubbish’ materials to create costumes (plastic bags, bubble wrap, paper plates, crisp packets etc) 

Please drop any donations into the School Foyer.

We will be really grateful for any items received.


Book in your Quiz Team

Our Community Quiz is happening once again, its always lots of fun!!

Friday 26th January @7:30pm

Teams of 6 at £5 per person, cash on the night please.

Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

Book in your team with the school office or let a member of the office team know.


Everybody is welcome from the community

Parents, Staff, Governors, Grandparents, Friends & Neighbours, the more the merrier!

Family Support

Shropshire Strengthening families has a drop in session for families to access support.  Please see teh poster below.


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