Information for Friday

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you for supporting us today in school and being sensible about the weather conditions.  We’re used to flooding but we haven’t seen snow for a while.  The children had a lovely time exploring the snow at lunchtime.

As you know, when emergencies or weather conditions arise, our Senior Leadership Team will continually monitor and assess the situation on an ongoing basis.  As soon, as any decision is made affecting families, you are then notified immediately via email and the school website so thank you for trusting us and looking out for our communications.

Thinking ahead for tomorrow, we have the following update:

  • Breakfast Club will be operating as normal.
  • Children are welcome to wear alternative footwear appropriate for the weather conditions.
  • It may well be icy on the playgrounds tomorrow morning.  With this in mind, children are recommended to enter straight into school via any of the doors at the front of the main building.  Year 1 and EYFS can enter via their classroom doors as normal.  Therefore no one will need to access the playgrounds at the back of school.   Mr Jones works hard to ensure that main paths to the front entrances are cleared and gritted.
  • It is our intention to run after school clubs tomorrow evening.  If this changes, we will communicate with you in good time.

As weather circumstances are unpredictable, please continue to check your emails regularly.

Kind regards,

Miss Harris

Deputy Headteacher

3-18 Education Trust
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