Published on: 14th June, 2024

Summer 2024 No. 9: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s been another busy week in school with trips out, Shropshire Sings, sport and lots of art going on.  The children have really enjoyed visiting the Barnabas art exhibition and seeing their own work on display.

The summer feels like it is moving along with the start of the Euros today – all the classes have had a team allocated to them so we’ll all be looking out for our teams’ progress!  I have been given Italy this time round so I’m hoping for great things…  In assembly this week we talked about the benefits of exceptional teamwork, and I showed them the famous Brazil team goal from the 1970 World Cup and also the individual brilliance of Gazza’s goal against Scotland in Euro ’96 – lots of children have talked to me about those goals and working as a team, which is great.

With any luck, the weather will take the hint about it being summer so we can properly look forward to our own sporting activities, with Sports Days happening the week after next (week of the 24th June) and our Olympic week the week after.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the football if you’re watching!

Tom Larkham


What’s on next week?

Tuesday 18th June – EYFS Parent Assembly @ 9.15am

Tuesday 18th June– Elephants Swimming

Thursday 20th JuneYr 4 Tudor Day

Friday 21st June – NON UNIFORM DAY Wear Yellow Day for charity

Friday 21st June– KS1 Disco 4:45-5:45pm  KS2 Disco 6.00 -7.00pm

Sunday 23rd JuneHistoric Open Gardens part of the Belle Vue Arts Trail


Next Friday- Wear Yellow! NO UNIFORM DAY

Olivia and Elinor Hargest would like to promote the Cystic Fibrosis Trust charity by asking pupils to Wear Yellow to school on Friday 21st June.  If you wish to donate £1 towards the charity, we’ll have some collection buckets at drop off.


Disco Update

Please read the letter below with all the finer details ready for the night!

Disco Details

Garden Bar Coming Soon

Enjoy alfresco drinks at our Garden Bar.  Darren from the Old Market Hall Gindifferent and Tom from Paso-Primero wines will be with us to provide the drinks.  A special event in our conservation area.   Family members , friends and relatives from the community are also welcome.  Purchase your tickets now on Arbor School Shop!

Parents Online Bladder & Bowel Workshop

If you have any worries about your child with respect to bladder/bowel habits then this online session might have some useful tips and knowledge.

Crucial Crew

Year 6 visited Shrewsbury Flaxmill for a Crucial Crew Safety Day. This included a variety of scenario workshops designed to keep teenagers safe including hazards such as fire, railways, farming, drugs and alcohol.


BVAF Barnabas Gallery

It’s been brilliant to see lots and lots of classes popping out this week and heading over to the Barnabas Centre Art Exhibition for the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  Every child has produced a  piece of art for the exhibition and Badgers and Foxes Art has been hung by the Greyfriars Bridge.  Not only do the children get to see their own work displayed but also work from other local artists.  Such a variety to see!  The Exhibition is open Saturday 10-4pm if you would like to see your child’s work.


Yr 3 Egyptian Day

Wow, what an incredible day Year 3 have had to complete their topic on the Egyptians!  It was quite scary to find so many children embalmed but don’t worry all their organs are still intact!

Impressive performance by some of our young cricketers!

Congratulations to this group of children for their participation in the recent cricket competition. They demonstrated outstanding teamwork and sportsmanship throughout the event, securing a commendable joint 3rd place finish. Well done to all the participants!

Commendable effort at the Crossbar Cup!

Well done to this group of children for their tremendous effort at the Crossbar Cup. They played brilliantly as a team and kept their spirits high despite the challenges they faced. A special shoutout to James for saving some fantastic goals. Unfortunately, they were knocked out in the semi-finals by penalties, but their performance was truly commendable. Great job, everyone!

Sandwich Tasting

Year 3 have been trying to work out what makes a good sandwich in preparation for our next DT project. Huge thanks to Craig from our local supermarket Asda, who provided us with a variety of sandwiches to taste! Lots of the children tasted new flavours they’d never tried before. We then thought like professionals and designed and made our own healthy, tasty sandwiches to make and eat!

Shropshire Sings!

Our After School Club Choir performed at Shropshire Sings with lots of other primary schools at the West Mid Showground. What a lovely evening for the families that came along to watch.  Great work from the children who have been rehearsing hard for weeks. Thank you Mrs Porrett for leading Choir.


Search and Rescue visit EYFS

Children in Reception have been learning about water safety. Today we were fortunate to be visited by our local search and rescue team. During the morning the children got to dress up like part of the team, and practise using a buoyancy aid.

EYFS Geography Fieldwork

On Thursday and Friday, Foxes and Badgers walked to the River Severn to feed the ducks and undertake some geography fieldwork.  Before heading out, the children discussed which food they thought would be the most popular among the ducks. The children recorded their findings and found out that on Thursday their favourite food was oats and on Friday it was Peas!

Shrewsbury Arts Trail Community Project

Year 3 had such fun contributing towards an exciting collaborative art installation that will be on display at Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery next month. They took part in a mark making workshop run by artist Clare Scarlett, in which they threw, rolled, printed, splattered, stamped, squeegeed and squished paint onto paper! Lots of messy fun was had by all for the wonderful Shrewsbury Arts Trail. The children’s mark making work will be chopped up and then sewn together with lots of other pieces created by members of the community. We can’t wait to see the final results on display!

Sol’s Darwin Window

Winner of The Darwin Doodle Boy Competition Sol has chalk penned his winning design on Forget Me Not Florists window for us all to enjoy!  Just in time for The Belle Vue Arts Festival!  How Amazing is this, Sol has also painted his Charles Darwin design as a mural on the Galapagos Island of San Cristobal!!

Saturday, Lets Celebrate!

The Belle Vue Arts Festival has started! It was great to see so many Coleham families at the Greyfriars Bridge, Lets Celebrate event enjoying the live music, sunshine and children’s activities . This year’s theme is Treasure and so Shropshire Ramblers and Shropshire Geological Society were there to promote the treasures in our county town 🌞


A new arrival

Congratulations to Miss Gregory and Guy on the arrival of Baby Oscar 💙 What a handsome chap! We are thrilled for the new parents and wish Miss Gregory a fabulous maternity leave.