Published on: 19th July, 2024

Summer 2024 No.15: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Here we are at the end of another successful academic year.  It’s always a funny time of the year: no one could imagine the final day being here 11 months ago when we started in September, but SO much has happened!  Children in EYFS starting school are now fully fledged; Year 6 are at the end of their primary school journeys; 100s of children enjoying success in their classes and wondering what the next year holds, and I have managed a full year as Headteacher without burning the school down! It’s a happy time to reflect on everything that’s come our way and everything we have achieved or overcome together.

We are saying goodbye to 4 incredible members of staff who have been instrumental in forging Coleham’s place in our community, but also saying hello to new faces who will carry the torch onwards.  Change is part of life and that’s what we all need to embrace to make the future strong.  We want to celebrate those moving on, children and adults, as new adventures beckon and exciting new things are yet to be discovered.  Good luck to everyone leaving Coleham school today: Coleham will always be part of you and you will always be part of Coleham!

As Chilli says to Bluey in ‘Camping’: it’s sad when good people come into your life, stay for a bit, but then have to leave isn’t it?  But the part they were here for was good, and maybe that’s what makes it worthwhile.

Thank you to everyone who has said hello on the playground this year, supported us and helped to make COleham School such a lovely place to be.

Have a super summer, and we will see you in September!

Tom Larkham


Returning in September

Everything you need for next year will be put on the website.

The menu is up already.

Check the Class Page for arrival and collection points and we’ll add PE days over the summer but for the first day back to school please wear uniform.

Don’t forget the PE kit has changed for September!  We will be expecting children to wear Navy blue bottoms, tops and jumpers.

End of Year House Cup

All of the Dojo points have been totalled up for the entire year! (one of Mr Larkham’s favourite jobs!) and the House Winner for 2023-24 is Darwin!  Good Luck to our Darwin House Captains Evelyn and Isla as they move onto secondary school.

1st Darwin

2nd Greyfriars

3rd Quarry

4th Severn

Year 6 Cup Winners

Congratulations to our Year 6 cup winners Henry, Rueben, Seren, Ava and Millie.  You are a credit to Coleham School and will be a credit to your new schools too.


Eco & Charity Awards

Our Summer Charity award was shared by Dolly who cut her hair for the Little Princess Trust; Perdi who took on a charity cycle for Lingen Davies Trust; Josie for raising money for Alzheimer’s Society with her Brave Beads and Olivia and Elinor who organised the Wear Yellow Day in school for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. They have collectively raised over £1000 for charity! #kindness

Our Eco Award went to Lily and Autumn for raising money and spreading awareness in the community to save the Orangutans!

Goodbye Mr Jones

We are lost for words at the day we’ve had!  You have all shown up to celebrate and say farewell to our beloved Caretaker Mr Jones, the last of the Great Caretakers!  Mr Jones is far more than a school Caretaker, he embraces the Coleham spirit in true style and is always keen to show off his creative side to create special memories for the children! From the array of characters he has performed and his starring role in our Christmas Videos, what will we do without him!  It was brilliant, hilarious and emotional in equal measure to see so many Mr Jones in school today!  Our Staff Flash Mob was particularly special resulting in one big happy dance off in the playground!  One pupils said “what just happened?” Another pupil replied ” LOVE just happened”

Read the News Article here


The last Goodbye from Year 6

Our Year 6 Leavers 2024 have had a fabulous last day full of happiness, emotion and excitement just as it should be!

They have one final message for you

Goodbye Mr Edwards! Enjoy your retirement



School Food Roadshow

READY, STEADY COOK!  Wow what an exciting interactive show for our Year 2 children and their families.  Mums Sarah and Hannah cooked a storm with the children and the crowd were entertained.  It was a close call but Team Red Chilli just pipped it with their Sweet and Sour Orange chicken. #healthyeating

Jim Bones Pirate Adventure

The Reception children had a fantastic finale to their first school year!  A lot of swashbuckling fun was had with walking the plank, musical islands, tug of war and a treasure hunt all led by the most infamous sea rogue Captain Jim Bones who taught the little mateys a pirate dance.  The children were so looking forward to their pirate party and helped to organise it all making the decorations and biscuits. Ooh Aghhh Mateys it’s been a grand olde day!


Leavers Jump In!

Jumping into the last week of Primary School! A great Leavers party for our Leavers Cohort of 2024!  Well done to Sophia and Oliver for receiving the most Dojo points this year!

Wear a waistcoat for Mr Edwards

Today we celebrated Mr Edwards who is leaving us for retirement.  Mr Edwards has led our Year 6 pupils to success over the last 12 years and has been a key part in delivering fantastic outcomes for these children.

He has played in the Manic Street Teachers Rock band, produced the Coleham Newspaper and been a friend to so many.  Mr Edwards is not one for fuss so to honour him, staff all showed up for him today at our Staff Leavers Assembly by wearing his trademark waistcoat!

Mr Edwards started at Coleham in 2012 when some of his current class were just being born and he glad to be leaving with the fantastic Giraffes and Elephant children..

Mr Edwards has meant a lot to many pupils, so when word got round on the socials about his retirement, a group of former pupils from The Priory School rushed down to see him bringing a chocolate medal (so kind and touching) We wish Mr and Mrs Kev all the very best in their retirement, adventures on their travels across Europe and long leisurely days.  Thank you to Mr Edwards, an Outstanding Teacher.

Year 4’s DT pop-up book reading with EYFS

Year 4 enjoyed reading the pop-up books they made in DT to the EYFS children. The reception children were super respectful, and the Year 4s read their books brilliantly, allowing the younger children to explore the mechanisms. It was a wonderful experience for both groups!

Miss Lewis turns 30 – Party in the park with Dolphins

We had a fantastic time celebrating at the park. We enjoyed a picnic lunch, shared our favourite moments with Miss Lewis, played some parachute games, had a game of kick rounders, and finished off with a play in the park. What a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the year together. Well done on a brilliantly deserved celebration, dolphins – you have been superstars!

Year 4’s DT pop-up book reading with EYFS

Year 4 enjoyed reading the pop-up books they made in DT to the EYFS children. The reception children were super respectful, and the Year 4s read their books brilliantly, allowing the younger children to explore the mechanisms. It was a wonderful experience for both groups!

Rounders competition

Well done to this group of children for representing the school so well at the final sports fixture of the year. They played exceptionally well and demonstrated some fantastic rounders skills.

The last camp fire for Year 5

Year 5 enjoyed their final camp fire and smores with Mrs Stennett and Mrs Jones. A great way to end the year!

Year 4’s Persuasive Letters to Save the Severn!

Year 4 are sick of the sewage dumping in the River Severn and decided to write persuasive letters to our new Shrewsbury MP, Julia Buckley. They took their letters and their protest down to the postbox at Greyfriars Bridge. They even got a clap from enthusiastic onlookers! #cleanwater #savethesevern

Year 1 Families Lunch

Thanks to all our Year 1 families for joining us for lunch, the children were so pleased to share their lunch time with you and show you where to put your trays!  Thanks to the Kitchen team for a lovely roast dinner.


Summer Term Cups

Well done to all our Values Cup winners for Summer 2024!

Community Quiz

Another fun community quiz, great to see some new faces as well as our regulars! #colehamcommunity

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Our Year 6 2024 cohort performed their Leavers assembly to their families and really made everyone so proud.  Pupils showcased their musical and dance talents individually and together and performed a variety of Leaver Songs unique to Coleham.  #tearjerker

It has been an absolute pleasure to watch you flourish and grow, take on challenges and responsibility, be ambitious and achieve, forge your passions and become successful, independent individuals ready for the the next chapter in your future.  Always take with you the Coleham values of Kindness, Respect, Resilience and Ambition.

Amazing credit to our Millie who rewrote the lyrics to these Barbie songs, organised the arrangement and produced this incredible Mash up!