Published on: 21st June, 2024

Summer 2024 No. 11: Newsletter


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What’s on next Week?

Monday 24th June-Yr 3/4 Sports Day

Tuesday 25th June– Yr 6 Elephants Swimming

Tuesday 25th June– New Reception Children Group 1 1.30pm-3:00pm

Wednesday 26th June– Yr 5/6 Sports Day

Wednesday 26th June– Parents Musical Showcase Concert

Thursday 27th June – EYFS/1/2 Sports Day

Friday 28th JuneSEND Parent/Carer Meeting with PACC (Parent & Carer Council)


This SUNDAY BVAF Open Gardens

Coleham School will be part of the Belle Vue Open Gardens this year.

This gives us a wonderful opportunity to show members of our community our listed Coach House, Victorian Museum and historic Folly which was once architecture in St Mary’s Church in Shrewsbury.  Our History Club Guides look forward to welcoming people on the Belle Vue Gardens Trail and telling them about the history of our school and The Limes Estate.  We also have Archaeologists on site with a collection of finds to talk about.

Tickets for the garden trail cost £3 per adult.  Tickets can be purchased at our Let’s Celebrate event,, Coleham Sandwich bar and House Coffee and designated gardens.

This Weekend Scarecrow Trail

The final weekend of the Belle Vue Arts Festival sees the popular Scarecrow trail around Belle Vue! A free, family activity for everyone.  Check out our entry at the front of school!






Tuesday MENU

Dolly donates her hair!

After growing her hair her entire life, Dolly has just had 12 inches cut off! She is donating it to a very special charity. The Little Princess Trust who provide real hair wigs to children with cancer or other conditions.

Friends and family have shown their support by donating and leaving Dolly messages of support and encouragement. Dolly has raised over £200!  Well Done Dolly!  We love your super cute new haircut!!