Published on: 17th May, 2024

Summer 2024 No. 6: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

A huge well done needs to go to our wonderful Year 6 children: they have worked hard all year, diligently concentrating and doing their best this week with the SATs.  We all know that people are measured in more ways than academic performance in maths and reading, but it’s been so lovely to see them showing up to school, ready to go and fiercely applying themselves.  Determination, resilience, perseverance and ambition have been on show all week, and THAT is what really counts.  Not even an unscheduled fire alarm put them off… Well done!

Don’t forget the Plant & Craft fair tomorrow!  Lots of stalls and things going on – we’d love to see you: Saturday 18th May 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham



Staffing News for next year: Goodbyes

Mrs Munns

We’re sad to announce that Mrs Munns will be retiring from teaching at the end of the Summer Term in July, after an incredible 29 years of service to the Coleham community.  Mrs Munns joined the teaching staff in September 1995 and has impacted the lives of 800 children and their families – an incredible achievement!

She has taught many different year groups in that time and has been hugely involved in several aspects of school life – she even used to take singing assemblies before Mrs Porrett joined us.  There are not many people at Coleham who can remember what Coleham was like before Mrs Munns started, and it’s hard to imagine what Coleham will be like without her.  Thank you, Mrs Munns, for all your hard work over the years and enjoy your retirement!


Mr Edwards

We will also be saying a sad goodbye to Mr Edwards when he retires at the end of July.

Mr Edwards joined Coleham in 2012, and over the last 12 years he has supported hundreds of children through Year 6 and on to secondary school.  He has developed writing at Coleham into a fine art and has led Upper Key Stage 2 for several years.

Mr Edwards will be very much missed, but I’m sure you’ll all join me in wishing the very best in his well-deserved retirement.  Thank you, Mr E!


Mr Jones

Mr Jones, our beloved caretaker, will also be retiring in the summer holidays after 10 solid years of excellent service.

Mr Jones is, for lots of people, the first smiling face they see as they arrive at school.  Always keen to help; always there to fix something and always busy: Mr Jones will be hugely missed.  Thank you for everything you do Mr Jones!


Mrs Howson

A congratulations goes to Mrs Howson who has been promoted within the 3-18 Education Trust to lead SEND and Safeguarding across all the schools in our Trust.

Mrs Howson has, over the last 5 years, been an excellent class teacher and our SENDCO and I know she will be an excellent addition to the Central Trust team.  We will miss Mrs Howson here at Coleham, but are glad to still have her close by!

Staffing News for next year: Changes & Welcomes!

Following the retirements of Mrs Munns and Mr Edwards, and Mrs Howson leaving Coleham, we have some exciting news about new faces and changes as a result.


Miss Jones

Miss Jones will step out of the classroom in September and take over as SENDCO from Mrs Howson and join our Senior Leadership Team.  Miss Jones has been an excellent classroom teacher for the past 2 years at Coleham and has very quickly become a valued member of our community.  She will be SENDCO at Coleham for 3 days a week, and will be brilliantly supported by Mrs Howson as she starts her new exciting chapter.  I am confident that she will be an excellent SENDCO and will help to continue driving our school forward.


Mrs Rank

With Miss Jones stepping out of the classroom, there are 3 vacant teacher positions for September.  We are thrilled to announce that Mrs Rank has been appointed as a new teacher after completing a year training as an apprentice here at Coleham.  Mrs Rank has been an incredible TA and cover HLTA for the past 6 years, and has worked incredibly hard on her ambition to be a classroom teacher.  She has impressed us greatly this year and it was a real no-brainer to keep hold of her!  Congratulations Mrs Rank – we all look forward to the future!


Mrs Mukhopadhyay

Following Mrs Munns’ retirement, we’re delighted to announce that Mrs Mukhopadhyay will be job sharing with Mrs Harrison from September in Mrs Munns’ place.  Mrs Mukhopadhyay has been a qualified teacher for many years, and has been a valuable member of our community as a cover HLTA over the past year.  She is an excellent classroom teacher with experience across primary, and we are very happy to secure her services for a teaching post that she deserves.  Congratulations!


Miss Heap and Mrs Stennett

Please join me in congratulating Miss Heap and Mrs Stennett who will be joining our Senior Leadership Team as Phase Leaders of Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2 respectively.  Both Miss Heap and Mrs Stennett have been excellent servants to the school community for many years and will be superb leaders for their phases.  They replace Mr Edwards in his retirement and Miss Turner who has been leading Lower Key Stage 2 this year.


Miss Mackey

We’re really happy to announce that Miss Mackey, who many will know from Breakfast Club, has been taken on as a TA from September after impressing through volunteering, demonstrating an excellent can-do attitude and boundless positivity.  Well done and congratulations Miss Mackey!


Mrs Bayliss

We’re excited to introduce Mrs Bayliss to everyone – Mrs Bayliss is an experienced TA who will be starting in September and supporting in KS1.  She really impressed at interview and we’ve glad to be able to further strengthen our excellent team of TAs.  Welcome to Coleham, Mrs Bayliss!


New Teacher: Miss Featherston

Our final addition to the teaching staff is a new face!  After a thorough and rigorous recruitment process, we are very excited to inform you all that we have an excellent new teacher starting joining the team in September.  Miss Featherston currently teaches at a school in Telford and impressed us all at interview.  She plans to come to the Plant & Craft Fair tomorrow, so please do look out for her and say hello!


We are not yet able to announce which teachers will be in which year groups at the moment, but we are finalising those details, as well as class mixes (for those year groups who are mixing).  We will be able to share those details with you very soon!


We hope to see you all tomorrow for some ‘TREASURE THEMED’ fun!

Bring along your Competition Entries by 10.30am with £1 entry per exhibit.  We are in need of more cake donations and will gladly accept these at the fair! We’ll be super grateful to any home bakers out there! Plant donations are also welcome on the day.

Thank you for supporting us!

Pet-tastic Puddings Inc.

Meet the founders of Pet-tastic Puddings Incorporated 🐈🐇 These girls are selling delicious cakes/treats for your puppies, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs! Does your pooch fancy a Puppicino ☕️ Come along tomorrow, four legged friends are welcome!



What’s on Next Week

Monday 20th- Tuesday 21st May- Year 6 Giraffes Bikeability (for those who signed up)

Tuesday 21st- Wednesday 22nd May– Year 6 Elephants Bikeability (for those who signed up)

Tuesday 21st May-Year 1 Ukulele concert @9.15am

Tuesday 21st MayMeeting for new Reception Parents (children starting in Sep 24)

Friday 24th May-Yr 3 Liverpool Trip and  EYFS Trip the Museum

Please make payments for these trips before Friday.  Thank you.

Friday 24th May-Last day in school before Half Term summer holiday

Music Club Special Sessions

Want to have a go at Morris Dancing? Jump & Jive Music Club welcomes Shrewsbury Morris to teach us a dance for our May 20th concert.

6 extra places now available on to join these 2 sessions:

Monday May May 20th. 


The Cabin. £5. All ages welcome. Hankies and bells provided! No experience needed. Text Mrs Wade for further details and to book in. Mob: 07910 314269.

Save the Date – School Disco

Coming up in June!

This event is for pupils only.  Tickets are available now to purchase on Arbor!  There are no restricted numbers, as always the whole school is able to attend.

Tickets are £3 to include crisps and squash and there are reduced price tickets for our children eligible for Free School Meals.

We would love some parent helpers on the night at our refreshment tables and will be taking names after half term.

Year 6 celebrate Summer!

Year 6 have worked incredibly hard all year and they are now ready to embrace the Summer fun that awaits them!  We are so proud of their attitude to learning and the young adults they are becoming taking everything in their stride with resilience and ambition.  Proudly wearing their Leavers Hoodies they are ready to make some lasting Coleham memories and enjoy their friendships whilst preparing for the transition to Secondary School.  They will be active school citizens next half term helping us get the school ready for September and training up Year 5’s for roles of responsibility.

Thank you to parent Mrs Oliver for organising the Leaver Hoodies!



Terrific Tudor Trip for Year 4

What an incredible Tudors trip year 4 have had. We began by immersing ourselves in the museum, where we learned about the fascinating lives of Thomas and Sarah Jones. Our workshop was equally captivating, as we explored Tudor clothing, practiced letter writing with ink and quills, ground herbs to create pomanders, constructed Tudor houses from beams, and sorted through artefacts.

We continued with a tour of Shrewsbury’s Tudor buildings, including iconic landmarks such as the Henry Tudor Inn and Severn Tudor House. As we wandered through charming streets like Barracks Passage, Milk Street, Candle Street, and Butchers Row, we were treated to a showcase of various carpentry styles and the distinctive overhanging jetties.

Year 4 trip to Enginuity

Year 4 had a great time at Enginuity! We had a fantastic time exploring the museum and getting hands-on with our very own jitterbugs, all powered by simple circuits. We learnt about motors and how they make things move. Our visit was a great opportunity to deepen our understanding of electricity and discover fascinating facts about science and engineering.

Check out our jitterbugs in action here


Autumn the Activist

Autumn in Year 2 has been busy spreading an important Eco message around our community with her posters to save the Orangutans and encourage others to stop using palm oil. Well done Autumn at promoting positive change. She has inspired her Owls class mates too and Esme has followed suit to help the poster campaign.


Miss Gregory’s Baby Shower

Friday evening saw us shower Miss Gregory with love and best wishes as she leaves for her maternity leave.  👶🩷🩵 We are so looking forward to meeting Baby Groves very soon.