Published on: 6th October, 2023

Autumn No. 6: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

Thank you to everyone who donated to our Harvest Festival donations for the Shrewsbury Foodbank – caring for our community is a really important part of our school, so it was lovely to see our School Councilors getting involved in delivering the food this week.  Thanks also to Rev Fi from Holy Trinity for speaking to us in assembly on Monday.

We have a lot of things happening this week: cricket sessions for some classes; jobs for some of the children in the library

and dining hall; a real-life poet visit and another football competition.  Well done to the boys representing our school so well and showing everyone what Coleham is all about!

This week, we are saying goodbye to Geoff Hulme, who has served as our Chair of Governors for the last few years.  He has done an amazing job holding the school to account and leading our active Local Governing Body.  I do hope you all share my gratitude for his hard work as he moves into a role with the wider Trust.  We also welcome Dave Jones as our new Chair, and I hope to work closely with him to help drive our wonderful school further forward.

Lots to take in from this week’s newsletter, so I’ll let you read the rest – have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham



Trips & Visits

Lots of trips and visits are coming up!

Please check Arbor, to make payment for these.

Coming Up soon…

Yr 3 Shrewsbury Museum

Yr 6 Giraffes Choral Day Shrewsbury High School

Yr 4 Chester Roman Museum

Yr 6 Liverpool War Tunnels

EYFS After School Pumpkin Party

Message from Chair of Governors

Dear parents/carers

I would like to update you with some changes to the Coleham Local Governing Board.  My role as Chair of Governors ended on 30th September as I take up a Trustee position with The 3-18 Education Trust.  I am pleased to inform you all that Dave Jones will be taking on the role of Chairman and Craig Kynaston will be the new Vice Chair.

I have enjoyed a fabulous time as Chairman of the Coleham LGB and I would like to acknowledge the incredible support I have received from all the people associated with Coleham from pupils and parents to governors and Trustees.  In particular working with two outstanding Headteachers in Claire and Tom have made my role as Chair an easy one.  I have every confidence that Coleham will continue to go from strength to strength.

Keep up the outstanding work.

Geoff Hulme

Former Chair of the Coleham LGB

Message from New Chair of Governors

As incoming chair I would like to acknowledge the work of my predecessor Geoff Hulme. Geoff has served as a governor for the past 4 years with 3 of those years as chair. Geoff has personified excellent leadership and always sought to engage students, parents and staff at Coleham and all this in addition to his more visible role as the face of the Pimms stand at the September Social. We wish you the best of luck with your new role on the 318 Education trust board.

I would also like to thank Ashley Cooper, Andy Howitt and Darren Payne who have reached the end of their terms and together with Geoff and the remaining board of governors have worked tirelessly with the school leadership: Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, holding senior leaders to account for the performance of the school, staff and its pupils, and overseeing the financial performance of the school.

It is a pleasure and privilege to take on this role and the governing body and I, together with the new leadership team will do our part to ensure Coleham school continues to deliver its vision “For Every Child, An Excellent Education”.

There are some vacancies on the Local Governing Body and we are keen to recruit an inclusive and diverse board and we would also benefit from individuals with knowledge, experience and skills in finance.  Please contact myself  if you would like further information or to express an interest in the parent governor election.

New Parent Governor

We are looking for a NEW Parent Governor!

Find out more here:


Yr 6 Secondary School Open Evenings Update

More Open days coming up!


IMPORTANT: If your child is going to any open mornings, please can you let us know



Meole Brace

Open Mornings 10th to 13th October 9.30-11 – book via online form on website, see link below

Weds 11th October open evening 5.30-8pm

Meole Brace School – Open Mornings and Evening: October 2023



9th October open evening 6.30-8.30pm

Belvidere Secondary Open Evening letter


Parents must apply for a Secondary School place by 31st October 2023

See the Shropshire Council link below to apply


WANTED Football boots & Shin pads

Plenty of Sports Fixtures are coming up!

At Coleham we have an inclusive ethos towards participation and it is our aim that as many children as possible attend a fixture, with the eldest children participating in at least 1 fixture during the year.  This is because we believe that sport and competition is for everyone.

Can you help us build a supply of football boots and shin pads in school?

If you have any boots or shin pads you have outgrown please pass these onto Mr Halford or Miss Lewis.

Thank you so much!!

We have lots of school shoes!

We have so many pairs of school shoes in the foyer, please come and grab a pair as they need new homes!  It’s always handy to have a spare pair of shoes at home.

Football Competition

Great job to our footballers this week for taking part in the competition at Shrewsbury School. We made it to the quarter-finals, and although the game ended in a 0-0 draw, it’s unfortunate that we lost in a penalty shootout against Meole Brace.

Once again, our children displayed some fantastic football skills and teamwork. Their performance was superb. Keep up the good work!


National Poetry Day.

Today we celebrated National Poetry Day by welcoming local poet Michael Carding to Coleham. Michael started off the morning with an assembly for the KS2 children. Here he shared some of his poems which the children loved. After this he spent some time with Dolphins and Whales learning all about poetry.

Harvest Festival

Reverend Fi from Holy Trinity Church delivered our Harvest Festival assembly on Monday. Thank you for all your generous donations. The School Council delivered these to Shrewsbury Food Bank.


Yr 5 Dining Hall Assistants

Year 5 have started their new school job in the dining hall and are really helping the lunchtime staff with service.  Well done Year 5 for being responsible and stepping up to your new role!


Yr 6 Librarians

Year 6 pupils have practised the art of filling out Job Applications for the School Librarian role.  Those pupils wanting to take part in Librarian duties during the year will help stamp and cover new book stock, tidy the library and promote new reading initiatives.

Here are our first Year 6 Libarians at work preparing new books for the library  📚 😃


This half term, several classes – Hedgehogs, Owls, Starfish, and Dolphins – have been participating in weekly cricket sessions led by Mr. Smith from the Shropshire Cricket Board. Over the course of these sessions, the children have been steadily improving and learning new cricket skills. They are now excited to showcase their progress by participating in mini games next week.