Published on: 15th September, 2023

Autumn No.3 : Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

It suddenly feels like we’ve been back at school for weeks now that we are back into full-swing.  It’s been great to see so much already going on in all the classrooms this week – well done to all our Reception children this week for their first full-time week!  It’s not easy working hard at school all day for the first time!  In addition to that, they enjoyed their first assembly in the hall, and I was incredibly proud of the whole school for helping demonstrate excellent, polite behaviour in the hall.

This week has seen House Captain elections where the candidates spoke in front of their peers, showing great courage and perseverance.  Well done!  We are also busy electing the School Council and Eco Council, and children in year 4 – 6 are applying for a range of jobs across the school from Playground Friends to Dinner Hall Help.

We are proud to have also opened our first ever dedicated art gallery: The Townsend Art Gallery.  Our gallery is named for Judy Townsend – former mayoress, magistrate, former Coleham teacher and founder of the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  Regardless of whether you knew Judy, her passion for creative arts still has a massive impact on life at Coleham to this day.  It’s a wonderful opportunity for our whole community to share their creativity – watch this space for new exhibitions!  A huge thanks goes to Miss Heap and Miss Othen for organising and creating this wonderful space.

Hopefully we will see many of you tomorrow at our September Social – 11:00 am to 2:00 pm – where there will be plenty of entertainment and fun for the whole community.  It’s a really good opportunity for the whole school community (past, present and future) to get together.  If you haven’t yet managed to meet any of us or have a chat, please do come along and say hello.

Have a super weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham


See you Saturday!

See you all at the September Social!

We have loads of fun for you!  Mr Halford is doing a Skipping Challenge where he hopes to have people skipping for the whole 3 hours!  Please help him out!

Bring all your friends 🙂

Live Performances

11:15 am Miss Cox Dance Squad

11:30 am Mrs Porrett’s Choir

12:00 The Pancake Band

13:00 Gabriela Foley Ukulele set

Diary Dates for next week

Tuesday 19th September

PSHE Parents Information Evening


Thursday 21st September

Yr 5 Purple Leaf Parents Information Session

Arbor Update

We are moving forwards with adding payments to Arbor.

Trips, Clubs and School Dinners are now set up.

Breakfast and After School Club will be coming very soon.

Class Dojo

Don’t forget to access your Class Dojo app.  A message will pop up stating your child has a new teacher, just click next and skip any payment options as we use the free Class Dojo version.

You will then be ready for the new year and messages for your child’s new class will appear.

Teachers will share classroom learning each week and any informal messages just as change of PE days.

Park and Stride Option

Parents/Carers can park for free at St Julian’s Friars and Asda car parks each morning or evening for 30 minutes to help with drop off or school pick up.

Please contact the school office so we can issue you a parking pass from the council.

Thank you

Get involved in Careers Week

Our Careers week takes place week beginning 16th October 2023.

We love to open our doors and invite you to help us educate the children.

Can you come into school and talk to a class about your job, hobby or career? 

Can you invite a class to visit your workplace?

Can you bring any interesting vehicles, props or animals into school?

Our Careers Week has been a highlight for the children and we love the variety! Over the years we’ve had talks from dentists, musicians, archaeologists, fashion designers, pilots to name a few.

What will this year have in store!  It doesn’t matter if you’ve visited before, we would love a return visit.


We can’t wait to hear from you!


The Townsend Gallery

On Wednesday we celebrated the opening of our very own Art Gallery in school!

That’s right, an Art Gallery!

It was a very special occasion and we welcomed our friends from The Belle Vue Arts festival, Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery, Shropshire Arts Society, Mrs Jones Gallery, Bloom and Shrewsbury Town Council.

Of course every great gallery needs a name!  The Townsend Art Gallery is named after Judy Townsend, former Belle Vue resident and founder of The Belle Vue Arts Festival.  Judy Townsend represented everything that is great about our school; Care, Creativity and Community.  She brought the arts to our community with great passion and inspired so many children and their families. Everyone at Coleham, staff and pupils, look forward to getting involved with the festival each year.

We hope our gallery inspires our children and staff to appreciate “We are all Artists”  We are already planning exhibitions for the coming year!

Read more here:  Shropshire Star Article

Please watch the opening below:

House Captain Elections

This week all the children in school met for their first House Meeting of the year to elect their House Captains for 2023-24.

Year 6 pupils wrote speeches in class and those that wanted too put themselves forward as candidates.  We are so proud of our new Year 6 pupils, their speeches were fantastic and it is a massive achievement to have the courage to speak in front of lots of people.

Well done to all our candidates!

House Captains 2023-24

Please meet our new House Captains!

Poetry Pandas for Year 1

To support Early Reading Year 1 use ‘Poetry Pandas’ going home bags to share a love of poems and rhymes at home.

Look out for the red reading bags that your child may bring home.

Secret Bookcase for Year 5 & 6

The Secret Bookcase is a very special bookcase, hidden in school, where all books have been signed by the author.  Each week members of year 5 and 6 are awarded the special honour of visiting the Secret Bookcase.