Published on: 8th September, 2023

Autumn No.2: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

What a wonderful week we have had!  I have been looking forward to getting back into routines of school life after a relaxing (and eventful!) summer, and it’s always a great pleasure to see everyone’s smiling faces coming through the school gates.  I have been impressed, but not surprised, at how calm everyone has been at school this week – we have had a really nice, steady start to the school year.

A particular well done goes to our brand-new Reception children who have had the most fantastic start to their school lives.  Every morning I have seen the children independently enter the classrooms and it has been a joy to see them through the mornings listening well and working well together with each other – I think they are going to have a wonderful time!  Similarly, our new Year 6 children have been demonstrating their maturity by setting an excellent example to the rest of the school – well done!

Please look out for information in this newsletter about the upcoming September Social – it’s a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together at the start of the year and get to know everyone connected with this fantastic school.

Please also take a look at your children’s class pages on the website, where you will find a curriculum bulletin.  The bulletins on each class page has important information about what your children will be learning this term, PE dates and reminders.

As ever, please do get in touch if you have any concerns or need any questions answered.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


September Social

It’s our big welcome back to school event next Saturday and we would love to see you all!

Please come along, its going to be lots of fun!

Miss Cox’s Dance Troupe and Mrs Porret’s Choir will be performing-times to be confirmed.

We also have The Pancake Band providing us with live music!

September Social HELP NEEDED!

We desperately need lots of help manning stalls for the September Social!!

Please can you, your children, older siblings, relatives or friends help us on a stall!!

The older children can run stalls with parents checking in on them.

We need help on the cakes stall, in the burger kitchen and running lots of games.

Alternatively, if you have your own ideas for a stall then the more the merrier!

How to sign up?

Sign up below to find a list of stalls



-Tell us in person! Find Mrs Hilbert at the front doors in the morning

-Email the school office

-Comment on our Facebook page

-Children can tell Miss Othen in school

Our events are special because we all work together, have fun and make memories for the children.


Friday 15th September-Non Uniform Day

To support the September Social event, Friday will be a NON-UNIFORM day!

Children may come to school dressed in any clothes from home (sports clothes, jeans, dresses etc)

We would be really grateful if you could help support our fair with donations of the following:

-Home made cakes would be Amazing!!!  Shop bought cakes too

-Pre-loved toys & books from home

-Any older children’s clothes (we are saving these for a fashion event coming up)

-Tombola prizes and cuddly toys!

Please drop donations at the front of school on Friday morning or afternoon.

Thank you so much, our Coleham Community is the best!!

Christmas Dates

Our Early Years & KS1 Nativity and KS2 Christmas Performance Dates are all on the School Calendar!

There are performances for the parents of each year group but as always if you are unable to make that date, you may watch at one of the other performances.



School Street Parking

Please remember that Greyfriars Rd is closed to traffic between 8:30 – 9:00 in the mornings and 3:00 – 3:30 in the afternoons.  If you park outside school before the road closes, you must stay until the road is opened again.  Please inform other families members who may be collecting your children.  The School Street scheme is a legal intervention and so traffic wardens will issue fines if they are present.

You are able to get hold of a park and stride permit from the office, which allows you 30 mins free parking at these times in St Julian’s Car Park.

Drop & Swap


With a new school year, school shoes are on the top of many people’s shopping lists.  If you have recently bought new shoes, please drop off your old ones (if they still have wear in them) at the Drop & Swap Trolley in the office foyer.

If you need a bigger size, please help yourself to anything at the Drop & Swap station.

Additionally, anyone who needs any support with school uniform, for any reason, please drop us an email or speak in confidence to a member of the office staff and we will be able to support you as best we can.

Street Allotment Project Report

Thank you to the Street Allotment Project for Sunday’s session.  You guys are Amazing! A glorious morning strimming, discovering raspberry canes, harvesting and sharing food. Even Nico the Street Allotment dog enjoyed the morning 🌞