PLATINUM Sports award!

We are so proud to announce that we have been awarded the PLATINUM SCHOOL GAMES AWARD!  This has been over 5 years in the making, started by Mrs Young as PE Co-ordinator before handing the baton over to Miss Lewis who presented our final case study of How we make Sport accessible to all pupils at Coleham.

We have so many highlights from 2022-23, Netball County Champions, Winners of the Yr 6 Football Crossbar Cup, 2nd in the Area Athletics, Amazing Sports Days, Line Dancing in the rain, our Junior Park Run Takeover and lots of successes big and small for everyone.

Sport has the power to inspire, unite individuals, teaches teamwork and values and instils self-belief and pride.

Thank you to all our children, staff and parents who have joined us on our sporting journey and participated with us as a School Community!