Published on: 29th June, 2023



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What’s happening next week?

Monday 3rd July- Whole School Transition Day

Tuesday 4th July- Music Showcase Concert

Wednesday 5th July – Elephants Swimming

Wednesday 5th July- Yr 3/4 Sports Day

Thursday 6th July- Yr 4 Tudor Museum Trip

(please make payment for the Year 4 Trip over the weekend, thank you)


No swimming for Giraffes this week-this will take place on Tuesday 18th July.

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents/Carers

Another busy week has flown by here at Coleham and it has been action-packed as ever!

Thank you to all of you who attended Sports Day this week and apologies to the Year 3 and 4 parents/carers for postponing Sports Day.  We are very much hoping for better weather next week and are aiming to run the Year 3 and 4 Sports Day next Wednesday at 1:30pm.  We hope that many of you will be able to join us.  Well done to those children who competed this week.

It was lovely this week to welcome our new reception cohort into school to meet their new teachers and visit their classrooms.  The children in the rest of the school will visit their new classrooms and meet their new teachers next Monday (3rd July) during our transition day.  This will take place during the day , so there are no changes to dropping off or picking up. If you have any concerns at all regarding next year, please do contact the school office or your child’s class teacher.  We are always happy to help and have been talking to the children in classes and in assembly about change and how it is important to embrace change and be positive.   Of course, some children will find the changes afoot difficult but our well planned transition events will support the children to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.

In addition to Sports Day and Transition Day, we also have a number of trips and sporting events going on next week.  A number of our children will be competing next week in Area Sports at London Road and we have our Showcase Music concert next week too, which many children are really looking forward to. I hope to see many of you at this annual event.

In the meantime, I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones


Parent Help required

Our September Social will be back after the Summer Holidays!

We need Parents and family members to help us organise stalls and games for the event!

Could you and your friends help with any of the following:

-Cake Stall

-Cooking & serving burgers

-Face Painting

-Organising a children’s game

-Live music, any singers out there!

If so please let the school office know or come along to our planning meet up.

September Social Planning Meet Up

Date: Wed 12th July

Location: Coleham Tap

Time: From 7:30pm onwards

Who: All welcome



Children’s Help Wanted

Do we have any children entrepreneurs who would like to help with games/stalls for the September Social?

The Scrunchie Sisters will be back selling their hair accessories!

Please let us know at the front gate /school office/class teacher.

E-Safety Newsletter

Please see the E-Safety Newsletter for July 2023

Online Safety Newsletter July 2023

Also see these handy A4 Guides:





Yr 5/6 Sports Day

Well done to all our Year 5 & 6 Sports Day competitors. Our last Sports Day for Year 6! The Sports Leaders did a great job at helping organise the event.  Severn scooped the House Cup, with Darwin coming 2nd, Greyfriars 3rd and Quarry 4th.  When we thought it was all over, staff stepped up for an impromptu three legged race.


EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

What an incredible Sports Day for our youngest pupils! Well done to our Year 6 Sports Leaders for their organisation in running the event.  There was some brilliant running, egg & spoon races and everyones favourite, the House Team water race.  The sense of community from children and families and team spirit shone through! Lots of happy faces everywhere! Thank you for joining us.  Congratulations to Greyfriars for winning the House Cup for Sports Day.


Girls Football Festival

A group of Year 3 and 4 girls took part in a football festival at the Grange Primary School this afternoon. They all played super well and had a try of playing in different positions. They worked incredibly well together as a team and were determined to give it their best shot! We came 3rd overall; well done girls!

House Eco Competition

During Eco afternoon pupils designed an Eco Code poster for a House Competition.   KS1 winner was Severn and KS2 winner was Darwin winning points for their house.  Here is a selection of the top entries.  Our Eco Codes are used for our Green Flag accreditation.


Community Quiz Night

What a brilliant night! Lots and lots of fun! Staff and parents joined together for another Coleham Quiz with the best quiz master in town Mr Larkham. We were all quite envious of ‘Soggy Biscuit’ for claiming the ‘loser’ mugs.  Enough trivia on Tapirs, Mr Larkham’s favourite animal from his zoo keeper days. Until next time, looking forward to 2024!