Published on: 19th May, 2023



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What’s Happening next week?

Monday 22nd May- Yr 6 visit Crucial Crew

Don’t forget to pay for this trip over the weekend please.

Monday 22nd May-PE kits for Yr 5 Embrace Sport Session

Tuesday 23rd May-Yr 6 Giraffes Swimming

Tuesday 23rd May-New Reception Parents Information Evening

Wednesday 24th May-Yr 6 Elephants swimming

Thursday 25th May- RE festival Shavuot with lunch menu


Meet our new Deputy Headteacher

We would like to introduce you to our new Deputy Headteacher Miss Turner who will be starting in September 2023.  Miss Turner is currently Deputy at Much Wenlock Primary School and brings a wealth of experience with her and a specialism in Maths.  In her spare time she enjoys walking her dog, riding her motercycle and snowboarding! She will be spending time in school over summer term and will be joining us tomorrow at the Plant & Craft Fair.  Please say hello and welcome her to our Coleham community.

Plant & Craft Fair

See you all on Saturday 10:00-12:00 for our ‘Hero’ themed Plant & Craft Fair!  Bring the whole family, grandparents and friends, there’s something for everyone!  Enjoy refreshments in the sunshine with a great bunch of people!

Don’t forget to enter the Children’s Exhibits and come along in any hero inspired fancy dress.


Year 2 Parent Survey


We have been randomly selected by Sport England to complete the online Active Lives Survey for Children and Young People.
We would be grateful if parents of year 2 children ONLY could complete an online survey about their child’s activities.
We will get a written report for the school outlining the results and identifying any areas we could improve on, as well as being able to select a range of new sports equipment. 
Parental responses will generate credits towards the equipment incentives.

Yr 5 Viking Day

Year 5 lived like Vikings today at Coleham School.  They looked the part in some very creative costumes, played the Viking game Kubb, made jewellery and baked bread over the fire.  A real hands on learning experience for the children.

Watch the Viking raid of Coleham here!




Yr 5 Exotic Zoo

As part of their science topic on living things and habitats Year 5 headed off to the Exotic Zoo to get up close and personal with a variety of animals. They were able to handle a snake, Madagascan hedgehog and tarantula.  They also met Mildred the Millipede- and learnt about various jobs at the zoo.





Yr 6 stay away from home

Year 6 had a fabulous time at Pioneer Centre for their 2 night residential.  What an adventure and the perfect time to have some fun and re-connect after SATS week.  The children have participated in caving, climbing, high ropes, camp fire, aerial trek, raft building to name a few activities.  Brilliant ever lasting memories for this fantastic group of children!  We couldn’t be more proud of their achievements.

Year 1 Outdoor Artists

Year 1 took their sketch pads to The Quarry Park to look at wild and garden plants. We explored the Dingle and saw many different varieties of plants. The children sketched them beautifully too. What a super morning!


Year 1 Ukulele Concert

Wow, what an amazing concert! Year 1 did a super job showing off their Ukulele skills. Thank you to all the parents who attended. We hope you enjoyed it just as much as we did.


EYFS go to feed the ducks

Children in Reception have been learning about river wildlife and enjoyed a trip to the River Severn to find out what food ducks like best.