Yr 5 Fashion Show

Dear Yr 5 Parents/Carers,

Our Year 5 Eco Fashion Show takes place next Wednesday 13th March at 3:30pm in the School Hall.

A consent slip has gone home with the children expressing an interest in being involved.  If your child is able to stay after school to participate please send the slip back to the Class Teacher.

Families and friends from the school community are able to watch the fashion show.  Its free entry.  After the show the children will be selling pre-loved clothes for £1 each.

Children should be taken home by an adult after the Fashion Show.  If you are not able to attend then your child MUST be collected by 5.30pm before we close the school building.

Please can all of the children modelling on the catwalk bring their outfits into school on Monday in a separate carrier bag for each runway style.  (Rock ‘n’ Roll, Festival or Western)

We are looking forward to seeing you at this event.

Kind Regards,

Miss Othen, Mrs Stennett, Miss Jones & Miss Heap.

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