Yr 5 Fashion Show

Dear Parents/Carers,

You may have heard about our preparations for a Year 5 Eco Fashion Show.  This will now be happening after half term.

The children will learn about ‘Fast Fashion’ and the impact on the environment and the show will promote ethical fashion choices to the audience.  To help us Woody’s Mum is coming into school next week to tell us about her job as a Fashion Lecturer at Shrewsbury College.

We have been working at lunchtimes and some children have signed up as models for our Rock ‘n’ Roll, Western and Festival runways.  These children may have brought home some pre-loved clothes to help create their outfits. #recycle #re-use  Miss Cox will be helping us with music choices and chorography.

After half term we will be making outfits out of ‘rubbish’ using winning ideas from our House Competition.  We will be encouraging children to participate in narrator roles, greeting guests and selling clothes on the night, helping backstage, getting artistic in making posters, billboards and photography.  There are lots of ways that children can get involved.

Thank you to Mrs Renshaw (Nell’s Mum) who is helping a  group of children with a sewing project for the runway.  We are very excited to see their final show piece.

Please save the date of Wednesday 13th March!  Our Eco Fashion show will be open to family and friends at 3:30pm in the School Hall.  Afterwards we will be selling pre-loved clothes for £1 and will have a couple of fashion accessory stalls for shopping.

We hope that you are able to join us.

Kind regards,

Miss Othen


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