Yr 3 Stone Age Workshop

We are excited to share with you that on Wednesday 2nd November, we will be welcoming Widget Workshops in to share a ‘Stone Age’ day with Year 3.  As we have no other way of funding the workshop we would be grateful if parents can contribute £6.50 per child towards the cost of the workshop. Payment is to be made via your child’s ParentPay account prior to the date of the workshop please.


During the day, children will take part in various activities to learn more about Stone Age life including time spent in our woodland area looking at housing and using Virtual Reality headsets to experience famous Stone Age locations.  The children really loved this interactive element last year.  Please let us know if you do not want your child to take part in the VR headset experience.


As we will be going outside, please send your children into school in non-uniform with suitable outdoor shoes and waterproofs to change into when needed.


We are really looking forward to sharing this experience with the year group and will be sure to upload photos of the day on Dojo after the event!


Yours sincerely,

Sadie Howson


On behalf of The Year 3 Team

3-18 Education Trust
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