Year 6 Bikeability Cycle Training

Dear Parent/Carer

Our school is to receive Free Bikeability Level 1 & 2 Cycle Training which takes place on the following dates:

  • Giraffes – Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th June
  • Elephants: Thursday 8th and Friday 9th June

What is Bikeability?

Bikeability is the national cycle training programme supported and funded by the Department for Transport. The skills your child will learn will help boost confidence and independent thinking thus helping them to be a safer road user. Learning the rules of the road when young is a real boost to confidence and a very positive experience of true travel independence. So, whether your child cycles regularly or not, the course will prove beneficial. Shropshire’s Bikeability Scheme is delivered by Learn Cycling, a national training company who employ qualified, professional, DBS checked National Standard Instructors. Visit for more information.


To take part, pupils will need Bikeability Get Ready!
A Roadworthy Cycle and a Cycle Helmet that fits securely. A roadworthy cycle has:


●      Inflated tyres (as hard as an apple)

●      Two working brakes

●      A well-oiled chain

●      A saddle and handlebars which are fixed on tight

We train in all weather conditions! On cold or wet days make sure pupils have coats and gloves.

Please scan the QR code below for more information on getting ready for your course




This course develops the cycling skills and confidence of children who can already cycle. For group and individual learn to ride courses please contact Bikeability via

To sign up for the Bikeability training taking place at Coleham School please click on the link to the virtual form below (please note, the replies are being collated on our behalf by Coleham School Admin) by no later than Thursday 25th May:

The school will confirm your child’s place on the course on Monday 5th June.

3-18 Education Trust
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