Year 4 Residential Trip to PGL Boreatton Park, Baschurch: 14th – 15th March 2024

In preparation for the impending trip to PGL Boreatton Park, we will be spending some time over the next week or so going through PGL arrangements with the children.  We thought that you also would appreciate a bit of additional information and clarification to help you prepare your child.

Packing & Preparation – see kit list below

  • If possible, choose a soft hold-all rather than a rigid case as this makes storage in the dorms easier and gives the children more space. Please DO NOT WORRY if this is not possible!
  • Please allow your children to be as involved in the packing of their bag as possible, this will help them to be more aware of what they have and where it is – it will also help them when packing for the return home.
  • Ensure your child has plenty of layers as it gets cold on site.

Medication- We will not be taking medications from school, so please send in any meds your child needs, including inhalers, in a container with their name written clearly on the front along with clear instructions and dosage. Please let us know some time prior to our visit if your child will be bringing medication so that we can ensure we have all the necessary information on the day of departure.

Thursday morning departure arrangements

The coach will be leaving school at 8.20am prompt to ensure we arrive at the venue for 9.00am. Children will therefore need to be at school for 8.00am please.

Friday afternoon return arrangements

  • We will be leaving PGL Boreatton Park at 3.30pm and expect to arrive back at school around 4pm, depending on the Friday afternoon traffic. We will phone ahead if delayed for any reason. Please watch the noticeboard outside school for any changes.
  • PLEASE WAIT OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL GATES UNTIL ALL BAGS HAVE BEEN UNLOADED – you will be able to greet your children before collecting bags.
  • Be aware that your child’s wellies/wet clothes bag may have become separated from their main bag – please ensure you collect ALL your child’s belongings.

Finally, a reminder that any outstanding payments for this trip should be settled by Friday 8th March (unless you have already contacted the school to arrange an extension to the payment schedule).

Hopefully, this information will help avoid any last minute worries or queries.  Your cooperation in these matters will be greatly appreciated and will contribute to the smooth running of the trip.

Many thanks in anticipation,

Miss Armstrong & Miss Lewis

3-18 Education Trust
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