Showcase Concert Wednesday 26th June

Our annual Music Showcase Concert will be on Wednesday 26th June at 6.00pm in the school hall.

The concert is open to all pupils who have instrumental lessons in and outside of school, from Year 2 upwards. It’s free to attend and is always a lovely opportunity to perform to a friendly and supportive audience.

To confirm your child’s participation and provide details of the music they will be performing (only one piece per child please!) and other pertinent information (e.g.  whether they require accompaniment,  backing track etc.), please complete the booking form below:

Performers may need some preparation time – for warming up, tuning instruments etc.-  so we ask that they arrive around 5.45pm. The concert will start at 6.00pm prompt and will last around an hour. Mrs Porrett is in school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays if you’d like to talk more about your child’s chosen piece.

I do hope you can join us for this very enjoyable evening.


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