School Disco

Dear Parent/Carer,

School Disco

Lets start the New year with a School Disco!

The Children’s Disco is on Friday 13th January 2023

Reception & KS1:            4:45m to 5.45 pm

KS2:                                  6.00pm to 7.00pm          

 Entry is £4 per child

 Children will not need to bring any money.  Treats and drinks will be provided.


Please pay for Disco entry in advance on ParentPay.  We will not be issuing tickets – we will print off a list of children who have paid for our Register.

There will be free entry for children eligible for benefits related Free School Meals.  Parents do not need to book in, these children are able to turn up on the night.

If your EYFS/KS1 child attends and pays for After School Club on a Friday, these children will be taken to the Disco by Miss Gregory and can be collected at 5:45pm by parents.


On the night – Arrival

Due to numbers and staff safely supervising the disco, parents are not able to attend.  For both Discos children should enter via the KS2 double doors.  Please drop your children off here.  We will have staff on hand to take in the youngest children and dance with them.  Once inside children will line up into year groups in the corridor and be checked off on the register before entering the Disco.  We have lots of Reception and KS1 staff attending to dance with the younger children and will have a chill out calm zone available too.

 On the night – Collection

Please come into school and collect your child from the school hall.  This will be very busy and congested with two-way traffic so please be patient.  Senior Staff will be on the doors to ensure every child leaves with a known adult. (family member, friend or parent)

Can you help?

We rely on the wonderful support of our parent community to help stage these events.  The Disco is a lot of fun for the children and requires lots of volunteers to help with refreshments and supervise key areas.  If you are able to help out at 1 or both Discos, please sign up on the Volunteer Rota in the foyer area or let the office know.

Kind Regards,

Miss Othen

Business Manager

3-18 Education Trust
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