Dear Parents/Carers,


Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey re: the proposal for a change to Coleham’s PE kit.  We’re always keen to make the right choices and we very much value your input to help us do that.

In total, 57 people responded to the survey and the results were as follows:

In favour of the change Don’t mind either way Against the proposal
56% (32/57) 19% (11/57) 25% (14/57)


The clear majority are either for the proposal or neutral, however the 14 responses against made very valid points and we are keen to make sure those voices are heard.  Reading through your comments, there is reference to cost, sustainability, a desire to move away from some of the colours (particularly yellow) and also removal of the varied options for PE kit.  We believe that we can accommodate everyone’s wishes.  Those that have responded positively are keen to make the PE kit guidance more clear, and the children surveyed are very excited to have a smarter, more sporty PE top that represents their house identity better.  We believe we are able to satisfy most points of view.

We will be making changes to the PE kit as follows:

  • The proposed House-crested tops will be available for those that want one.  These cost £10.99 from the School Shop Direct (see example picture above)  The Coleham design will include the Darwin, Greyfriars, Quarry or Severn House crest on the front and COLEHAM across the back which is useful if we are out on trips or community events.
  • Those who choose not to purchase one can wear a plain navy t-shirt. This can have small brand logos.  This allows people to purchase cheaper options or specific garments that are more sustainable if they wish
  • Shorts or joggers will be navy blue
  • For colder weather, a plain navy jumper/hoodie/zip up or their school jumper. Again, small brand logos are OK if you are using something you may already own at home.
  • Socks of any colour

These options make our uniform more standardised, reducing the variety of options which can be confusing.  It also allows parents to have the freedom to choose between the house-crested tops, or cheaper/more ethical options.  It also removes the need for Darwin families to purchase sometimes hard-to-find yellow tops which attract insects in the summer and get grubby quickly in the winter.  Below are some links to cheap and/or ethical plain navy items you may wish to explore.

We will let you all know when the stock of PE shirts arrives at the School Uniform Shop.

Yours sincerely

Tom Larkham


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