Parent Survey

Dear Parents/Carers,

The 3-18 Education Trust have created a Parent/Carer Survey for all schools in our trust and they would very much like the views of all parents and carers.  This is a multiple choice, anonymous survey.

It is important that we have a good response rate to collate as many views as possible.

We really hope that all our Parent/Carers can complete this survey-it should only take a couple of minutes of your time.

Please complete the survey below:


Here at Coleham we are always keen to know what we are doing well, and always keen to see where we can improve every aspect of provision.  We would like to give you an opportunity to share more detailed, quality feedback for our School.  There are 2 boxes on the form below: What do we do really well? and What could we improve?

Please complete the survey below:


The surveys close on Monday 4th December.

We will of course, share the results with you all in the New Year.

Kind Regards,

Tom Larkham


3-18 Education Trust
Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school
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