Parent Survey

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope that you have all had a relaxing half term break.

Thank you to those parents who have completed our Parent Survey.  We are keen to gain the views of as many of you as possible and so if you haven’t already completed the survey, please can I ask you to find time to share your views with us?  As you know, we are always looking to improve every aspect of provision here at Coleham School and we really value your views and feedback.  The survey can be anonymous, but if you have specific concerns, it would be useful to add your name so that we can address them directly with you.  Please remember that the online survey is not the appropriate place to air grievances or make personal comments: please contact me or the office if you have any serious concerns that we can address.  Please click the link below to access the survey:


The survey will close on Friday 3rd March at 3:00pm and we will, of course, provide you with feedback regarding the outcome of the survey once we have taken time to analyse the results.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones


3-18 Education Trust
Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school
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