Published on: 16th June, 2023



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What’s happening next week?

Tuesday 20th June- Giraffes Swimming

Wednesday 21st-Elephants Swimming

Thursday 22nd June-Yr 5 Dance Festival @ Shrewsbury High School

Friday 23rd June- Community Quiz Night

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Another end to the week means that the end of term is fast approaching!  We have had another busy week of sport, with the year 6 girls doing brilliantly in their football competition, and preparation for sports days which are coming up in the week of the 26th

Next week, I won’t be in school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as I will be taking part in the 3-18 Education Trust’s ‘Head Swap’.  This is a great opportunity for the Trust’s Headteachers to learn what they can from practice in other schools in the Trust, and I will be spending those three days at Much Wenlock Primary School.  Replacing me here at Coleham will be Ms Lovecy, who is the Headteacher of St Martin’s School near Oswestry.  She is very keen to learn about our school community, so please do say hello if you spot her on the playground in the mornings!  Whilst I am in Much Wenlock, Ms Jones will still be here at Coleham.

Also – don’t forget to get you quiz teams booked in for Friday night!

Have a lovely weekend and stay cool in the heat!

Mr Larkham


Headteacher Swap

Look our for Ms Lovecy, Headteacher at St Martins School in Oswestry who will be visiting us next week.   Please say hello if you see her about.


Join us for Mr Larkham’s popular Quiz Night

FRIDAY 23rd JUNE 7:30pm

Teams of 6 at £5 per person, pay on the night please.

Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

It’s not too late to book in your team with the school office or let a member of staff know.  Everybody is welcome form the community (Adults only please)

Parents, Staff, Governors, Grandparents, Friends & Neighbours, the more the merrier!

Safety Advice

Sun Safety

Now that Summer Term is here please make sure your children come to school wearing sun cream and with a sun hat and water bottle.  They spend a lot of time outside during the day for some lessons and also at breaks, lunch and PE.

Water Safety

With the summer weather and riverside location we have been sent some water safety advice to share with families.

#stay safe


E-Safety Update

Please find attached our E-safety newsletter for June 2023.

Online Safety Newsletter Primary June 2023

There is also a handy guide below on IPADS

what-parents-and-carers-need-to-know-about-ipads (1)

Street Allotment Project

We are very happy that the Street Allotment Project has taken over our plot and will be putting it to good use, growing food for the community.  Read all about them here:

They held their first volunteer session on Sunday and have already managed some planting.

We’ll be advertising future dates so you can come along and make a difference.


Forest School Outing

EYFS children have been visiting the incredible ‘Inside Out’ Learning Forest School setting in Belle Vue woodland at the Hermitage Centre.  The children and staff have thoroughly enjoyed this time and all the expertise shared by Founder Franky.


Girls Football Festival

Today a group of year 6 students went to The Grange Primary school for a football festival. They played really well but unfortunately missed out on the semi finals by placing 4th in their group. It was a tough set of matches and their spirts spirits were high. The attitudes of these students represented our school values perfectly.

Well done!

Cricket tournament for year 5 & year 6

A group of year 5 and 6 students took part in a cricket tournament organised by Embrace. It was a close competition and the students made the school proud and placed 4th overall.

Well done!

Year 3 visit to Liverpool Museum

Year 3 had a fantastic time exploring the World Museum in Liverpool. They journeyed along the Nile and through the Ancient Egyptian display, where they explored various aspects of life in ancient Egypt and even saw some real Egyptian mummies! In their workshop, they were able to study and handle genuine artefacts. They also took the opportunity to visit the Walker Gallery just around the corner, where they viewed a wide range of art from classical to modern.