Published on: 9th June, 2023



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What’s happening next week?

Sunday 11th June 9:00-11:00am- Community Allotment Project

Tuesday 13th June-EYFS Assembly for Parents/Carers

Tuesday 13th June-Swimming Yr 6 Giraffes

Wednesday 14th June-Yr 6 Swimming Elephants

Also don’t forget to save these these diary dates below:

EYFS/KS1 Sports Day

Yr 3/4 Sports Day

Yr 5/6 Sports Day

Musical Showcase Concert


Headteacher Message

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our first week back after half term has flown by!  On Tuesday, we welcomed our new reception cohort into school to meet the staff and see the school and their classrooms.  It is always lovely to meet the new children as they prepare to start school.

The Belle Vue Arts Festival is in full swing!  Hopefully, you have had chance to view some of the lovely work produced by our pupils – much of it is on display in shop windows and near Greyfriars Bridge.  Most of the classes have visited the Barnabas Centre Art Gallery to view their art work too.  This is open on Saturday from 10:00-4:00pm if you would like to see the children’s work.  Thank you to Miss Heap for coordinating our contribution to this event and to the Belle Vue Arts Festival for allowing the school to get so involved in such a fantastic community event.

Another wonderful local community project is the Street Allotment Project, who are going to be supporting the school by tidying up and planting our school allotment.  This area of school has become rather untidy lately and we are so grateful to this community group for offering to lend a hand.

Today you will be receiving a letter from Mr Larkham regarding which teacher your child will have next year.  The children currently in Reception and Year 2 and 4 have also been told who will be in their new class next year following the class mix.  They will spend time in these new mixes this afternoon with their current class teacher and we have planned in a number of transition sessions so that the children can meet their new class teacher and get used to their new classrooms ready for September.

Finally, please look at the important diary dates, including Sports Day and music concert/assembly dates.  We hope that you will be able to attend these events.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones


Community Allotment Project

Our Allotment plot is overgrown and quite sad at the moment.

So we are very happy that the Street Allotment Project is going to takeover the plot and put it to good use!  Read all about them here:

They are holding their first volunteer session on Sunday 11th June 9:00-11:00am to start clearing and planting.

CAN YOU COME ALONG TO HELP OUT? Anybody is welcome to join in!  Bring your friends and make a difference.  Enter via the car park gates and find a friendly bunch of volunteers.  No gardening expertise necessary just a love for the outdoors.




Showcase Concert: 4th July

Dear Parent/Carer

We are holding our annual “Showcase Concert” at 6.00 pm on Tuesday 4th July in the main school hall.

It is a great event – children who have music lessons in school through the Shropshire Music Service, and children who have lessons outside school, are invited to perform for us.  The audience is always very appreciative and the atmosphere is relaxed and very supportive.

To register your child’s participation in this event, click on the link below and complete the virtual reply slip –  by no later than 9.00am on Monday 27th June please, so that we have time to organise the running order for this event.

Children who are performing may need some time for “tuning up” before the concert starts so could they please be at school for around 5.45pm-5.50pm? Thank you.

I do hope you can join us for this very enjoyable evening.

Yours sincerely

Claire Jones


BVAF Short Story Competition

The Belle Vue Arts Festival is looking for entries for their short story competition based on the festival theme Heroes.

Who is your HERO?

What does HERO mean to you?

If you could be a HERO, who would you be?

Entries will fall into the following categories:


          5-7 year olds and 8-11 year olds

  • YOUNG ADULT (1,000 words)

         12-18 year olds Fiction/Non Fiction

  • ADULT (2,000 words)

         Fiction/Non Fiction

Please email your work to

Last date for entries is Saturday 17 June. Winners will be notified by email.

​Thank you to Write Here, who have generously sponsored this competition with prizes of beautiful notebooks.

Book your team in-Quiz Night!

Mr Larkham’s popular Quiz Night is back!

FRIDAY 23rd JUNE 7:30pm

Teams of 6 at £5 per person, pay on the night please

Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

Book in your team with the school office.  Everybody is welcome (Adults only please)

Parents, Staff, Governors, Grandparents, Friends & Neighbours, the more the merrier!

Gallery Exhibition

We were thrilled to see Art from every year group in a real Art exhibition!  Coleham Art is displayed all week at the Belle Vue Arts Festival gallery at the Barnabas Centre in Coleham. The gallery features 50 local Artists plus the work of 420 Coleham School Artists in a range of media.  The children’s work was based on this years festival theme ‘Heroes’.  The whole school has visited the exhibition to view their work and were given guided tours by the Artists themselves, how special!  Even Batman turned up!  Thank you to Artists Sue Mann, Gisela Robinson, Clifford Hannah and Pete Fricker for showing us around.  It was really impressive and a lovely experience.

Lets Celebrate Art

The Belle Vue Arts Festival has kicked off! It was great to see so many families at the Lets Celebrate Art event at Greyfriars Bridge on Saturday 3rd June.  This starts ‘festival fortnight’. The children’s Hero artwork is displayed along the bridge railings for all to admire.



Bikeability Training

Year 6 have had Bikeability Training this week run by Shropshire Council. The pupils have learnt to cycle safely out in the local community.


Year 2’s trip to the Dingle

After studying the history of the Quarry, year 2 took a trip to the Dingle to look out for the Harley Stone, Shoemaker’s shrine and did some super sketching. The children loved seeing the ducklings and baby moorhens swimming around local artist Jacob Chandler’s steel sculpture ‘Poise and Tension III’, which is featured in this year’s Shrewsbury Arts Trail.

Rounders Tournament

We had a group of 12 year 6 students represent the school. They did extremely well with coming second at Prestfelde school. Congratulations to each one of them!

Netball Champions

Miss Lewis is so proud to announce that Coleham won the Shropshire netball county finals! The team played incredibly well together, worked brilliantly as a team, and showed true determination and passion. It was great to see true sportsmanship.