Published on: 12th May, 2023



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Headteacher Msg

Dear parents & carers,

Here we are on Friday again in some glorious weather!  Another short week, but there’s been an awful lot of work packed in from Year 6.  All the Year 6 children have shown their resilience, hard work and excellent attitudes this week by being incredibly conscientious in their SATs tests.  They have been very keen to do their best, whatever the outcomes, and they haven definitely put everything in to, showing real Coleham spirit!  A huge thanks also goes to Mr Edwards, Mrs Morgan and their team for administering and organising everything so that the week ran as smoothly as possible.

Year 3 have enjoyed an excellent choral day at Shrewsbury High School where they were fantastic!  They had to work hard to learn some new songs and sing with others in a huge choir: many of you were able to go and see their final performance, which is wonderful for the children.  Some Year 5 children also visited SHS for a ‘Techathon’ for afternoon of problem solving to really test their skills!

And finally, this afternoon, the whole school took part in a diversity afternoon where the children explored each other’s differences to learn that ‘We Are All Wonders!’

Have a great weekend, and don’t forget that Monday is not a bank holiday this week!

ParentPay Changing to Arbor

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to set up your Arbour App on your phone

We will soon be moving from ParentPay to a platform called Arbor as our way of communicating with you.  If you have not received a link to your personal email or wish to use a different email account , please contact the school office or email us at and we will re-send your login details.

The easiest way to access Arbor is via the Arbor App. Please click on the relevant link below (Android v IOS):

Arbor App for Apple IOS:

Arbor App for Android:

Alternatively, Arbor can be accessed via Web Browser. A link to this is included below:

Access Arbor in a web browser:

Once we have established the communications side of Arbor we will be looking to use it for payments too. We will communicate with you again nearer the time to let you know more about this.


Plant & Craft Fair Competitions

Please participate in the Children’s Competitions for our Plant & Craft Fair!

We love seeing the wonderful exhibits displayed in the hall on the day of the fair!

Which competition category will you enter?


Plant & Craft Fair

Join us for our Plant & Craft Fair on Saturday!

We’re looking forward to catching up with everybody.  Mrs Nash is leading a superhero parade at 11 o clock for all the children who want to come along in fancy dress.

Friday is a Non-Uniform Day in support of the fair, donations of cakes, plants, toys, books, and tombola prizes are appreciated. These can be dropped outside the main entrance at drop off.  Thank you!


Plant & Craft Fair

Get involved!

We need volunteers!

Our Parent Event Team have planned the Plant & Craft Fair but we need lots of help on the day!

We are looking for volunteers to help set up or man stalls at our Plant & Craft Fair.  Can you or any older children, grandparents, groups of friends help out for an hour on the tombola, plant stall, treasure hunt, craft table, competitions or refreshments?

If yes, drop us a message on Facebook, tell the office ladies or sign up on the rota at Reception.  Thanks so much, we always appreciate volunteers help.


Diversity Afternoon

The whole school took part in a Diversity afternoon where they celebrated their differences and learned that, We Are All Wonders! Taking inspiration from the book Wonder.

Year 5 Techathon Trip

10 children from Year 5 visited Shrewsbury High School for an afternoon of problem solving.  They learnt 4 different ciphers and had to crack literacy codes to compete against other primary schools.  Parents were invited at the end of the day to hear all about their work.  Well done to all the children for putting in their best effort.


Year 3 Choral Day

Year 3 had a brilliant time at Shrewsbury High School for a Choral day with other schools.  The staff and children learnt 4 songs and sections were overlapped to create harmonies and rhythms.  This was a great experience to be part of a large choir and the day ended with a showcase concert to parents.  The Coleham children were an absolute credit to our school.  Thank you SHS for this musical opportunity!


Leopard’s History Seminar

As part of our Career Related Learning we want the children to develop key Employability skills necessary for future careers and so presenting and public speaking is a school focus.

Leopard’s Class demonstrated 4 employability skills in their recent history work, communication, teamwork, planning & organising and self-management.

Leopard’s children produced a fantastic history seminar on Vikings which they researched and presented to each other. Great work!