Published on: 5th May, 2023



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Whats happening next week?

Monday-School Closed for Bank Holiday

Year 6 SATS Week-All Week

Tuesday 9th May-Giraffes Swimming

Tuesday 9th May- Yr 3 Choral Day Trip to Shrewsbury High School


Wednesday 10th May-Elephants Swimming

Wednesday 10th May-Yr 5 Techathon trip- x10 Selected pupils only

Friday 12th May-Yr 6 Hoodies handed out

Headteacher Message

It was wonderful to see all the children so involved and enthusiastic about our Coleham Coronation day today!  They have made some wonderful crowns and you could feel the positivity everywhere you looked.  Our Coronation Coleham’s Got Talent show was FANTASTIC, (despite the weather drenching us on our conga!) and the performance at the end to parents was really special.  It’s moments like that which really show what Coleham is all about.

Other highlights included a visit from our Town Crier, and an extra special visit (and late entry) to the talent show from The Spice Girls!  Posh, Baby, Scary, Sporty and Geri were all there, which was a real treat.  Nearly 30 years on from their first show, they can still perform!

Well done to all our super Year 2s who took on their KS1 SATs tests this week, and good luck to our fantastic Year 6s who will be taking on their own SATs tests next week.  It’s really important to us that the children feel relaxed and ready to do their best, and that they feel proud of their achievements, whatever the outcome.  To help them be prepared, we are treating them to a pastry breakfast at 9:00 am every day next week.

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend, and we will see you back in school on Tuesday 9th May.

Tom Larkham



Coronation Celebration

Wow, what a royal occasion! We celebrated in true Coleham style and carried on despite the weather! We made royal crowns in our House Competition and met the Town Crier who joined us for lunch. We had such fun at our whole school ‘Coleham Conga’ in the rain and ended up with some soggy crowns before settling down for our Coleham’s Got Talent Coronation Show 2023. We had some fabulous class acts gymnastics, football skills, comedy and even rapping in Spanish! We were even joined by Simon Cowell and a surprise staff act The Spice Girls!  Last but not least was our grand finale singing The Coronation Song to all our parents led by the wonderful Mrs Porrett.

Watch the highlights below:

Read all about it here:

Shropshire Star News Article

Coronation Song

Thank you to all the parents who came to watch the whole school perform the Coronation Song led by our Music Teacher Mrs Porrett. It was a fantastic finale to our Coleham Coronation celebration!  It’s moments like these that make Coleham such a special place.


Spice Girls Live

Coleham’s Got Talent Coronation show saw one last surprise act! Simon Cowell and his majesty King Charles welcomed The Spice Girls On stage!  Posh, Baby, Scary, Sporty and Geri were all there, which was a real treat.  Nearly 30 years on from their first show, they can still perform!

Read all about it here:

News article

Watch them perform below:

Plant & Craft Fair

Get involved!

We need volunteers!

Our Parent Event Team have planned the Plant & Craft Fair but we need lots of help on the day!

We are looking for volunteers to help set up or man stalls at our Plant & Craft Fair.  Can you or any older children, grandparents, groups of friends help out for an hour on the tombola, plant stall, treasure hunt, craft table, competitions or refreshments?

If yes, drop us a message on Facebook, tell the office ladies or sign up on the rota at Reception.  Thanks so much, we always appreciate volunteers help.


Plant & Craft Fair Competitions

Please participate in the Children’s Competitions for our Plant & Craft Fair!

We love seeing the wonderful exhibits displayed in the hall on the day of the fair!

Which competition category will you enter?


Our Museum

Year 1 visited our very own school Museum housed in our historic Coach House. The ex Coachman’s living quarters from long ago has been restored into a museum with Victorian artefacts and Coleham documents.  Year 1 learnt all about the history of our Coach House, school site and the Limes Estate as part of their topic on The Victorians.

EYFS visit Shrewsbury Castle

This week the children in Reception visited Shrewsbury Castle as part of their topic ‘Long ago and far away’.

During their visit they enjoyed learning about the history of our local castle, and used this as inspiration for some artwork too.