Published on: 2nd May, 2024

Summer 2024 No. 4: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

It’s hard to believe that we are in May and we are busy getting things organised for next year already!

Lots has been going on in school this week, including a fantastic choral day for Year 4 that was a great success.

I would like to take the opportunity to remind all parents and carers about healthy snacks for playtimes:  we are seeing more and more children having crisps and chocolate bars at playtimes.  This means that Mr Jones is spending too much time collecting crisp packets and wrappers from around the playground and it does not reflect the healthy ambitions we all have for our children.  Please make sure that snacks for playtime are healthy options, such as fruit.  We may be asking children to put crisps / chocolate bars back in their lunchboxes if they are on the playground at breaktimes.

Have a lovely long weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham



Music Club Special Sessions

Want to have a go at Morris Dancing? Jump & Jive Music Club welcomes Shrewsbury Morris to teach us a dance for our May 20th concert.

6 extra places now available on to join these 2 sessions:

Monday May May 20th. 


The Cabin. £5. All ages welcome. Hankies and bells provided! No experience needed. Text Mrs Wade for further details and to book in. Mob: 07910 314269.

Bank Holiday Monday! Community Arts Event

Shrewsbury Arts Trail are asking the local community to come and help create their largest community project to date!

The work produced during this workshop will become part of a county wide collaboration, that will be installed at the SMAG during the upcoming Shrewsbury Art Trail in July and August.

This should be lovely session where participants are encouraged to experiment with mark making, discovering colours, and expressing themselves in a free and creative way.

If you are unable to make this workshop, we would love people to have a go at home to help us create as many pieces as possible. Instruction Packs will be available online from the 7th May at

Plant & Craft Fair

Only 2 weeks until our Plant & Craft Fair!

Lots of our children entrepreneurs are running their own stalls to fundraise for school.  If there are any more takers, pupils can see Miss Othen in school.

We are looking for donations of plants for the fair if you have any spare…

We would LOVE some adult helpers on the day! If anyone can spare an hour or two to help set up, man a stall or tidy away, then please let us know by signing up on the clipboard in reception or dropping us a msg on Facebook or email.  Many hands make light work!  Thank you!


Launching our Children’s Competitions!!

We are pleased to launch this year’s Children’s Competitions for the Plant & Craft Fair!

This year the Belle Vue Arts Festival theme is ‘Treasure’ and so all competition entries are linked to this theme. We hope to see more entries than ever before displayed at our Plant & Craft Fair and judged by the BVAF.

Treasures of the sea, treasures of the land, prehistoric treasures, Egyptian treasures, treasured memories, so many ways to be creative and interpret this.

All entries should be brought to the fair by 10.30am (or on Friday if you cannot attend) and entry costs £1 per exhibit.


Poetry– The winner will be invited to read this aloud at the Festival’s ‘Spoken Word’ evening event.

Box of Treasures-any box, any treasures, be artistic and creative in displaying your goods for us all to admire.

Treasure Island-in any form, painting, college, sewing, junk model, mini garden, Lego, vegetable model etc

Scavenger Hunt-collect a sheet from your Teacher and stick on items from home.

Bake-off-any style cake or cakes (not judged on taste)

Have FUN, we can’t wait to see all your AMAZING entries!


Miss Heap is planning a ‘treasure’ stall for the Plant & Craft Fair and is looking for donations of kids and adults jewellery.


Please drop off with a Class Teacher or the School Office and we’ll put it to good use!


Sol wins ‘once in a lifetime trip’! 🐢

We are beyond thrilled for Artist Sol who has won the Darwin200 competition judged by the Doodle Boy.  You may remember us promoting the competition in November 2023.  Sol’s painting celebrates the life and discoveries of Charles Darwin and he has won a life changing experience and trip to the Galápagos Islands!

Darwin200 is a conservation initiative and they are sailing a historic tallship around the world following Charles Darwin’s voyage aboard HIMS Beagle two centuries ago.

The ship is serving as a floating lab for 200 “Young Darwin Leaders” from all over the world who are conducting experiments at the various ports Darwin visited and Sol will be flying out to meet the ship and stay onboard for a week.

We are so, so proud of Sol for working hard to continually hone and improve his artistic talents with determination and ambition.  This is an incredible opportunity for Sol and his family and we can’t wait to hear all about it!

Read the full Article here from My Shrewsbury.

Shropshire Star Article




An evening of wine!

Our wine event was a success!  We had a fabulous Friday Night with Tom and the Paso-Primero wine portfolio! 🍷 We loved hearing Tom’s wine story, such an education 😀 Tom is such an inspiring wine maker and story-teller, an awesome guy!  6 wines, great company & a grazing table from Shropshire suppliers 👌 Best way to start the weekend! If you have never sampled a Paso-Primero wine before then get yourself to Tanners Wines because you are missing out! If you don’t believe us then check out  The Guardian! #Colehamcommunity

The Real Bread Campaign

The Street Allotment Project are helping Year 4 Gardening Club grow and tend to our allotment. They are tasked with The Real Bread Campaign where they’ll be growing April Bearded Wheat to harvest, thrash, winnow, mill and bake into bread! We are looking forward to seeing how they get on.

Yr 1 Balanceability

VYear 1 have all been practising their bike riding skills and balance with Balanceability this week! Thank you to our trainers.

Staff Book Club

Tonight saw the first chapter of Miss Armstrong’s Book Club! 📚What a lovely evening, to connect and expand our literary minds. Our next read is To Kill a Mocking Bird. #readingrolemodels


Orienteering at Carding Mill Valley

We accompanied a group of children to an orienteering event in the Church Stretton hills at Carding Mill Valley. The Year 6 students showed impressive teamwork and determination to finish the course. Despite their commendable efforts, we didn’t manage to secure a top-three position. Nevertheless, there was a smaller challenge for the quickest completion of the final checkpoint, and a team from Coleham won this sprint finish. Congratulations to all participants!


EYFS out and about

Badgers and Foxes explore Shrewsbury Castle and also popped to the church on their way.