Published on: 12th July, 2024

Summer 2024: No.14 Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

We’ve had a very busy week this week with a successful transition day and much, much more!  This afternoon we were treated to the Year 6 Leavers’ assembly – not a dry eye in the house!  What a hard-working group of children they have been – we wish them all the best for secondary when they leave us at the end of next week.

Year 6 have also had their SATs results this week, and we are incredibly proud of them all.  Everyone has had something to be proud of and it’s great to see the children work hard to achieve goals and be successful – well done everyone!

Mr Cooper, the Headteacher of Thomas Adams Secondary School, had a wonderful time at Coleham this week and has asked me to share with you all his thanks and gratitude to everyone who spoke with him and made him feel so welcomed.  He has been incredibly positive about everything at Coleham.

Have a super weekend and enjoy the football.  It’s coming home!

Tom Larkham


What’s on next week?

Monday 12th July

Year 6 Leavers Party @ Jump In (please make payment via Arbor)

Tuesday 13th July

EYFS Pirate Party Day

Elephants Swimming

Ice-Lolly Shop After School

Wednesday 14th July

Yr 2 Food Roadshow for children & families @9.15am

EYFS Trip to Park Hall Farm (Payment via Arbor)

Yr 1 Parent Lunch @ 11.30am (Payment via Arbor)

Dolphins Quarry Picnic -Packed Lunch required

Thursday 15th July

Where’s Mr Jones Celebration Day (Dress Up)

Friday 16th July

Whole School Assembly-Goodbye to Yr 6

Last day of school-Summer holidays begin

Year 1 and Year 2 will be going to Gelatistry in the last week.  Please pay for ice-cream via Arbor School Shop.




Thursday is our Where’s Mr Jones Celebration Day where the children and staff can come to school dressed as a School Caretaker or one of Mr Jones alter egos from our school videos.  He’s played so many characters over the years The Grinch, Snowman, Disco Les, James Bond, Simon Cowell and of course he’s a big Liverpool FC fan.  Which outfit will you choose? (no uniform for those who don’t feel comfortable dressing up)


Year 3 Art trip

Turtles and Starfish had a lovely time at the museum this morning exploring this year’s Shrewsbury Arts Trail exhibition. We were really excited to see the community art project that we had contributed to in a workshop a few weeks ago. We are all artists and now we can say that our art has been exhibited alongside works by the likes of Salvador Dali, Damien Hurst and David Hockney! It really is worth a trip in the holidays to see the exhibition.  Starfish went on to draw flowers in the Dingle afterwards as inspiration for our next art project!

Parent Lunch 🦊🐼

Thanks to the record number of families for attending our Friday lunch of Fish and Chips. The children were so happy and loved showing their parents where to go.

Head Swap with Thomas Adams

Mr Larkham has been on a Headteacher Swap so we were joined by Mr Cooper from Thomas Adams Secondary & Boarding School. He’s been busy talking to staff and children, finding out what Coleham School is like through their eyes and talking to Subject Leaders about topics that interest him such as Reading and Transition for Year 6.  Mr Larkham and Mr Cooper met at a neutral location (a nice cafe!) for a feedback session. There were plenty of ideas and takeaways to share!

Yr 4 Guitar Concert

Our Year 4 guitarists performed solo and as a group for the whole school, accompanied by their music teacher, Jerome. Their songs included ‘Homer Simpson’, ‘God Save the King’ and ‘Lord of the Dance’! What skill, talent and bravery!


Yr 5 Flaxmill Trip

It’s important to us that our pupils know the history of their home town so Year 5 visited the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings.

They toured this important heritage site which is the first multifloored iron-framed building in the world!  The mill which opened in 1797 has links to Coleham as one of the largest iron foundries in the country was situated behind what is now the Coleham Deli shop and their first major contract was to supply the ironwork for the Flax Mill.

The children visited the mill exhibition and undertook some STEM structure building challenges.  It was a great morning exploring local history #lovewherewelive


Ice Lolly Shop

The Year 6 Ice Lolly Shop went down a treat!  Thanks to all for supporting the Year 6 team!  They’ll be back next Tuesday after school.





Welcome to our new Badgers and Foxes

Welcome to our new Coleham Starters in Badgers 🦡 and Foxes 🦊 for 2024-25. You are going to have an incredible school journey.

An epic 29 years of Coleham for Mrs Munns

Today we celebrated Mrs Munn’s retirement and Coleham staff past and present joined her to raise a glass towards her new chapter.  Mrs Munns has been teaching at Coleham for an incredible 29 years which amounts to 5510 school days teaching 870 pupils in her classes over the years.  We know she is going to have a wonderful retirement with her family and grandchildren but Coleham will really miss her.

Year 3 Recorder Concert

Year 3 have spent all year learning to play the recorder and their hard work culminated in an excellent recorder concert this morning! Well done to Mrs Porrett for helping the children to make the recorder sound ever so beautiful. We really enjoyed the show.

Yr 4 Geography Fieldwork

Year 4 went to three locations in town to gather data in a survey to investigate our Geography enquiry question: is tourism the same in The Lake District and Shrewsbury?

Year 4 were so confident and considerate when speaking to members of the public – one person commented how polite they were. Well done!

Coleham run to Paris for the 2024 Olympics

Garden Bar

Our historic grounds and folly were here long before our school was built and they are really too special not to share! Our first pop up Garden Bar event was a success and it was the perfect setting for relaxed Friday night drinks.  Great company to welcome in the weekend! Thanks to the support of local gin and wine makers Tom from Paso-Primero wines and Darren from Gindifferent.  They are great guys with a passionate for what they do and lot sof knowledge to share.

We are already planning some new events for next year!