Published on: 12th April, 2024

Summer 2024 No. 1: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the Summer Term!  I do hope you’ve all had a great Easter, whether you have been away anywhere exciting; stayed at home; gone on small trips, or anything else in between.  The school feels rested and raring to go this week, which is a lovely environment to be in.  I was able to recharge my batteries with a blustery walk up Yr Wyddfa with my brothers just before we came back.

We’ve already hit the ground running with several trips and sporting events which you can read below!

This term, we will be mainly focusing on AMBITION in our assemblies.  Summer Term is always a great chance for all our children to work hard to make their ambitions more achievable.  Changes are coming for all children at the end of this term, whether they are moving to new schools or just a new year group, and I want everyone to make the most of the time left in their current classes and drive forwards to the next chapter in the most positive and ambitious way they can.  On that note, there will be a letter today for families in EYFS, Year 2 and Year 4 about class mixing for next year, so please do look out for that.

What’s on Next Week?

MONDAY 15th APRIL- Relationships & Sex Policy Parent Information Meeting

TUESDAY 16th APRIL-Yr 5 & 6 Author Event

TUESDAY 16th APRIL- Giraffes Swimming

TUESDAY 16th APRIL- Special Lunch Menu

THURSDAY 18th APRIL – Whales Reabrook Trip


Special Menu

Curriculum Bulletins

Our Curriculum Bulletins for Summer are out now – find out what the children will be learning this term.

EYFS Bulletin

Yr 1 Bulletin

Yr 2 Bulletin

Yr 3 Bulletin

Yr 4 Bulletin

Yr 5 Bulletin

Yr 6 Bulletin


Science Week

We are really excited about Science Week coming up soon.  Miss Harris has organised lots of brilliant experiences across school.

We also have a visiting Planetarium for KS2 and Walking with Dinosaurs visit for KS1.  We would be really grateful if you can help to contribute towards these extra-special events.

The contribution per pupil is £3 , payable via Arbor School Shop.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yr 5 & 6 Author Visit

We are really looking forward to our Year 5 & 6 Author Event with Tom Palmer on Tuesday 16th April.  Tom’s been writing children’s books for over 13 years with many featuring football & rugby. He has contributed to the very popular Football Heroes series.  He also writes some fantastic historical fiction about WW1 and WW2 which are dyslexic friendly and accessible as they are shorter novels with yellow tinted pages and a larger font.  Our Year 6 pupils have always loved reading this series!

Signed books for this event are available to purchase on Arbor for £6 each.  Please purchase these early so we can order the correct amount of stock.

Children Entrepreneurs wanted!

Save the date! Our Plant and Craft Fair is the first event of the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  This year’s theme is Treasure! so expect lots of ‘treasure’ themed activities

If children would like to run their own stall, then please come and see Miss Othen.  We already have a couple signed up!

Year 3 and 4 Football

Beginning the summer term with a football tournament featuring Year 3 and 4 children was a blast! We enjoyed playing together as a cohesive team, scoring fantastic goals, and defending against formidable tackles. Ultimately, we secured third place. Well done, boys!

Meet Luna the Therapy Dog

Welcome to Mollie and her therapy dog Luna who will be spending time in school. Luna is an accredited therapy dog with Under Dog International and the charity’s aim is to positively impact one million children by 2025. #Children helping Dogs. Dogs helping children.

Swimming Gala: A Test of Skill and Determination

Our participation in the swimming gala at Shrewsbury School was quite the experience. Witnessing incredible swimming techniques, exceptional stamina, and unwavering determination was inspiring. A select few of our children even made it to the finals. Congratulations to all the participants; it was certainly a challenging event.

Year 5 Trip to Thinktank

We took year 5 to Thinktank Birmingham to explore the Science Museum and take part in a forces workshop. We had a fantastic time and the children were a credit to the school.