Published on: 2nd February, 2024

Spring No. 5: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

We’ve had a wonderful week celebrating Chinese New Year, with traditional instruments and costumes.  Well done goes to #DadBotz for winning the illustrious Quiz Night and we hope to see many of you back for the next quiz which will hopefully be in the Summer Term.

A quick reminder to everyone that next week is the final of the half-term, and we will be breaking up on Friday 9th February and returning on Monday 19th February, which marks the half-way point of the whole academic year.

I will finish with a plea from our neighbours at Sabrina House (on the other side of the wall from the Coach House).  They have been experiencing issues with rather sizeable stones being thrown over the wall at around 3:00pm which have been landing in their car park.  Please can all adults collecting children be mindful of their behaviour on the playground and are not throwing rocks or anything else.  We have reminded the children in KS2 about this for playtimes and are keeping an eye out during the school day.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham


What’s on next week?

Monday- Yr 2 Darwin Workshop with Shrewsbury Museum

This costs £3.40. Payment to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop please.

Tuesday- Yr 3 Turtles Class Assembly for Families @ 9.15am

Wednesday – Yr 3 Starfish Class Assembly for Families @9.15am

Thursday – Yr 4 Wildlife Trust Trip

This costs £5.20.  Payment to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the trip please.

All Week- Children’s Mental Health Week

Children will be covering Children’s Mental Health Week in their PSHE lessons and there are lots of resources for parents available on their website.

Children's Mental Health week Logo

Parents/Carer Evening Appointments-Coming Soon

Parents/Carer Evenings take place the week after half term.

Wednesday 21st February 4:00-7:20pm

Thursday 22nd February 4:00-7:20pm

The booking system on our school website will become live some time next week.  We will notify you by email.

House Competition

Mrs Stennett has launched a HOUSE COMPETITION for the children to complete at home!

Year 5 are making preparations for an Eco Fashion Show (taking place 13th March)and there will be a ‘Recycled rubbish’ Runway.

We would like the children to DESIGN AN OUTFIT MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIALS that we can then create for the show.

DRAW YOUR OUTFIT DESIGN ON A PIECE OF PAPER AND LABEL IT WITH THE MATERIALS USED.  Don’t forget to include your name and House and return to the Post Box outside the School Offices.

Dresses made from binbags, skirts made from bubble wrap, what will you think up?


World Book Day-Get Ready

World Book Day is coming after half term.

If you wish to donate any old costumes you no longer use, please use our Drop and Swap Trolley in the foyer.

Chinese New Year Celebration Day



The children have been learning about the upcoming celebration of Chinese New Year.    Years 1, 4 and 6 were involved in the Chinese New Year workshop, where they learnt about the story of Chinese New Year, experienced listening to traditional instruments and took part in a dragon dance!  2024 is the year of the Dragon!

The rest of the school have been busy celebrating too, through activities and lessons planned by teachers and for lunch we had a special menu.

Fact:  Did you know many people now use the term ‘Lunar New Year’?  This is because festivals in other countries take place at the same time and with many of the same traditions as in China.




















Sea Life Centre Trip

Year 3 visited the Sealife Centre in Birmingham, as part of their Geography work and took part in a Plastic Pollution workshop.  We have been compelled to write to the Sea Life Centre so they can consider the plastic items for sale in the gift shop.

Alice wins Photography Competition

Alice in Year 6 has won the Age 10 & under category in the Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery Wildlife Photography Competition.  She is thrilled with the news! See her winning photo below which will be displayed in the Museum. Well done Alice!

Community Quiz Night

As always a brilliant night was had by all at our Quiz Night! It was great to see some new faces join us with 15 teams battling it out. Dadbodz scooped the glory of the cup 🏆 and our favourite staff team were delighted to bag the ‘mugs’ 🤣 Thank you Mr Larkham for the excellent hosting, jokes and trivia, until next time…
