Published on: 31st March, 2023



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Coming Up After Easter

We return to school on Monday 17th April

Here are the events for the first week back to school:

Monday 17th April- National Offer Day for Primary Reception places for September 2023

Tuesday 18th April- Year 6 Giraffes Swimming

Wednesday 19th April- Year 6 Elephants Swimming

Wednesday 19th April-Parents Event Meeting-Planning the Plant & Craft Fair

Thursday 20th April-Orienteering Sport fixture (selected pupils chosen after Easter)

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who attended our School Production of “The Jungle Book” this week.  We are so proud of every child involved, from the actors to the dancers and back stage crew.  A huge thank you, of course, goes to Mrs Stennett, Mrs Morgan, Miss Heap, Miss Cox and all of the other staff involved for their hard work and dedication.  What a way to end a fantastic term here at Coleham!

Today, we have said farewell to Mr Venn, who is relocating to Devon with his family and Miss Talbot who is leaving EYFS for a new school closer to home.  We wish them the best of luck.  It was lovely to see so many Coleham families at the Park Run on Sunday.  The run itself was dedicated to Mr Venn and was the busiest park run in the country on Sunday with 194 children running  – a huge thank you to all who attended.  Mr Venn has inspired so many children and staff at Coleham school to be fit and active.  He has gone above and beyond in every aspect and will be greatly missed by us all.  Of course, we wish him well and hope that he will pop and see us when he is next in Shropshire!

Term starts again on April 17th and we have a busy Summer term planned with house events, trips and sports days.  We are also looking forward to inviting you all into classrooms and, of course, we have some social events planned too.  I hope that you all have a lovely, relaxing break and look forward to seeing you after the break.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones


SENDCO Message

We’ve had a very busy term here at Coleham where all children have taken part in some brilliant activities, from unusual outings to find interesting reading spots during World Book Week, to exciting science and animal visits during Science Week!

This week is World Autism Acceptance Week so please find attached a Newsletter featuring this from Shropshire Parent & Carer council.

Click here: Autism Acceptance Week March Newsletter

Don’t forget to check out the Shropshire Local Offer for lots of activities that are on across our county over Easter.

Click here: Shropshire Easter Activities


Save The Date!

Community Events Planning Meeting: For the upcoming Plant & Craft Fair

Date: Wednesday 19th April

Location: School Staff Room

Time: 7:30pm

Who: Everybody is welcome, staff, parents, friends and members of the community

About: We like to keep things friendly and simple so there are no formalities, minutes or on-going commitments, just one evening to arrange the Plant & Craft Fair which is part of The Belle Vue Art’s Festival.

We love to utilise the skills and talents of our parents and ensure it is a real community event focused on things the children love.

Fancy coming along? We would love to see you there!  A great way to contribute to school life and do something fun for the children.





Venn Fest

For the last day of term Miss Lewis organised a whole day of sports for the whole school. What better way to celebrate Sport, Mr Venn’s last day and all our hard work during Spring Term.  Well done to Year 6 who ran all the stations Dance, Hockey, Netball, Athletics and Rugby!

Mr Venn led a whole school line dancing lesson from the Kitchen roof! Then we finished the day with a special goodbye video to Mr Venn and Isla.  They will be missed by us all.



The Jungle Book

Our School Production Team produced an incredible show for us all! The school has been a hive of activity and we have been blown away by the talent and teamwork from the cast and production team.  There’s been such an array of skills from the children! Acting, dancing, singing, narrating, selling popcorn, creating artwork for the programme and set design, logistics from the back stage crew, lighting and microphone technicians, fundraising and front of house.  Shining examples of creativity, co-operation and ambition. A big thank you to our Director Mrs Stennett and our wonderful children, staff and family audiences.

Watch the highlights here:

The Jungle Book video clip:



Behind the scenes -The Jungle Book

Take a sneak peek at our wonderful cast and crew for The Jungle Book 2023!

Spring Cups!

Well done to all of our Spring Term Cup Winners for our Values cups including Friendship, Kindness, Perseverance, Co-operation, Respect, Honesty and Ambition.  Our charity/Eco award went to Edwin who raised over £100 for The Rainforest Trust.


Darwin scoop House Cup!

Darwin win the Spring House Cup by 4 points! Well done to all the children in school for working so hard this spring term and contributing to their House Dojo points.

Darwin- 8803 pts

Greyfriars- 8799 pts

Quarry-8743 pts

Severn – 8656 pts


Cross Country @Attingham Park

Well done to 70 Coleham children who participated in a cross country event at Attingham Park with other schools. What a lovely countryside course and a great opportunity for parents to watch the runners.

Languages @ Shrewsbury High School

Year 5 were treated to a languages day at Shrewsbury High School and were hosted by the Year 10 foreign language students. Pupils were taught French, German, Classics and Spanish. Thank you to Shrewsbury High School for this cultural experience!




Belvidere Tag Rugby

On Friday 24th March, Mr Venn took a team of 10 children to participate in a Tag Rugby competition at Belvidere Secondary school. The children competed really well, and managed to go unbeaten, only missing out on the trophy on the total amount of tries scores.

Coleham School Junior Parkrun Takeover

Wow, what a Coleham Community we are!  Thank you to so many families for turning out to celebrate Mr Venn’s last Shrewsbury Parkrun.  Thanks to everyone’s participation, Shrewsbury Junior Parkrun was the largest Junior Parkrun in the country with 194 runners crossing the finish line!  What a great way for us all to come together, keep active as a family and raise the profile of Junior Parkrun.  It was also the perfect opportunity to celebrate the Michael Venn family and everything our Sports Coach has achieved for sport at Coleham over the last 8 years.  Well done to all the runners, you were fantastic!  What a great way to start a Sunday morning.

We’re in the news.  Read the news article below:

Shropshire Star News Article

Click below for the official Run Photos:

Shrewsbury Junior Parkrun Photos 26th March 2023