Published on: 8th March, 2024

Spring 2024 No. 9: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

It’s been wonderful to see so much excitement and engagement around reading this week for World Book Week, culminating in a fantastic day yesterday!  So many home-made costumes and obscure characters, too – it really shows the depth of the love for reading at Coleham School.

Reading is so very, very important to children’s future prospects.  The World Book Day organisation reported this week that children across the country are put off reading for many reasons, with 25% saying that they are made to read books they don’t want to read.  At Coleham, we aim to foster a real love for reading and would encourage all children (and grown-ups!) to read what they want to read, so long as it is appropriate for them.  I think what we have seen this week shows that our community is doing something right to foster that love of reading!

Lots is also happening next week: Year 5 fashion show, Year 4 residential, trips…

Have a lovely weekend!


King Of The Wild Things

What’s on next week?

Tuesday 13th March– Lions Class Assembly @9.15 am for families

Wednesday 14th March

The cost for the Yr 1 Blists Hill trip is £13.00.  We would be grateful if you could make payment prior to Wednesday.

Thursday 14th-Friday 15th MarchYr 4 Residential Trip

Eco Fashion Show

Free Entry-All Welcome

On Wednesday 13th March, Year 5 will be hosting our first Eco Fashion Show event.

This takes place in the school hall after school and Year 5 families are invited to watch.  Children and families from other classes are also invited to come along-its free entry but we will have to turn people away once the school hall is full.

After the show finishes, you will be able to mingle as the children will be selling pre-loved clothes for £1 each and we have some stalls selling jewellery.  Please come along to support us.

Alice In Wonderland Tickets

Our School Production of Alice in Wonderland takes place in the last week of term Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st March showing at 6.30pm.

Tickets cost £5 per adult and child and can be purchased on Arbor, School Shop. Refreshments will be available at the interval for a donation towards Autism, West Midlands.


Year 6 Leaver Hoodies

Junior College 8Thank you to Lucy’s mum for kindly arranging the online shop for this year’s Leaver Hoodies!

Year 6 parents can order and pay for these online.

Leaver Hoody Shop

Parent Letter

The print deadline was 14th March 2024.

These will be delivered to school and handed out before the Year 6 Residential to Pioneer.

SEND Meet ‘n’ Chat

Support for SEND families-an open and informal meet to chat with professionals.

Hockey Fixture

A group of Year 6 children participated in a hockey competition held at Meole Brace Secondary School. We took two teams, and their performance was outstanding. Despite their commendable efforts, we fell short of reaching the semi-finals. However, this setback did not diminish their enthusiasm; they persevered with friendly matches against other schools, maintaining their smiles and enjoyment throughout the day while embodying the Coleham values superbly. A hearty congratulations to all the children for their remarkable display.

Storyteller Visit

For World Book Week local Storyteller Sal Tongue visited all our EYFS, Yr 1 and Yr 2 classes. With a medley of stories, drawing and singing the children followed the key to unlock the story.  There was even a Goldilocks and the three bears rap song.  Thank you Sal for your imagination and energy! A lovely way to end our special week dedicated to reading.

World Book Day

What a day of celebrating books and our favourite fictional characters!

Children spent their tokens at our World Book Day Pop-Up Shop and Monday’s Book Fair and story themed sweet shop was a sell out!

Take a look at what we got up to, which characters can you spot?

World Book Day Pop- Up Shop

On World Book Day, our children were able to go to our Pop-up shop in the library to choose a 2024 World Book Day book to take home and keep.  We are so glad that we can do this for our pupils.  Than you to Independent bookshop Pengwern Books.

Book Fair & Sweet Shop

Thanks to all our families for supporting our Book Fair and our first World Book Day Sweet Shop! Year 1 pupils did a lovely job bagging up the sweets to sell for their enterprise activity with all the profits going to school.  Thanks to Gisela Robinson Illustration for staying too to sell her merchandise.


SMAG Birthday

Can you believe its been 10 years of Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery? To celebrate their 10th birthday SMAG asked Miss Heap to share what the Museum means to our pupils 😀 #Shrewsburyhistory #Shrewsburyart

Basketball Success – 1st Place

We had an incredible afternoon at Belvidere Secondary School for a thrilling Basketball competition, hosted by Embrace. Both of our teams demonstrated exceptional skill, teamwork, and sportsmanship, making us incredibly proud. We are thrilled to announce that their hard work has paid off, as both teams secured victory, with an overall first-place finish!

Illustrator Talk

To celebrate World Book Week, Years 3 & 4 had a talk from visiting Illustrator Gisela Robinson. Gisela told us about her home country Argentina and how she became an Illustrator later in life after having a family and changing her career.  She showed us some picture book Illustrators from different countries who inspire her and the entire process of sketching and painting for ‘The Book Thief’ book cover she worked on.  Thank you Gisela for sharing your life as an Illustrator with us!

Thank You, Town Walls Tennis Club Coaches!

A huge thank you to the coaches at Town Walls Tennis Club for hosting our Dolphins class. We had a fantastic afternoon learning new tennis skills from ex-players. It was a great experience staying within our community.

Lunchtime Fun

Some healthy lunchtime fun from our Catering Team who love a dress up! The tasting table was a hit with the younger children at lunchtime.  Tasting peppers in the ‘Eat them to defeat them’ campaign. #healthyeating #