Published on: 9th February, 2024

Spring 2024 No. 6: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now at the official half-way marker of the school year!  It may have been the final week of the half-term, but it’s been an incredibly busy one!

We’ve had a number of trips and visits this week, and I had the pleasure of watching both Year 3 classes perform to their grownups this week.  It’s so much fun to see the work the children have produced over a term and see them present to an audience – thank you to everyone involved!

A huge thankyou to every one of the 173 respondents to our survey earlier in the year – the results are on the website (see the link in this newsletter).  We were also grateful for the wonderful positive comments from everyone.  We have printed them all out and put them on display for our whole staff team to see – it has really made an impact on everyone, so thank you kindly.

I hope you all have a wonderful half-term break and manage to have some rest and some fun.  Next half term, we will be having a drive on Kindness, one of our school values, and will be looking for kindness ambassadors across the school.  I don’t think that will be too hard to do!

Have a lovely week

Tom Larkham



Next Half Term Events

Parent/Carer Evenings – Wednesday 21st February & Thursday 22nd February

(Please book an appointment online. If there are any problems contact us when we return to school after half term)

Year 6 Mock SATS Week – Week commencing 26th February

Year 4 class Assemblies

  • Dolphins Tuesday 5th March @9:15am
  • Whales Wednesday 6th March @9.15am

World Book Week

After School Book Fair for families – Monday 4th March

World Book Day Dress Up- Thursday 7th March

Science Week– Week commencing 11th March

Year 5 Class Assemblies

  • Lions Tuesday 12th March @9:15am
  • Leopards Wednesday 13th March @9:15am

Year 1 Blists Hill Trip-Wednesday 13th March

Year 5 Eco Fashion Show-Wednesday 13th March (Open to all after school)

Year 4 Overnight Residential Trip- Thursday 14th & Friday 15th March

Alice in Wonderland School Production-Wednesday 20th & Thursday 21st March

Break up for Easter– Friday 22nd March


Our Clubs for next half term will be released on Friday 9th February at 6:00pm

See our Clubs Page

See our Clubs Schedule


New Lunch Menu

The Lunch Menu has been updated.

Parent / Carer Survey Results 2023-24

Thank you to everyone who completed the 3-18 Trust survey earlier this year, and thank you to everyone who gave us feedback on what could be improved and what we do well.

Please follow the link below for the published survey data, and a letter responding to the main themes from both the survey and the feedback.  It is always incredibly useful and rewarding to read all your comments, and they really do help us to make Coleham School an even better place.

Survey Results Link: Parent / Carer 2023-24 Survey Results

We’re on Instagram

You might like to follow us on Instagram

Dolphins Trip to the Reabrook

Despite the rain putting a dampener on our plans, our visit to the Reabrook was nothing short of an adventure! While the weather may have altered our course, we made the most of our time by embarking on a picturesque walk along the length of the brook. Along the way, we engaged in captivating discussions about the Reabrook’s history, turning our journey into an educational experience filled with fascinating river facts. Despite the downpour, the children’s spirits remained undaunted, relishing every moment spent in the great outdoors.

Yr 3 Class Assemblies

Both Year 3 classes really enjoyed the opportunity to share some of their recent class work with their parents in their class assemblies this week, and they put on a great show. There was dancing, singing, writing, art, science, geography, audience participation and more!

Well done, Year 3!

We showed our wonderful self-portraits

After our trip to the Sea Life Centre and workshop on ‘plastic pollution, we were compelled to write to them regarding the ‘plastic’ in the gift shop.




Yr 5 Checkmates

The best things grow from an idea 💡 and following the children’s interests ♟️ We noticed Alex and Jack’s talent at playing chess and teaching the younger children in our After School Club.  They were keen to run their own Chess Club, so with Miss Othen’s support, the boys now have this up and running twice a week at lunchtimes. Great work boys! What a lovely quiet space at lunchtimes to exercise those brains!  #independence

Yr 5 Fashion Lecture

Anna from Shrewsbury College came to talk to Year 5 about sustainable fashion and help us get inspired for our fashion show!  Anna has worked in industry and now teaches the Extended Diploma in Fashion & Textiles at Shrewsbury College.  We heard that Stella McCartney uses Mylo in her fashion lines which is a sustainable textile derived from mushrooms and enjoyed seeing clothes that had been made by college students. Our favourite was a menswear combo made from a camo patterned tent!  It was great for the children to learn that Shrewsbury has its own vocational fashion course for 16-18 year olds.  Thank you Shrewsbury Colleges Group #careerpathways #careerchoices

Darwin workshop

Today we had Hannah in from Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery to teach us all about Charles Darwin and his findings. This has helped us to learn more about our History topic.

We even got to use ink and quills to draw animals just like Darwin!

Whales Visit to Messy Vintage

We had a great time visiting the elderly people at ‘Messy Vintage’ where we read and discussed our books with them, learnt to sing ‘A Little Love’ and made paper heart crafts. It was a lovely intergenerational meeting!

Dear Zoo

Today the children in EYFS visited the Theatre Severn to watch Dear Zoo. We have been exploring this book in our Literacy sessions and it was wonderful to see the story brought to life!

Ukulele Club Concert

Ukulele Club celebrated their last session with a mini-concert for parents this week. Among a repertoire of seven songs, they sang “It’s raining, it’s pouring” complete with Rap, sang ‘Frère Jacques’ and ended triumphantly with “Hokey Cokey” and “Yellow Submarine” with lots of audience participation. Ukulele Club returns on Monday 19th February to learn G7 and the swing shuffle strum!