Published on: 26th January, 2024

Spring 2024 No. 4 Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,


Welcome to another newsletter!  It’s been a busy and slightly warmer week, and it’s nice to end on a bit of sunshine.

We had Ms Jones and the CEO, David O’Toole, visit us this week.  It’s always good to have the Trust leadership have an outsider’s view of all things Coleham, and they were very impressed with what they had seen.  They commented on how well the children behaved around school and the excellent learning they saw happening in the classrooms.  Well done everyone!

On another happy note, I’ve had quite a few children come to my office this week with excellent work, including some EYFS children with some fantastic writing about Handa and a cheeky giraffe, so I thought I’d put a picture of one of my giraffes in this week.

I’m looking forward to seeing some of you at the quiz tonight – make sure you bring your brains!

Whatever you are doing this weekend, make sure you have a good one!

Tom Larkham


What’s on Next Week?

Monday – EYFS parents Writing Meeting 2:30pm and 5:00pm @School Hall

Tuesday – Yr 2 Owl’s Class Assembly for Parents 9:15am

Wednesday – Yr 2 Rabbit’s Class Assembly for Parents 9:15am

ThursdayChinese New Year Workshop for Yrs 1, 4 & 6

The cost for the workshop is £3.70, please make payment on Arbor.

FridayEYFS Theatre Trip to Dear Zoo

The cost of the ‘Dear Zoo’ trip is £15.50, please make payment on Arbor.  Pick up from school will be 3:30pm.


Chinese New Year

On Thursday 1st February we will be celebrating Chinese New Year in School.

Years 1, 4 and 6 will all be participating in a Chinese New Year workshop involving 15 metre dragons and a range of Chinese instruments and will allow children to experience some of the traditions associated with Chinese New Year.

Special Lunch Menu

Shropshire Half Marathon


Shropshire Half Marathon Letter

You can sign up and pay for this via Arbor until Friday 2nd February.

House Competition

Mrs Stennett has launched a HOUSE COMPETITION for the children to complete at home!

Year 5 are making preparations for an Eco Fashion Show (taking place 13th March)and there will be a ‘Recycled rubbish’ Runway.

We would like the children to DESIGN AN OUTFIT MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIALS that we can then create for the show.

DRAW YOUR OUTFIT DESIGN ON A PIECE OF PAPER AND LABEL IT WITH THE MATERIALS USED.  Don’t forget to include your name and House and return to the Post Box outside the School Offices.

Dresses made from binbags, skirts made from bubble wrap, what will you think up?


Year 4 Dodgeball Competition

A big well done to some of our Year 4 children for their excellent performance in this week’s dodgeball competition over at Meole Brace Secondary School. They played exceptionally well as a team, never gave up, and reached the quarter-finals. Congratulations on representing Coleham admirably and embodying our school values. Well done, as always!.

Duke of Edinburgh

Eaoife from The Priory School is volunteering with us for The Duke of Edinburgh Award.  Eaoife is helping Year 6’s at Cookery Club and next half term is supporting Spanish Club.  🙌 Great to see young people getting out there and helping others!

The Shropshire Bagpiper

Jump & Jive  EYFS/KS1 Music Club welcomed The Shropshire Bagpiper this week to celebrate Burns’ Night. The Club practiced two Scottish Jigs, performed Burns’ story of Tam o’ Shanter with lots of instruments and learnt just what a Sgian Dubh is! They then marched round school and performed to their parents at the front gates! Well done Jump & Jive and thank you to Mrs Wade for organising the visit.