Published on: 15th March, 2024

Spring 2024 No.10: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

It’s been a bumper week of events this week with lots happening!

We’ve just welcomed back all of Year 4 who have had the most amazing time at PGL over the last couple of days.  Miss Lewis and Miss Armstrong tell me they have been incredible and a credit to the school and all of you – a huge WELL DONE and THANK YOU goes out to Miss Lewis, Miss Armstrong and their team of Mrs Jeff, Mrs Lord, Ms Wisdom and Mr Halford for giving up their time to make sure these incredibly important residentials happen.

We’ve also had a champion netball team, Year 5 class assemblies and the absolutely fantastic Eco Fashion Show.  Next week, we are looking forward to seeing Alice in Wonderland – make sure you’ve got your tickets!

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


What’s on next week?

Saturday 16th March-Alice in Wonderland Rehearsal 9:00-3:00pm

Tuesday 19th March-Attingham Park Cross Country Event @ 4:00pm

(Children participating have had a paper letter about this)

Wednesday 20th March-Alice In Wonderland School Production @ 6:30pm

Thursday 21st March– Alice in Wonderland School Production @ 6:30pm

Thursday 21st March– School Class Photographs


Friday 22nd March-All About Me Day (No School Uniform)


Alice in Wonderland

Our Yr 5/6 Alice in Wonderland School Production takes place next Wednesday and Thursday evenings @ 6:30pm.

There are some tickets left on Arbor if you fancy coming along.

On the night, children will be selling bags of sweets at the entrance for £1 each and there will be refreshments available during the interval.


Thursday-Class Photographs

All children should wear school uniform on Thursday please.

FRIDAY-All About Me Day

On Friday it will be a Non-Uniform Day.  The children can celebrate being themselves and choose to wear whatever they like!  We’ll be raising money for Autism West Midlands and collecting £1 cash donations in buckets at school drop off.

Wine Tasting Evening

We are really excited about this new event for our Coleham Community.

Everybody is welcome if you have friends or relatives that would like to come along.

Tickets are available on Arbor.

Tom Holt is the winemaker and owner of Paso-Primero. After working at Tanners Wines, Tom travelled the world with the dream of one day making his own wine, in his own style. After five vintages in New Zealand and Canada, he ended up in the Spanish Pyrenees where he has created an incredible portfolio of award winning wines. On the 26th of April he will take us through that portfolio and share his journey from Shrewsbury to Somontano, and back again.

Year 5 Eco Fashion Show

Year 5 have been learning about ‘fast fashion’ and its global impact on the environment and this week put on a FANTASTIC Eco Fashion Show!  Year 5 you should be so proud, you pushed yourselves outside of your comfort zone and displayed great teamwork.  The children have sewn clothes, customised clothes, made clothes from rubbish, rehearsed lines, set up staging, sold clothes afterwards and had fun modelling! #confidence #publicspeaking #careerchoices

We made the news!  Check out the Shropshire Star News Article

Our Eco Fashion Show was very timely as just a few days later France have voted to back measures to make fast fashion less attractive.  Read the Guardian Article.

Netball School Games

Well done to our Netball Team for winning the Shrewsbury School Games! They will now go on to represent Shrewsbury for the county School Games.

Yr 1 @ Blists Hill

Year 1 have been learning about life in the Victorian times and comparing it to how we live today. They had a brilliant day out at Blists Hill Victorian village, they washed clothes in the laundry, saw the candle dipping, visited all of the shops and school and learnt about printmaking.

Yr 4 Art Afternoon – Kusama-inspired Instillations

Year 4 have been studying the Japanese contemporary artist, Yayoi Kusama, who is famous for her mirrored ‘infinity rooms’ and dotty instillations. We were lucky enough to have two parent volunteers helping us to create our own mini-instillations inspired by the avant-garde artist!

Reading with Playgroup

We welcomed Holy Trinity Playgroup today for a story session. Well done to our Year 6 readers Misha, Jack, Alice and Perdy for some lovely reading.

Girls Football

Congratulations to this talented group of girls who proudly represented Coleham in a challenging football tournament against schools in and around Shrewsbury. Their exceptional skills and unwavering perseverance were evident throughout the competition, demonstrating their ability to play cohesively as a team.

Yr 6 Bridges Tour

Year 6 walked around the Quarry to sketch the Kingsland, Porthill and Greyfriars bridges and notice their different structures.  Next step, to construct their own bridges in Design and Technology.