Published on: 20th September, 2024

Autumn 2024 Newsletter No. 3


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

Thank you to everyone who helped out at the September Social last weekend – it was great to see so many of our families supporting the school and organising stalls, helping out and making Saturday a huge success.  Thank you also to everyone who came along to enjoy the day!

We’ve had another busy week at school this week as we really start to get going with the Autumn Term – the last 3 weeks feel like a lifetime already, which is a good thing!

We’re already looking forward to next week with a variety of trips happening, and I am also looking forward to the first new parent open day for those families looking for a school for September 2025.  If you know anyone in the market for an EYFS place in September, give them a nudge!  Please also pass on the 2 job adverts on to anyone you know that would be a great addition to our staff team.  Details are on the front page of the website.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


What’s on next week?

MONDAYLions Class Choral Day Trip

Parents make sure you know about the collection arrangements.

WEDNESDAYYear 5 Greek Workshop Day

Please pay £3.75 on Arbor before Wednesday.

FRIDAY MORNINGWhole School Flu Clinic

Don’t forget to fill out the online Flu consent by clicking the link below:

Flu link


Stone Age Bone Age for Year 3

Year 3 had a fantastic time handling artefacts and experiencing what life was like in the Stone Age at our workshop at Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery. We almost managed to catch some mammoths!

Year 5 Food & Mood workshop 🍎🥦🍒🥕🍓

Our school Chef Manager arranged for company Nutritionist Iona to visit us today.   Year 5 had a wonderful session focused on healthy eating and how what we eat can affect our mood and well-being.

We learnt lots and designed our own healthy breakfasts.  Thank you to Academy for delivering this workshop.

Council Elections for 24-25

The votes are in! We have voted for our new Eco and School councillors and here are most of them!

Smart Phone- Parent’s Informed Choice Initiative

The topic of e-safety has never been more important with the rise of smart phones & chat groups being used by young children and the use of technology and devices in all aspects of our lives.  Some parents and schools have started campaigns in different parts of the country with a move away from smartphones for children, trailing different alternatives which is gaining media attention.

In a collaborative partnership with parents, this year we will be opening up conversations, so we can all share our personal experiences, what works or doesn’t work in our households, providing information about parental controls, experiences of secondary schools in an effort to give everyone an informed choice about what they choose for their children.

Thank you to Parent Mrs Renshaw for introducing this at the September Social.  Please see a message from her below.

Thank you to all the parents and children who joined in with our stall and sticker-board at the September Social. It was really interesting hearing so many points of view and different concerns over the issue of children, smartphones, and online-safety. It was a great opportunity to get our community talking to each other, sharing ideas, and beginning to look at more ways to support each other to make informed choices for our children and their futures.

Anthea Renshaw-Parent



House Captains 2024-25!

We are thrilled to announce our new House Captains!

Many children across Darwin, Greyfriars, Quarry and Severn delivered speeches, explaining why they would be a fantastic House Captain, last week. The newly appointed House Captains are already working to arrange the first competition for the school year!

Well done to our new House Captains!


Our children always help to run our community events. Well done to all the pupils past and present for helping at the September Social!

Our Year 6 boys Toby, Alex, Eli & and Jack for running their own stall and raising £93 for school! They had to think about their pricing to make a profit that covered their expenses and they also set themselves a small wage.

Our Year 6 girls ran some fun games involving a lemon and some coins and raised £50 for school. Well done Martha, Ruby, May and Evie.

Lola set up her own Jewelley venture.

Thanks also to the Priory School Year 7’s Rosa, Lucy, Flynn, Lewis, Ben and Misha for running 3 of our stalls for us and raising approx £250.

Great job everybody!

September Social!

Starting the new school year with our September Social!  The best way to re-connect with each other after the holidays and invite the community in to enjoy our beautiful grounds. We hope our new families enjoyed being part of our very special Coleham Community.  Our events are always about more than fundraising!  Thank you to everybody for your donations, support and those parents who put in a shift helping us set up, run the kitchen and stalls.  We couldn’t do it without you!