Mr Venn’s Farewell Event

Dear Parents/Carers,

Farewell Event for Mr Venn

As you all know Mr Venn will be leaving us at Easter to relocate to Devon.

We hope you can join us in a farewell run as Coleham School ‘Takes over’ Shrewsbury Junior Parkrun.

There is a Shrewsbury Junior Parkrun every Sunday morning at 9am in the quarry and Mr Venn and I often volunteer with our families.  It’s a 2km lap starting near the tennis courts and children aged 4-14 can take part for free and parents often run with their youngest children or cheer along the route.  We have arranged it with the organisers so that on the 26th March 2023 there will be a Coleham School Takeover event.

We would LOVE it if we could boost the profile of Junior Park Run within our Coleham School community, whilst at the same time celebrating everything Mr Venn has done for our school, children and their families.

We know lots of Coleham children already take part but wouldn’t it be AMAZINNG if we could all come together for Mr Venn’s last Shrewsbury Parkrun and smash the attendance figures for our local Parkrun.  It’s a fun way for the whole family to be active together.

If you can spare an hour of your Sunday morning on 26th MARCH at 9:00am to either volunteer as a marshall or just come along to cheer the children on, that would be fantastic!

Any child is able to run the course but it’s much better if you are able to register FOR FREE with Shrewsbury Junior Park Run via their website  This way your child will have a barcode which they hand in at the end which registers their run time on the Parkrun website and also tracks attendance numbers for Parkrun.

To volunteer you just need to sign up FOR FREE at and email with your barcode number to say you’d like to volunteer on the 26th  March (if you are already involved in Parkrun, this is your normal barcode). Volunteering just means standing in a high vis along the course and cheering the children on.

We hope to see lots of you there!

Kind regards,

M Stennett

Class Teacher

3-18 Education Trust
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