Merry Christmas to you all

Christmas wouldn’t be complete for us without our Staff Christmas Video!  This started during Covid so we could connect with our families and children at home but has become a much loved Coleham tradition for us all.  It’s our special gift to the children and a way to say Merry Christmas to the many people in our community that help us make our school what it is, to our parents, volunteers, local shop keepers, club leaders, pre-schools, resident artists and musicians and all the organisations we partner with.

Watching the children’s reaction on Monday was priceless.  We are always teaching our children to be creative, try something new and give it a go, so it’s great for them to see our staff be a little silly and push themselves outside of their comfort zone (of course some of us love the limelight, mentioning no names!)

This year’s video backing scenes have been created using the children’s art work.  The children thought they were entering into a Christmas card competition.

We really hope you enjoy this year’s production and it goes without saying that this film would not be possible without the incredibly talented, legendary Mr Williams who directs and edits us all to perfection.  Always smiling, keeping us calm and on a very tight filming schedule!  Bravo Mr Williams!