Headteacher Letter- Reminders

Dear Parents/Carers,



We have received a complaint from a resident about parking clogging up Salter’s Lane in the morning and afternoon.  This has always been a problem at Coleham owing to the lack of parking around the school.

Before the road closure began operating, the same issues were present and we often had similar complaints about cars using Salter’s Lane and coming into conflict with families as they turned in and out in both directions along Greyfriars Road.

I would recommend all families using their cars to follow a few simple guidelines to make sure we can operate things smoothly in a considerate manner for everyone’s benefit:

  • Please AVOID use Salter’s Lane as a quick drop off / pick up point.  Cars are parking illegally; causing blockages and preventing our neighbours from going about their business.
  • Please DO NOT drop off in the road outside the staff car park – this is a clear safety hazard and causes blockages.
  • Please DO NOT park on Greyfriars Rd before the road closes unless you are prepared to wait for it to reopen.

We must make sure that we are acting with consideration and courtesy for each other and our neighbours, and it goes without saying that any verbal abuse towards staff or traffic wardens / PCSOs, or anyone, is never acceptable, nor will it be tolerated.

Park & Stride

In order to help with the lack of parking, we have a park & stride scheme in place with the Council which operates as follows:

  • FREE parking at St Julian’s Friars Car Park (2 min walk over the Greyfriars Bridge).

These schemes require a FREE permit which can be collected from the School Office.

School Gates

From Monday, the field entrance gate will no longer be used over the winter period.  Please use any of the open gates further along Greyfriars Road.

Home time collection

Please make sure that the site is cleared as quickly as possible at the end of the day.  We ask that you make a swift exit once you have collected your children so that our after-school clubs are able to start their activities outside safely.  We need to fully secure the site at 3:30 pm.

Pupil Absences

Please remember to inform school of any absences via the absence email: absence@col.318education.co.uk and avoid leaving phone messages.  This ensures we have a secure record and messages are not lost.  You will need to inform us each day of your child’s absence as per our policy.

Yours sincerely,

Tom Larkham


3-18 Education Trust
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