Headteacher Letter -Christmas Performances

Dear Parent/Carers,

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas in school.  The children have made some beautiful decorations out of recycled materials and staff have decorated the school so it looks and feels special for the children.  See a sneak peak of staff ‘Decking the halls’ here:

In-between making Christmas decorations and practising for their Christmas nativities, the children have been busy with assessment in maths and reading – the data from these assessments will help teachers plan the learning over the next term to be more targeted for the children’s individual needs.  Well done to all the children for working so incredibly hard and taking everything in their stride.


Thank you for your generosity in donating treats for our Hamper Raffle! The Hampers look great! Our raffle ends tonight at 8pm and we’ve sold 928 tickets so far: will we reach £1000? You may purchase any last-minute tickets here:



Our EYFS/KS1 Nativity and KS2 Nativity concerts are always a very special occasion for us all.  The singing in school sounds incredible and you will be in for a real treat!  Bring your tissues as it’s always emotional when we all come together at this time of year.  The performance times for parents are as follows:

Performances at Holy Trinity Church

  • Monday (05/12/22) 1330-1430: Performance for EYFS parents
  • Tuesday (06/12/22) 1000-1100: Performance for Year 1 parents
  • Tuesday (06/12/22) 1330-1430: Performance for Year 2 parents
  • Thursday (08/12/22) 1000-1130: Performance for Year 3 parents
  • Thursday (08/12/22) 1330-1500: Performance for Year 4 parents
  • Friday (09/12/22) 1000-1130: Performance for Year 5 parents
  • Friday (09/12/22) 1330-1500: Performance for Year 6 parents


  • Please be kind and only attend your child’s nativity
  • Please aim to attend the performance set aside for your child’s year group.
  • For those wishing to see siblings, you may be able to see them all in one EYFS/KS1’s nativity (Monday and Tuesday) includes EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 in the same show.  KS2’s Nativity (Thursday and Friday) has Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 in the same show.
  • Those of you with a child in each Key Stage can, of course, see both shows
  • The KS2 children will be performing all around the church and in the aisles, so every seat in church will have a good view, including those at the very back of the church.

Arriving early

  • The doors to the church will open 10 minutes before each performance.
  • Please do not arrive early for a good seat. The doors will not be opened early and there is not a lot of room to wait outside the hall.  We need to escort all the children in beforehand through the same entrance and allowing parents in early often causes problems for the children when getting ready.
  • There will be teas and coffees on offer for those waiting to enter the church


  • You are, of course, allowed to take photographs of your children performing.
  • Please do not, however, post these on social media as you may have other children in your photos.

Church donations

  • Holy Trinity are finding it extremely difficult to fund the church running costs this year as the cost of energy rockets. We are incredibly grateful to them for allowing us to use the church again this year, despite the difficulties they are facing.  As well as heating and electricity costs, they also have a leaking roof, so we are asking that parents kindly make donations on the day they visit as a way to say thank you to the wonderful people at Holy Trinity Church.


Today we are launching payments for Elfridges.  As a festive treat for the last week of term we will be running ‘Elfridges’ in school time.  The Coach House will be decorated and transformed into the Elves’ Grotto where children can shop for Christmas Gifts for loved ones and family.  Every child in school will visit and there will be a selection of gifts for all the family (sorry no pets this year).

Children love this experience and it is lovely to see them choosing gifts for members of their family.  It teaches the children the value of kindness and giving gifts rather than receiving them and is also a school fundraiser raising money for equipment and author visits.

Please see the video produced by some cheeky elves!


Gifts cost £2.50 each and can be purchased on Parent Pay via your child’s account.  (The cost includes the gift, wrapping and a small donation to school.)  Please purchase these next week so we have an indication of numbers and are ready to open the Grotto on Monday 12th December.  You may purchase 1 or more gifts if you wish and we will have a class register recording the number of gifts purchased for each child.

It is important to us that every child in school is included in this experience and enjoys the Grotto visit.  We ask that if you are able to purchase a gift for your child, then please support this school event.  If not, please don’t worry we will ensure every child takes a gift home.

We really couldn’t do this without your support, so thank you!

All that remains for me to say is, have a lovely weekend whatever you are up too and we all look forward to seeing you in Church next week.

Your sincerely,

Mr T Larkham


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