Headteacher Letter

It’s been another busy week here in school.  On Monday, we had a visit from our new Trust CEO, David O’Toole, who spent the day with us and chatted to staff and children.  He was extremely impressed with the children who were engaged in their learning and were demonstrating our school values and Coleham School rules of kindness, respect and good working.   Classes have also been busy with their various activities including: swimming; woodland work lessons; and Year 3 had a safety visit from Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service which was great fun!


New Website

You may have noticed that we have a new school website which we were delighted to launch this week.  It is really important to us for families to be able to easily access up-to-date school information.  We have worked hard to ensure that it is easy to navigate for you all.  Please use this to find ALL SCHOOL INFORMATION including school letters that you may have missed by email; to see calendar dates which will include trips and the trip information and news items of what we’ve been up to in school.  You will also notice that there are Classroom Pages: here you can see all of the staff that work with your children, class trip dates, the curriculum bulletins and PE days.  Teachers will continue to update you with weekly classroom news and ad-hoc classroom messages via ClassDojo


You can access the website by clicking on the following link:  www.colehamprimary.co.uk

We recommend you bookmark the Update page for quick access to parent information:  https://colehamprimary.co.uk/home/parents-area/updates/


2023-24 Term Dates

The term dates for 2023-24 have now been set and the school holidays have been input to the website Calendar.


Parents’ Evenings

We have also set this term’s parent consultation evenings.  These will be 10 minute appointments, in school, where you will be able to discuss anything about your child’s time at school.  They wil take place on:


  • Wednesday 2nd November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm
  • Thursday 3rd November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm


A letter will be sent out next week giving details of how you will be able to book your 10 minute slot online.


Careers Week

We have our Careers Week taking place after half term which we wrote to you about yesterday.  This is a fantastic opportunity for our children to experience stories of all those interesting and exciting careers many of you have.  Many of you have jobs that the children will never have considered before, and you may be the insipiration a child needs!  We’d love to see as many families getting involved as possible, so please do contact the school office if you would like to share your stories of working life with the children.


Relationships & Health Education 

In a few weeks time, there will be a Relationships and Health Education Information Evening (previously known as Relationship & Sex Education) with our PSHE Leader, Mrs Field.  The presentation will give you information about how we teach the children this subject and will also provide support for parents to talk about these topics with your children at home.

Relationships and Health Education Curriculum Evening for Parents on

Wednesday 19th October between 3:45 – 4:30pm in Year 2 Owl’s classroom

It is highly recommended that all interested parents from across the school attend this meeting, but it would not be appropriate for children to attend.


House Competition

Next week, we are looking forward to our first House Competition of the year, which will be a singing competition organised by Mrs Porrett.  We even have a special guest from Shropshire Music Service judging the KS2 competition!  Watch out for the results on ClassDojo.


It only remains for me to wish you all a relaxing and restful weekend!

3-18 Education Trust
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