Headteacher Letter

Dear Parent/Carers,

Well what a week it’s been!  The children have done magnificently in their Nativity and Christmas Shows, we are so proud of them all.  It felt absolutely magical to hear all the children singing together in church and all credit to the children for their commitment.  It takes an awful lot of focus to be part of such a big show, for practising the songs in the run up, to rehearsals and finally performing to 3-4 different audiences.  A huge thank you to our Music Teacher Mrs Porrett who pulled out all the stops and to you all for coming along to watch.


Thank you for your generosity and hamper donations, we raised £900 to purchase lots of exciting resources for the children.


Next week the children will visit ‘Elfridges’ in school time.  The Coach House has been transformed into the ‘Elves’ Grotto where children can shop for Christmas Gifts for loved ones and family.  Every child in school will visit and there will be a selection of gifts for all the family (sorry no pets this year).

Children love this experience and it is lovely to see them choosing gifts for members of their family.  It teaches the children the value of kindness and giving gifts rather than receiving them.

Gifts cost £2.50 each and can be purchased over the weekend on Parent Pay via your child’s account.  (The cost includes the gift, wrapping and a small donation to school.) You may purchase 1 or more gifts if you wish and we will have a class register recording the number of gifts purchased for each child.

It is important to us that every child in school is included in this experience and enjoys the Grotto visit.  We ask that if you are able to purchase a gift for your child, then please support this school event.  If not, please don’t worry we will ensure every child takes a gift home.

We really couldn’t do this without your support, so thank you!


Next Tuesday 13th December EYFS, Years 1 & 2 will be visiting Theatre Severn to watch Beauty and the Beast show, finishing at 4:30pm.  Coaches are booked to bring the children back to school for approximately 5:15pm.  It will be dark and we need to release the children safely after they have collected their belongings from the classrooms so please do not wait on the pavement for the coaches to arrive.  We will open the front school gate and you should collect your children from outside Badgers & Foxes Classrooms or the playground where you would normally pick them up from.  Please be mindful of the traffic situation at this time outside the front of school with large coaches trying to exit, if you are able to walk to collect your child then please do so.


Our School Christmas Lunch will take place next Wednesday.  We’ll have an extra long lunch time so we can all enjoy a festive meal together, both staff and children.  This will be a NON-UNIFORM DAY and the children are free to wear whatever clothes they choose from home.  It will be School Uniform for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday although a spot of tinsel and Christmas hat can jazz this up!

Please see the menu below:

School Trips

Tuesday-Year 6 Liverpool Trip

Arrival at school: 7:50am

Collection: 4:00pm by Parent/Carer

School Uniform & Packed Lunch required


Thursday-Year 5 :Lions Synagogue Tripam

Arrival Time: 8:15am

Collection: Normal time

School Uniform & Packed Lunch required

Staff Christmas Video

As our gift to the children, we have for the third year running, produced a Christmas Song which will be released next week!  We are very excited about showing this to you as we had lots of fun making it.

Finally, have a super weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday morning for our last week of school in 2022.

Best Regards,

Mr Larkham


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