Yr 6 Crucial Crew Trip

The children in Year 6 have been fortunate to be accepted for the Crucial Crew which takes place this year at the Flaxmill Maltings, Shrewsbury on Friday 14th June.  This is a very popular event which all schools in Shropshire would like to take part in but for which places are very limited.

Crucial Crew is run by the West Midlands Police Force and the aim of it is to give older children an insight in how to deal with safety hazards, such as fires and accidents, and also to make them aware of the dangers of drug/alcohol abuse.

The children will be transported by coach, leaving school at 9.00am sharp, so please ensure they arrive a little earlier that morning so that registration can be taken at 8.50am. They will return to school at approximately 3.00 p.m.

Please ensure that your child wears their school uniform – especially their sweatshirts/cardigans – as this will enable them to be identified more easily whilst there. As many of the activities take place outside, they will also need a waterproof, lightweight coat in case of inclement weather.

Children will need to bring a packed lunch. Those entitled to free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch by our caterers but you may want to supplement this with additional refreshments.

Crucial Crew request that parents ensure that their children have had something to eat before they embark on the day’s activities, especially if it is hot: children will not have a mid-morning break at this event so the earliest they will get to eat will be approx. 12.15pm. Over the years, a number of children have had to attend the first aid centre because of feeling faint, which has usually been because of lack of food or dehydration. They are allowed to carry a bottle of water around with them during the day, which they will be able to top up during their lunch break.

The cost of the trip is £5.00 per child including transport, insurance and activities.  Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account, in the usual way prior to the date of the trip please. 


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