Early Language Support for Every Child pathfinder programme (ELSEC)

Dear Parent/Carer

Re: Early Language Support for Every Child pathfinder programme (ELSEC)
We are writing to let you know that your school has been selected to work in partnership with
a local pathfinder programme developing early language support for every child (ELSEC).

There are 9 pathfinder sites across England with the aim of looking at different ways of
promoting speech, language and communication in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. The
programme will build on what your school is already doing to promote Speech, Language and
communication (SLC), and provide additional interventions for children with SLC needs
(SLCN). It is complementary to the existing Speech and Language Therapy support already
provided within the setting.

The ELSEC team will work closely with selected staff and parents to increase confidence and
skills in relation to SLC. The team will also work directly with selected children to develop their
communication. Primarily this will be through small group interventions, support in class, whole
class approaches and training where needed. It will also include parent sessions and support.

Each child in the preschool class, reception, and year 1 cohorts will be screened using a short
screening tool from the Talk Boost programme. Children will then be selected for further
intervention. You will be contacted if your child moves into an intervention programme and as
parents/carers you will be invited to work in partnership with members of the team.

Your child will automatically be enrolled in the ELSEC programme. If you choose to opt-out of
this programme then please contact your school stating that you would like to remove your
child from the ELSEC programme by the end of the day on Monday 16th September 2024.
We are very much looking forward to supporting the children, parents and staff team at your
school and working closely with you all to make a real difference to the children’s futures.

Yours faithfully,

The ELSEC team (NHS Trust – Telford & Wrekin Council)

3-18 Education Trust
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